Dev Stream

I’m glad you asked that, now I won’t get yelled at for doing so. :smiley:

Of course how far ahead is the question. They have been known to do it only a few hours before a stream starts. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Don’t worry, I will never yell at you even if I’ll be bitching at you. I only spread love and flowers. Wait, I don’t spread flowers! Who wrote that in my script!?

BIg Z snuck it in. Didn’t you notice? :smiley:

Does that mean Mr. Big Z will yell at me? :frowning:

No, because you read it out as planned. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I don’t have a folder with these things. I just google them and paste as they are because I am too lazy to download that. Also I don’t need trash on my PC. :slight_smile:

So there was no stream today. :confused: Oh well…

I’ll think whom to blame. Gimme some time.

Get your first look inside the Shattered Realm during our livestream this Friday at 2pm EST (6PM GMT).

Bring your questions, bring your hype.

Come hang out with us!

O M G! A stream at last. Thank you gods of cairn, the holy one Medierra and his angel Zantai. Looking forward to seeing it in action. :slight_smile:

Nice, I am eager to see the shattered realm in action. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice!

lazy me waiting for the great almighty Medea to put today’s stream highlights in the “what do we know so far” thread… all hail to Medea

Again streaming when I am at work. Nice. Perfect timing. I hate that. But no worries, Zantai, I blame medea fleecestealer for that. :slight_smile:

Very lazy then since it’ll be Saturday afternoon before I can even get to tracking down all the info the stream will have in it. If you can bear to wait that long you must be the laziest person on the planet. :wink:

Of course I’m to blame. I have Zantai under my thrall, wrapped around my little finger, begging me to tell him what to do next.

:smiley: And if you believe that, you’ll believe anything!

Oh, I was expecting Sunday or Monday… but it turns out to be Saturday… AFTERNOON, not evening or night… you are awesome…

Yes, I am super lazy… but the real reason for not watching the stream is that watching the stream and seeing new contents in action will make me weep… reading info about them is not so bad… so I’d rather wait for the thread update

Cool, i’ll try to be there, really interested to see that new game mode in action !

Livestream going up today at 2pm EST (6PM GMT).

Shattering amounts of hype!

The stream answered MANY questions today (you guys had a lot of them!), and created many more.

If you couldn’t join us, you can still watch the recording on Twitch, or on Youtube once we upload it in the near future.

The end of the stream featured a certain spoiler as well…

I missed the stream, any update to the mastery and what name was it confirmed?