Diablo: Immortal

Muwhahahahahahahaha! Couldn’t happen to a better company r.e. all the other shitty stuff Activision-Blizzard does vis monetisation. That and this will actually make A-B’s board actually pay attention. Whether or not they actually change course though is another thing entirely, for the irrational need to maximise short term profits irrespective of long term costs oft drives corporations into doing really stupid things.

This sums up everything perfectly.

Well it’s also because they basically put D3 into maintenance mode and then figured not telling their community anything at all is a good way to maintain interest and loyalty…

Here’s a full recap. I really like the fact that Quin69, the streamer, took his time to highlight most issues concerning this PR disaster:

The Diablo Immortal Catastrophe (Youtube)

I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants!
For our developers to love our games as much as we love 'm!
That’s what I want!

People will buy into passion, not into a soulless corporate effort to just make money.

While some fans of GD scream Crate should step up their marketing now that disappointed Diablo fans are eagerly looking for their ARPG fix,
people will find their way to GD and do promotion of their own:

Let’s Talk About Grim Dawn - Because Diablo Immortal Happened at Blizzcon

I am debating on making a shorter Grim Dawn promo video for my channel, like a condensed version of my (pretty long) “GD vs Diablo” series http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79425

And we have another convert to the game. Keep 'em coming Blizzard, keep 'em coming. :smiley:

Yes, I’ve seen those too.
It’s good stuff, but I guess more suited for people who already bought the game, but are still new to it and want to know more.
To get other people interested, a compact version would indeed help, I think.

Yeah exactly my idea, perhaps I should bounce off a couple of manuscript ideas with you guys here

I will say so (if you couldn’t tell I was gushing about the game in the video). The Crate team does some great work. I swear at one point I’ve run across someone from the team when I used to develop (until I took a ‘burning the candle at 3 ends’ to the knee). I still do work from time to time mostly helping other small developers either with PS4 programming or tools programming (under a different name, obvs). I don’t do that stuff full time anymore - and YT is a pet project because I can “finish” stuff without spending years of my life on it while working 60+ at the day job.

I will say that I’ve been sucked into GD. Don’t get me wrong I love Diablo - but I love Diablo, Diablo. 3 was fun but not the evolution I had hoped for. GD nails it on so many levels. It’s not afraid to do what it needs to do to maintain its own identity and nourish the core systems of an iso ARPG.

If there’s one thing I have confidence in after working in the business for years - it’s small teams like Crate. Other teams I’ve helped and had the blessing to work alongside I feel understand what it means to give their game identity and soul. It’s becoming less and less common to see that in triple-a games these days. I’ve had my brush with publishers who have tried to get me on board with my projects and while big names would be nice - the path it always led down was “hey maybe you should do this”. By “this” I mean - let’s drain some soul out of it because we like to make things safe.

Grim Dawn I don’t feel takes this path. It’s what gives it that raw, unfiltered feel where you know core tenets of the genre are not only kept, but evolved in such a way that still honor their beginnings.

As I said in my look - unsure if this was intentional but it’s how I read it - creating a character for the first time with nothing more than a name and a gender set the tone for me as a blank slate. It’s a nice touch, IMO. Fits the story, too, but it told me as the end-user what to expect going in and I liked it.

Kudos to the team. Only took me a few hours of play before I picked up Crucible and AoM ha! Needless to say I’m looking forward to FG.

Here’s hoping we see more from Crate and other small teams stepping in where the big pubs fail to deliver. I’ve got friends across the board at studios and not that I want them to fail - but I’m glad for devs like Crate. I can still play games. That’s good. That’s damn good.

Ha, I think someone is in love! :stuck_out_tongue:
Great video, thank you so much for that.
Really looking forward to a follow up video, when you have spend a hundred hours or so in GD, because there is even more content, not everything is obvious in GD. :cool:

Thanks, dude. I do have plans for a follow up after FG but the next will be long-form. There’s a lot I want to talk about yet.

Currently not digging for every secret as I go through the campaign but play #2 I will be diving more in depth and have more experimentation going on.

Techvania you are such a cool dude. And perfect time to join GD too. Forgotten gods will blow you away with Inquisitor and Oatheeper class combination.

Keep doing what you are doing man and I instantly subscribed too:cool:

I watched your video and it made me happy for GD. It felt like it was just released again for a moment. Hope you channel gets more attention:) And not just for GD of course, but at this very moment I am biased

Well said Techvania.

This is a problem not just in gaming, but globally: big industrial complexes hell bent on efficiency and maximum returns from minimum effort, automation for everything. Instead of creative productivity, uniqueness and serving the many niche desires out there, it all consolidates to ‘a broad audience.’

I’m happy now to pay for services which I perceive value in, not those that use marketing/PR to feign desirability. Hence I’ve bought four copies of GD plus kickatarter/loyalist. Can’t say I’ve ever bought more than one copy of any AAA game…

It’s good to see people checking out GD/PoE, Etc because Blizz pushed too far and suddenly the illusion of the Brand was broken :slight_smile:

You may well have workd with someone. The team have come from several studios, it’s easy to refresh your memory. Just go through the Development Updates where one of the team has introduced themselves (another thing I like about Crate - we get to find out a bit about them, their gaming background, etc) - start at page 10 where Zantai came on board and move forward from there. You’ll also find a few in the Announcements and Information section - Hyborea’sl and Grava’s intros are both in there. Hyboreal was one of the designers on D1/2. You can also look at this picture from Pax East 15 to see if any faces are familiar.

And as Medierra (Arthur Bruno - Crate Entertainment founder and head honcho) said so many years ago on the Kickstarter page:

"Grim Dawn is old-school style, open-world action role-playing!

Grim Dawn is an action role-playing game being created with the tools and technology used to build Titan Quest by a few veteran developers from Iron Lore, including Arthur Bruno, the lead gameplay designer on Titan Quest.

We’re a small team with limited resources and we’re not competing to launch the next big ARPG but if you’re a more traditional gamer that still craves the complexity, intrigue and quirkiness of older games, maybe Grim Dawn can be the next big ARPG for you."

That was the goal - and they seem to have carried it off very, very well. :slight_smile:

Enjoy - and yes make more of those videos. The more we can spread the word the more people will find the game and get enjoyment from it too.

Thanks all for the welcome and kind words :smiley: I just nuked the main campaign and I’m on my way to the Xpac. Absolutely loving every bit so far.

@medea - can’t see the pic for some reason but I’ll have a browse through some threads to see if it jogs my noggin. Either a bump at a trade show or online convo. I’ve had Skype sessions with quite a few programmers both helping me and vice versa and some social media threads.

Programmers. We ride single file to hide our numbers :stuck_out_tongue: We’re also a chatty bunch with each other.

Hope all have a good holiday!

Well, hopefully you can view it here


just found this gem