The 27th July live stream started off showing us the new Shattered Realm quest hub and portal.
"So what we actually have here is the quest hub you’ll be entering for the Forgotten Gods expansion. Pretty early on in the game if you’d like - because the pre-requisite for those who don’t know already is to clear Act 1, to defeat Warden Kreig and then you’ll have access to this quest line - if you’d like or you can keep going through the main campaign, on to Ashes of Malmouth and the next difficulty. You do not need to complete Forgotten Gods to access the next difficulty, like Ashes of Malmouth.
tinyangrycrab :so what’s the point of this expansion, does it add the ability to shoot more fireballs
Um, yeah. How could we add an expansion without adding more fireballs, that just seems pointless.
These statues are so awesome. I was so impressed when they came online.
Looks like an ancient time, well a little bit. There was definitely a lot of Middle Eastern influence when we went into this. A lot of Egyptian influence, Persian.
creatorofworlds :Is the DLC content for GD accessible to modders?
Yeah, absolutely. All the data from Ashes of Malmouth and when you purchase Forgotten Gods is on your computer for you to extract and make mods with.
The person on the left? I think you might recognise this armour, although the face needs a little bit of updating. Place holder, surprise.
Sentinel armour, yes. Here’s a secret guys, if you like the Sentinel set you’ll be able to get it as a set in Forgotten Gods.
Show you the Korvaak constellation already. Tell you what, at the end of the stream I will show you the Korvaak constellation. Remind me at the end if I forget.
Are we getting 6 or 7 new classes? At least 8 and a half new classes.
That portal. I’m going to close it and open it again and again.
Vorx002 :ulgrim is lost again ?
Ulgrim actually got sucked into the Shattered Realm and you have to find him on level 100. That’s the real secret.
Pokerkid777 :So opening the portal doesn’t cost anything?
That’s correct. However, if you want to skip to a deeper Shard in the Shatter Realm you can craft Waystones which do cost resources and money. But that’s only if you want to start at a particular floor. But if you’re starting a new fresh run from the first Shard, it doesn’t cost anything at all.
sirspanksalot92 :is the shattered realm basically an infinite dungeon? is there an end to it?
Effectively there is no end to it. You could go on forever. Based on the amount of tuning we’ve done so far you could probably get to like a thousand floors. I don’t know if anyone would ever get that far because it would probably scale too much … but you could.
wrekonize_games :you can name the release date of the add-on?
All I can tell you right now is it’s coming later this year.
addeponkeN :can i leave the realm?
There are two ways: you can die or you can finish it. If you do die you can re-enter it. That’s a fundamental difference from how the other rogue dungeons in Grim Dawn have worked so far. You’re not permanently locked out if you do fail by dying If you’re playing hardcore it’s kinda over for you, I think that’s a given.
lykre :Is it randomly generated? Is that the engine limitation that you guys bypassed?
So, it i semi-random. And what I mean by this is that each of the levels is hand crafted. But the order of the levels that you’ll run into them and what spawns on those levels is fully randomised. And right now, in the current test phase, we something like 12 floors made and we’re going to add many, many more as we proceed in development.
ZlickX :so hardcore chars cant actually leave except for alt+f4 or finishing it?
That would be correct, just like the Crucible effectively.
powbampowbam :Will modders be able to make their own levels to add to it Zantai?
Yeah, if you mod the world you can add more dungeon floors. You can add as many as you want. You can customise what spawns on those floors, you can customise how much it takes to clear a dungeon.
So right now it looks like the soul drops are a little too generous since I finished this floor a little too quickly. We’ll have to tweak that, but the general idea is you collect the Shattered Realm souls and when you’ve filled the bar you can proceed to the next floor.
Matthew___A :what does purple bar in top right mean?
That purple bar is for the particular chunk you’re on. Once you fill it you can proceed.
No loot drops while you’re clearing the dungeon. When you decide to cash out or push deeper then you decide if you want loot or not. The idea being if you keep pushing and going on , trying to beat that clock so you get the bonus reward, if you have to keep stopping to sort your loot it kinda detracts from that.
Pokerkid777 :Is there a reason to stay on the floor once the bar is filled?
There’s not. Once you clear a floor, everything on it is cleared out, you just have an open path onwards to the next level.
binksterrrrrr :how far do you have to go into the shattered realms before being offered the option to cash out?
