[Druid] Star Seeker, Cold/Lightning Caster [V1.0.0.6 HC]

I keep tweaking mine as well. Went back to survivors ingenuity on my rings and ammy for 2700 DA and 3100 OA.

I also must have had a crappy mythical starkeeper, one dropped earlier today with about 25 more OA and ~50% more of both cold and lightning damage.

The mythical starkeeper scepter and starfury emerald giving TSS 5 total meteors is untouchable. Each one can crit for 60k-100k with a cool down on TSS of 1.7s.

Starkeepers can be dualwielded for 6 stars and 130k+ crits :roll: in exchange of ~2 sec couldown

thanks colma for the build update… :cool:

Can your explain some choices for me in this build? =)

Haunted Steel in the OFF-Hand because of the ADctH? Is this relevant in this build only source is The Ultos skill or do i overlook something?

Why Cindertouch? For Flat lightning DMG? And restless Remains for again ADctH?

Seal of Resonance in Main-hand because of the flat elemental DMG?

Finally would you exchange the Antivenom salve for ugdenbog leather? Is DA not better than the armor + health reg?

Sorry if some of the questions are obvious and thanks for answers.

Gonna take a stab at this, since I’ve been leveling this since the latest major update.

Yes, I am pretty sure the haunted steel and restless remains is so TSS can ADctH with the Ultos skill. I don’t see weapon damage from any other source.

*edit: Yes the seal would be for that flat damage, I can’t think of another component that would fit better.

Since 1.3.0, I think it would be fine to add Ugdenbog Leather since they buffed the armor in caster armors quite a bit.

as I was scanning in grimtools, I came upon this item:

Rolderathis Tome:


-.04 seconds to TSS is really nice but the -1 Meter Target Area to Trozan’s Sky Shard is bothering me?

has anyone tested this item… is this a reduction? a text mistake?

thanks for helping

That modifier alters the homing ability of Trozan (Guess what? Trozan actually has homing). A pretty decent modifier when your TSS has 5 projectiles, making it capable of sniping small hitbox single target, like human sized heroes and bosses.

so it’s not reducing the aoe capabilities of TSS? I was afraid it might be the case. so let me get it straight it’s improving the accuracy of TSS projectiles am I right?



thanks again. With perfectly good rolls I would consider this item BiS then! :stuck_out_tongue:

Using this off hand in my build. Very fun to play. Trozan is on 1.5 sec recast time. Went offensive with this build so it requires some kiting sometimes but i dont mind that. Its a caster after all :wink:

Please let me know if i can improve the build. Have not tried crucible yet so i have no idea how well/bad it does in there.


u have 0 % weapon damage
so IEE and overload doesnt work
elemental balance 12/12 is far enough

max inner focus for more OA

mirror 12/12
max maivens !! and u can put some points in conversion

raging tempest 12/12 is enough, more is not worth
better max maelstrom

leave tempest
and take widow … the RR is a greater impact
or take it both :wink:

im working on a trozans druid as well … will posting mine when he’s finished so far.

Thanks for the input. Although Overload seems to affect TSS. IEE does not.

if that can provide help/ideas,
this is my current TSS druid set up,
still testing around, mostly devotions
could loose amatok to go for time dilatation to get mirror up faster for crucible players i guess; anyway here it is


ps: main con is runspeed that aint capped … :confused:

I was thinking about this, but I am not sure it’s worth it on TSS + Wind Devils Druid (i really like this devotion though). I have 10 sec CD on Mirror and Nullification and with Eternity proc I think it will be even shorter. If you gonna test Time Dilation, please, post your thoughts. I will try this setup https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVlkmGl2

And I think OFF is underrated, you don’t need kite too much (only ground damage and bosses) and thematically its perfect for the build.

if i do testtime dilation ill share my feelings about it but i dont think i will try it, i just dont find/see any devotion path that satisfy me and i honestly dont wanna loose amatok, fits to well in TSS,
as for OFF i have nothing against it, but i dont see the point investing in that skillsince you wont use it against bosses, and aint needed on trashes anyway

Some nice setup (not mine) https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvq5wX2

Some great builds and discussions here. Trozan Druid is my favorite class.

I don’t get the ommission of storm totem on some of the posted setups. It’s an incredible fire and forget and allows you to reposition frequently and nuke without losing dps. I’ve tried several combo’s of gear, and the sky effigy offhands keeps coming out on top.

Amatok also seems pretty essential. Bound to TSS on 1.5 sec CD is insane. Goes off pretty much every cast. Everything devastation ever hoped it could be :slight_smile:

Well heres my updated build. Works very well. Only problem is run speed. Would like to have that at 135%…


turtle may be okayish but why use ghoul? as far as I know only Ashes of Melee builds use this devotion? physical resistance is good but hey this is hit and run build plus your not exactly making use of attack speed and life steal unless you intend to bash people in the face with a scepter. :undecided: