Dev Stream

I believe it’s my new job. They must keep adding something weird to my water. I’ll blame Zantai for that anyway, because that’s what I always do.

My boss once asked me who didn’t turn off the machine, I said “Zantai”. Welp… We both were confused…

I’m hurt, devastated, in tears that you would think I’d do such a thing!

Well, alright, you got me. When Zantai said he’d be showing off the new game mode I grabbed hold of him and threatened dire reprisals if he did. Do you know how long it takes me to transcribe all his chats when he does a stream. It’s like FOREVER! It was only when he promised not to show it AT ALL before release that I let him get back to work. :smiley:

I won again. I big. I genius. I inteligent. I the best.

And if you believe this you really don’t know Zantai. :smiley: Only one can influrence him in any way and that’s the holy one Medierra.

A stream? Today? Can’t remember when I saw one :frowning: please ;( ;( … ;(

No, not today. Maybed next Friday. Devs usually stream on a Friday when they do one.

You can see the last couple on youtube. Allminoxy doing some of his monster creations.

And Zantai showing off the new movement skills and also new music from Skewsound.

Why are there no saved streams or clips on the twitch account?

They expire after a certain amount of time, and it’s been a while since the last stream, unfortunately.

Crate uploads selected streams to Youtube.

Yeah, it’s been nearly a month and they usually go after a couple of weeks. But the last two streams are on the link eisprinzessin provided: Allminoxy’s art stream and Zantai showing off the new movement runes.

I just remembered that. Guess what? I won’t be home because I already promised my grandmommy that I’ll visit her in the evening (so I’ll skip leg day I mean stream day because the stream usually starts at 8 in the evening for me). I don’t have anyone to blame now, so I’ll blame the person in the next message. :slight_smile:

Pls blame me! Pick me! Me!

I do blame you. You’re the worst. :mad:

You’ll make me blush.

You? Blush? Don’t make me laugh. You couldn’t blush if you tried. :smiley:

I’m a shy guy. Blushing is my thing.

Yeah … right. :smiley:

And I love cheese.

no stream?

We want stream, pls give us. I wanna see new game mode, my expectation bar is set fairly high.