Each Shard is 5 chunks. At the end of that you fight a boss and if you defeat the boss you can decide if you want to proceed or cash out. Every 5 floors effectively you can stop, if you want to.
ddalius :Can the portal just spawn on you then rather than spawning far away?
There aren’t plans to do that. I will tell you that based on the current tuning that’s in here it’s a little over-tuned in terms of how quickly you clear a floor. You should be much closer to the end of it when you fill the bars.
DooDoo850 : Does nemesis spawn in here?
Oh yeah. They spawn in multiples.
Can party members join you if you’re X levels deep?
Yes. So unlike the Crucible where a floor was in progress you wouldn’t be able to enter, here a player could join you immediately at any time, hop in to where you are, start cleaning mobs and proceed to the next level.
JA_Sinclair :As of now there is no way to customize or switch the “click” on left/right joystick its fixed and its annoying cause you sometimes simply press to hard and you switch weapons or skill bar without your intention. I would like to turn that of or switch it away.
Can’t you customise controllers 100% through Steam? Or am I missing something?
MrT3k : Does the clock ‘‘restart’’ after first chuck/map ?
No, if you fail the clock that’s it, you failed the clock you don’t get the bonus.
CoffeeK1d :how many maps are there the realm rotation?
Right now there’s 12, just for the testing phase to make sure everything’s working, but there will be many, many more as we progress towards release.
oOniDasAlagoas :Will we have an option like TQ: Ragnarok to start a char with higher level?
No, I don’t think we’d ever do that. It seems a weird solution to the problem they’d be having.
ResidentCeno :Any plans to add a drop/mechanic to add time? Worried about entering a “clear speed” meta
Yes, sort of. Sort of like in the Crucible whenever you kill a hero or a higher boss hero the clock is incremented, we’re adding that to the Shattered Realm. The programmer is working on it as we speak.
StrUktO :how does the shattered realm fit into the lore?
I don’t want to spoil anything, but the name of the expansion might be why it’s the Shattered Realm.
IvIumboJumbo11 :Shard system looks awesome. Is there going to be any quality of life changes with DLC? Such as auto pickup on Components
We are not planning to add any auto-pick up mechanics. There are however, all sort of quality of life improvements one of which I can actually show you in a bit which is the challenge areas. Another being the ability to re-roll set items into other set items, there’s all the movement skills. I haven’t even been using that, I’ve got teleport on this guy.
sirspanksalot92 :hey Zantai, what’s the price point for the expac if you don’t mind me asking?
The price point will be comparable to Ashes of Malmouth. This is a pretty big expansion, just like Ashes of Malmouth turned out to be, so something in the 10 to 20 dollar range. We’ll definitely give you a better idea once we’re closer to release and we kinda lock down how much stuff we’re adding. We’re still finishing the content as of now, there are more bosses being made, more dungeons being made. A lot of stuff.
User682345413597354 :Any chance of getting more options for the loot filter for things like MI’s?
I would definitely like to do something to make finding Monster Infrequents easier for you guys. I haven’t thought of a solution that doable RUI and won’t take a ton of time unfortunately. We’ll see. I can’t promise anything right now.
davespen :What happens when the clock hits zero?
When the clock hits zero you miss out on the bonus loot.
LordFratos :are we gonna meet the girl on AoM screen or what?
Yes, yes you will. Her name is Byscella and you’ll meet her in the Conclave of the Three.
Sobergeist :how rare will new transmutation materials be?
Are you talking about stuff to transmute sets? I mean the ones that let you change an item in a set to the same set is not going to be the most common items in the world, unless you’re loaded, but it’s not going to be so forbiddingly rare that you’re never going to want to re-roll sets.
Oneshout_Live :so no xp from enemies in shattered realm ?
Yes, you do not earn XP here until you cash out - same as the Crucible. When you cash out you get XP based on how far you got and that goes up pretty high, depending on how far you went.
tupacx92 :@CrateEntertainment is this the last expansion for GD ?
I think it’s very likely that this will be the last big content push we do for Grim Dawn. It’s just the kind of natural progression of a release product like this. There was a huge spike when the game came out and sales are still trickling in for the base game. Then Ashes of Malmouth came out and the spike wasn’t as big as it was for the base game was and that’s fine, that’s how expansions go. And we expect Forgotten Gods to be a little bit lower than Ashes of Malmouth, but still good enough to make it worth while making the expansion otherwise we wouldn’t be making it financially speaking.
