[Druid] Star Seeker, Cold/Lightning Caster [V1.0.0.6 HC]

Right now, this is one of my favorite builds :cool: :smiley:

Much fun so far. Bit worried about tankiness though. Not sure facetanking fabius works well =)

timing is needed when facetankingā€¦ and a bit of practiceā€¦ take note that you have oleronā€™s blood skill forgot its name that reduces tons of fabiusā€™ damage, you have overcapped maiven sphere and wendigo totemā€¦ with a bit of practice you can do it, and even with iron maiden too you can faceroll herā€¦ though I dont have that 100% success rate with her unlike fabiusā€¦ You dont have too facetank though cuz at the end of the day you are a caster, just circle a bit around and you will be fine:rolleyes:

Yea i still have to face those 2. Havenā€™t really looked for them yet :wink:

wind devil buffs plus mythical trozan equals gg druid trozan on the riseā€¦now would love to get my hands on this build againā€¦ just dont have time:(

This a good build to try as a first char?

Id say no. How u find a set + a specific badge of mastery?

I think for newcomers Soldier+ Shaman or Occulist+ Shaman dont depend that much on items

Hello what is a game play for 25+ lvl?
When start lvl shaman?

Please advice me, i am doing this from begining.


Go shaman from the beginning. Level up with 2h Primal Strike + transmuter + passives and respec later.

Iā€™m playing some kind of light/cold hybrid, but I leveled up strictly as shaman to Stormcallerā€™s Pact instead of going purely arcanist way.

The point is that i start as arcanist, as guide says. So i am now useing Torozan sky shards, but its not efective AOE is really narrow. Also my energy is exhausting very fast Any advices?

respec into Olexaā€™s Flash Freeze + take fireball/greater fireball from Searing Ember/Hellflint Ammo (I think).

Hi, first of all thaks for the postā€¦amazingā€¦
Iā€™m new in this game and iā€™m trying to do this build, but i make a mistake on my attibutes distribution, and i put 23 point in spirit, soo, since it canā€™t be fixed, should i create another char or it not that big deal???

Thereā€™s an attribute reset potion given near the start of the expac.

TSS druid has been my favorite build since release, my HC char has survived all this time and has finished all content in the expac but the ravager. New mythic Trozan set is incredible, along with the new Ultos devotion to combo with Leviathan. I think my OA wound up at 3100 and DA was about 2600.

Grim Tools or it didnā€™t happened :slight_smile:

Grimtools build

Again, this is a hardcore character. Swapping the medal could push dps even further for softcore.

The only gripe I have with the OPā€™s setup:
Iā€™m not sure why anyone would take Wendigo Totem on a TSS Druid, stick and move is hometownā€¦anything you need its extra healing to fight is something you shouldnā€™t be standing around eating damage from, especially with a sub 10s MoE handy.

Can this build be made by a newcomer to the game? How gear dependent is it/can it work till u get all that gear OP has??

I really enjoy caster builds and i already got a shaman, would really love to follow this build

Either way, thanks for all the helpful posts/comments!

For me this build worked out even without any items to begin with. Sure i have a lot of deathā€™s on this char but this was also my first char. Iā€™m still using the eastern set from level 50 on and have no real troubles in chapter 6 on ultimate.

Well im still years away from the point you are but if it worked for you as a 1st char then i hope it works for me too!! I guess there is a way to reroll devotion points together with the skill pointsā€¦

Thanks a lot for the feedback!!

Has anyone updated the build for the new expansion?? OP is only till lvl 85, maybe new devotion/skill cap opens up better paths for this one? Would like to follow someone elseā€™s build for now since its my 1st char and i dont have much knowledge about the game yetā€¦

Check out this post of colma . This is probably a logical ā€œevolutionā€ of the build.