SkyllaSkylla :And how many new items ±?
I can just pop up that spreadsheet and let’s see. So not counting lower level versions of items, there’s over 200 new uniques, a ton of new faction gear, a ton of new monster infrequents.
Spikenik9 :and in GD2 do we get to meet the FG loading screen guy?
Actually I hope we can get the FG loading screen guy into FG.
Pokerkid777 :Will there be any way to skip elite straight into ultimate? Going through the main game and 2 expansions 3 times can become very tedious at times.
I do understand that concern for some of you who have been playing the game for a long time and want to level a bunch of characters up to maximum difficulty. I actually have an idea for how to have a solution to this conundrum for those of you. The programmer is looking into how doable that solution would be and how long it would take. There are a lot of factors involved here. The biggest one honestly is we don’t want to break your characters, primarily due to the attribute and skill rewards you get on Normal and Elite difficulties. When we release an expansion we’re more careful of that so the skill rewards are exclusive to Ultimate.
derpymountain :ARE WE GOING TO GET A DOPE ASS SEQUAL in the not near future
I can’t tell you when Grim Dawn 2 will come out or if it will come out at this time. I think it would be pretty cool to do more of Grim Dawn down the line, I think the people who are working on Grim Dawn might need a bit of a break from working on Grim Dawn for so long. Do some stuff, try some different genres. There’s you know our other project Medierra’s been working on that he will probably announce at some time.
AdiosOcelote : Didn’t you say the same after releasing AoM?
I mean I suppose we did, but ultimately it is a financially driven decision. I guess if Forgotten Gods blows us away in terms of how many copies it sells then maybe a third expansion would be discussed. But at this time isn’t not like - we’re definitely doing a third expansion.
BrierTog :i do hope with all the new stuff we will get more bank space too
One new tab for personal and transfer stash.
enkrypter :Are there any plans to get a transparent overlay map like D3 or PoE?
There are no plans to do that. That was a deliberate design decision. I think you can dig up Medierra’s reasoning for why somewhere on the forum. It’s a pretty old post so might take some digging, but it was a deliberate decision. Sort of to keep you playing the game instead of playing the map.
eisprinzessin :Medierra’s reasoning for having the map as it is:
LacielMG :Any plans for xp after max lvl ? something like bonus xp or “paragon” ?
Absolutely not. I think on a personal level that a character should have an end point and paragon levels goes against that. I’m not a fan of endless grinding and things like that.
drazac :if you do decide to make Grim Dawn 2, can you confirm that one of the goals would be to use new engine
I can’t actually confirm that for you because there’s really two avenues we could take with Grim Dawn 2. Either we start with a new engine and we rewrite a lot of the mechanics that we added for Grim Dawn to add it to that engine or we take the Grim Dawn engine and overhaul major components of it to bring it up to speed with whatever era we’ll be in at the time technology-wise.
IvIumboJumbo11 :There going to be LVL increase to 110 or Ascendant type for a couple more skills at 100 or anything like that?
There will be more quest rewards to give you skill points on Ultimate difficulty. Level cap is not changing very much.
JA_Sinclair :Can I dare to ask about a Linux-Version or is this kind of impossible with the current GD Engine?
Nothing’s impossible with an engine because you can just rewrite any part of it. It’s just a matter of how long it would take and is it financially viable and the unfortunate answer with Linux is it’s just not big enough to warrant the work required. If you look at the Steam user survey you’d find that Linux currently represents 0.5% of the Steam user base and Steam is literally our biggest share of sales by a massive margin. Like 95% of sales are Steam, so if only 0.5% of people on Steam are using Linux it’s kinda hard to justify the programming time necessary.
Iceberg_ :so will enemies in FG always scale with player then ?
They will still have levels based on which difficulty you’re playing on. They will have a pretty wide range because you can enter it at level 15 if you rush the Warden.
:One of my biggest issues with Grim Dawn is that I get lost trying to find quest locations, are there any plans to improve map marking for quest zone areas? PS. I’ve never finished the base game because of frustration issues and lack of patience.
You’re not going to like my answer because we kind of deliberately wanted Grim Dawn to be about discovery and exploration and the quest NPCs who give you the quest and the dialogue and also the quest log gives you directions on where to go and when you get close to a quest target that’s when it shows on the mini-map. And that is by design, it’s not something like oh well we could still improve. We actually wanted it to be this way and I do realise that that isn’t for everybody.
ilmithir :Story wise when is the best moment to start with the FG exp?
You want the smoothest gaming experience then go play Ashes of Malmouth and then play Forgotten Gods. They’re sort of divergent stories along the way, they don’t cover the same big threats so there isn’t really a problem if you go to Forgotten Gods first. If you go to Forgotten Gods before meeting say Kymon’s Chosen and the Order of Death’s Vigil things might get a little tricky, but we accounted for those continuities.
garbageking64 :will shattered realm enemies be fully randomized with each floor, not like crucible with a set of possible mobs per round?
Exactly. Each floor has a huge selection of mobs it can spawn and each time, even if you’re on the same floor, you’re going to run into new mobs. And once you get deeper into the Shattered Realm, that’s when you might see some traps spawning too. And those can do some crazy things to rooms. Dangerous things. Kinda bullshit, but it’s fun.
Greek_Feta_Cheese:@CrateEntertainment is there going to be a vendor that re-rolls stat tiers or a vendor that adds a random prefix or suffix to an item that only has one prefix/ suffix ?
I wouldn’t say we’re planning on doing anything like that.
Caerbae :what is the MI availability from the realms?
The Shattered Realm has pretty similar loot tables to how the Crucible works. Once you get to a certain level of chest quality you’re going to start seeing monster infrequents, but they’ll be random. If you want to target a particular monster infrequent doing out in the main world is the way to go, especially with the addition of these new challenge areas which will increase the quality of those monster infrequents.
T3Kv2 :@CrateEntertainment sorry if this was answered, but will you have more Quest/Missions where you can change the outcome of a base. Like do something for an npc and it can make the base look better. Kinda like the quest for Fabric for the prison and you add cloth roofs and stuff
It’s not as big a feature in Forgotten Gods as these guys already have an established base when you come there so it didn’t really make sense thematically for you to be improving that for them, but you still do have an impact on some of the NPCs in town and you should choose which of the 3 Witch Gods you actually want to work with because that will change what quests you do to get to the ending.
garbageking64 :hopefully each post-xpac patch will add a few more floor patterns?
That’s possible. I wouldn’t rule it out.
OpheliacDS1 :this is still an unsafe death for Hardcore toons right ?
Yes, it’s still an unsafe death. You do not want to play in there if you play on hardcore.
bigpapabear888 :will nemesis/named bosses be main campaign strong or crucible strong in the shattered realm?
Everything in the Shattered Realm is main campaign strong so whatever you’re used to in the Crucible, it’s going to be tougher here.
AdiosOcelote :So can we finish the game mode by winning or only by losing? I am confused because you said that it ends if we win or lose, and now you said it’s unlimited and wtf
There is no win or lose. There is you got to a check point or you didn’t. So every boss you get to decide - do I grab my loot or do I want to go further. And if you get to the point where you actually can’t beat it that’s kind of the risk you’ve taken. You need to be able to beat the boss to get the loot.
If you beat the timer you get bonus loot. The timer doesn’t prevent you from earning loot at all.
ResidentCeno :Will you have a Steam bundle for AoM+FG and/or base GD?
I think down the line that is certainly a possibility. I’m not sure when Medierra plans to do that. I think it will happen.
zakknaphen :How many different mutators are there?
I think 30 - forget.
Giblix :how are the amount of mutators decided? normal is 1, elite 2, ultimate 3?
Mutator numbers are decided by the Shard you’re in. So the deeper you go the more you contend with. You can actually end up with more mutators in the Shattered Realm than the Crucible. The same mutators you’ve been fighting with in the Crucible will be in the challenge areas, in the Shattered Realm.
EvilBaka :When/how do you get the exclusive Legendary set from the shattered realm?
It’s based on your progression. There are certain thresholds that if you meet you’ll get a piece of the set and the deeper you go you’ll get another piece of the set and another piece until you complete the set.
At the Steps of Torment: We’ve entered a Treacherous Domain and you can see there’s a mutator active. Enemies here have higher health, more damage and other stats boosts to make them more dangerous than enemies outside. But in exchange for that they have a much higher chance of dropping good loot.
IvIumboJumbo11 :any new levelling gear ? Like Lokkars set. Maybe different slots.
I think as levelling gear Lokkar’s set does a pretty good job. I don’t know if we want to add any more.
Pokerkid777 :If Forgotten Gods ends up being the last expansion, how much longer do you expect GD to be supported with balance changes and bug fixes?
As long as it makes sense to. Just because we’re not going to work on a giant expansion doesn’t mean that we’ll just stop developing Forgotten Gods stuff. We have ideas for what we could do for post release stuff, whether that could be some new items or some more floors for end of dungeons, might even do some more story content potentially. We will see. And there’ll be additional balancing needed because there’ll be new items, there’s going to have to be some tweaks to make sure everything’s competitive and build diversity goes up.
iorik9999 :wait, i might have missed it, but challenging mode is toggle on and off? or?
There is no challenge mode. There are certain areas that are more difficult. But that’s already generally been the case. There are certain areas in the game that are already more difficult, but the loot wasn’t actually that much better than areas that weren’t as challenging. So this allows us to not only tweak that difficulty with mutators and stuff, but we actually substantially increased the drop rate of rare items.
drazac :What is Crate’s stance on class imbalances. Where certain builds wreak Crucible 170, while others, with BiS gear can barely do 150. To be specific, compare Drain Essence with AAR
Imbalances like that are a matter of you guys bringing it to our attention. We’re not going to literally play every build that exists and balance them. I can tell you that Arcanist is actually seeing a few changes in the next patch which will hit probably around the time the expansion comes out. That will rebalance the skills across the board for Arcanist. Particularly Aether Ray as well.
FreezardB :are mutators going to be a thing that modders will be able to play around with in FG? I really want to make a BLAMT zone now
Yes, absolutely. You could make a challenge area that has one mutator that ever appears in it. That’s always that one, it doesn’t change if you wanted to. You can put in new mutators, you can change how new mutators appear in an area. You can change how difficult the monsters are.
Giblix :regarding the mutators in side areas. i could understand this on Ultimate difficulty. @Zantai are you not worried to scare of the more casual players who already have issues going through said content on normal/elite?
Not too concerned, I mean if there is going to be an issue we can make changes to the balance, but mutators and such - the scaling is per difficulty so the mutators and the modifiers the monsters get to their other stats are different on Ultimate versus Normal. For example on Normal a Treacherous Domain hardly any damage increase at all for regular monsters whereas on Ultimate there is a damage increase.
AllerionGr :is there any chance of you guys making character packs like diablo 3 did with the necromancer?
I think that is very unlikely due to the fact that Grim Dawn is not always online we don’t have a way to kind of lock you out of certain bits of content so if someone owns the 10th mastery DLC pack and someone else does not those people could literally not play multiplayer together because their game versions are incompatible. Which is why we don’t do deals like that, we go all out with big expansions.
droblit :@CrateEntertainment is there going to be more space in the stash for loot?
We are adding another tab to both the personal and transfer tabs.
sunblaze31 :those mutators and dangerous/treacherous areas work with every rogue dungeon right? loves valbury
Yes. Port Valbury, Bastion of Chaos, Ancient Grove, those are all included in these new challenge area player mode.
droblit :@CrateEntertainment does re-entering a dungeon resets/reshuffles the mutators?
You can’t re-enter a rogue-like dungeon already so not sure what you mean. If you enter the same dungeon in a new session there’ll be new mutators, yes.
Eddalius :Zantai will never directly confirm sentinel
I’m not sure what sentinel you’re talking about. That would be such a weird thing to show on a character list, call it something particular. Such a weird leak. Accident. Mistake. So weird.
RaketenHarry :some quality of life improvements planned like easier crafting mythic relics?
Probably won’t be any major changes to crafting systems at this point. I think if we were to make a sequel we would definitely make some changes to the way crafting works.
Giblix :Grava said he might make a secret map with the devs as monsters. similar to TQ secret area. is this coming with FG??
Probably time permitting. It’s one of those things that really only happens at the end. So once everything is done, we’ve written all the lore notes, balanced all the bosses, all the maps are done, that’s when we do fun stuff like the secret quests. Worst case I’ll probably spend an evening making sure something exists cause I can’t not add another secret quest.
vIumboJumbo11 :So each rogue like going to have there own set. Or shared between all of them?
Each rogue will drop a piece of a shared item set. So if you want to get piece A of a set you’ll do Steps of Torment, B Port Valbury, etc.
AllerionGr :is there a release date for the expansion?
There’s “a” release date, not one I can tell you.
Iceberg_ :would you be able to re-roll dungeon set pieces ?
Yes, you would be able to use the new system to re-roll sets. There are a few sets we actually prevent from being transmutable, specifically into other sets. You can’t take certain predictable set drops and then just re-roll them into all the other sets in the game - like the Kreig set.
Spikenik9 :faith’s guard?
Faith’s Guard. That’s weird. It’s like an item got renamed for some reason.
[SPOILER]Faith’s Guard
Epic Shield
Required Player Level 50
Required Physique 521
35% Chance to block 725 damage
0.85 Block Recovery
98 Physical Damage
+49% Physical Damage
+84% Lightning Damage
+390 Health
+4% Defensive Ability
+9% Shield Block Chance
34% Fire Resistance
48% LIghtning Resistance
+2 to Field Command
+1 to all skills in Oathkeeper[/spoiler]
boromonokli :any news on the overhauled retal concept?
I can tell you Forgotten Gods is going to make retaliation more interesting. Make of that what you will.
Sinnfullduck :@CrateEntertainment Will there be anything coming to help me with my Gravechill Drain Essence build?
I would say yes. We did look into some of the transmuters that did not have so much item support and make that better.
Greek_Feta_Cheese :@CrateEntertainment can you say which classes / masteries are going to be getting the most attention in terms of buffing or reworking stuff ?
I mean that’s just something that happens when we’re working on patches. That’s not like Forgotten Gods is going to come out and there’s going to be a huge overhaul. As we make improvements to the existing classes whether that’s tuning, I don’t really think we’re going to be reworking any skills. I don’t know what you’re expecting, but any tuning over time we release in patches and that applies to the base game, to Ashes of Malmouth and will apply to Forgotten Gods when it comes out.
NoEgoGaming :Are you guys going to cater to the stacking of mats similar to d3 system , that people where complaining about ?
NoEgoGaming :like when you pick mats , they stack to a “different tab” where you can pick them up from there
Oh, you’re talking about a dedicated materials tab. We actually considered that and the problem was that we have too many components so it’s kinda late as we’d have to make some kind of new stash UI because it would need a new scroll bar to fit all those spaces so the answer to that right now is we’re not going to do something like that. I think when we make a Grim Dawn 2, if we make a Grim Dawn 2, one of the things we’d do is make a components case.
droblit :@CrateEntertainment how long do you plan to work on GD? is there going to GD 2?
Well, Forgotten Gods will probably be like the last big content release we do. Whether we do something afterwards like something smaller like the Crucible depends on the team, whether we do any patches depends on how the sales are going. So long as the game is active, the sales are steady then we’ll keep supporting the game and keep you guys interested. As for Grim Dawn 2 that’s too far into the future to confirm or deny.
The_Cysquatch :Will we be getting more mythic versions of items that still don’t have them, or does that come down to enough people asking for it?
I think generally it comes down to enough people wanting an item to come back. There’s one set I can think of that is going to get a Mythic version that did not previously have one.
iorik9999 :by the way, what’s the new skill for the Korvaak deception relic?
It’s like Primal Strike … but with fire.
StrUktO :how are you doing on the xbone port?
It’s kinda going through the certification process. We have to check all the boxes before it can be put up on the Xbox marketplace effectively.
AllerionGr : plans for a switch port?
Not very likely primarily due to performance concerns. Switch just doesn’t have as much juice as the other consoles and the infrastructure portal of Switch itself is very different. Xbox is actually the easiest to port to of the 3.
Spikenik9 :what’re you gonna work on zantai? oathkeeper?
Right now I’m actually working on all the new items in the game. The stats are actually finished on all the items and now we have to go through the joyful process of getting them into the game. Have to make all the skill modifiers, all those skill procs, but yeah they’re almost done. I mean the stats, the art, still a lot of artwork to do."
Also showed off one of the tier 2 movement runes.
And Zantai finished off this ENORMOUS spoiler stream with a look at the Korvaak constellation.
Korvaak constellation requirements:
10 Eldritch
18 Primordial