[Dual-Wield Lightning] Amarasta's Savage Assault - Lightning based Savagery/ABB Trickster

You seriously think dropping totem a second earlier would have healed me from that burst? Totem is a very passive source of healing and would’nt have saved me. If I could have done anything better, it would’ve been to activate blade barrier, but I was taken off guard and underestimated how fragile this build was. I was able to beat Log eventually and actually took down Benn’Jahr along the way which was not on video. I’m not saying its a bad build at all. It needs work. I’m leaving this discussion and will put in my tips since you guys cannot take criticism, which is understandable. Consider exchanging the cronley of alacrity to “of readiness” for more OA/DA. I switched over and the damage output, as well as the survivability, was better since my DA was consistently over 2k. DPS was the same pretty much despite the slight attack speed loss since wendigo totem was critting more often with tempest procs, and I was hitting more crits consistently as well.

Super cool build! Thank you for sharing this, Cthone :slight_smile:
Btw, did you farm all those god tier rare pieces o.O?
@wordlife, can you give me examples of those ‘other builds’? Sounds like some op build:D

This is pretty clever. I love seeing people use conversion in inventive ways.

Getting good rolls on Cronley’s rings isn’t easy. So unlike you I really don’t have the liberty to test as much with gear but i tried with “of Attack” Cronley ring and the hit to Attack Speed seems big.
Tempest is good for trash but the bosses don’t flinch so I can’t rely on it too much. Execution hits a lot harder since the flat cold damage on it is working in my favor and i need attack speed and pray to get as many execution hits as possible

The DA seems fine to me and yes Wendigo Totem would’ve helped you against the burst attack. If that thing gives me staying power against Queen then I don’t see any reason for it to fail against Log

Again, booting up a test character does not equal to build experience.

Thanks mate

Nah, unlike JoV or Fluff or Tz Tz. I am not a Self-Found player so trading and some extra help from my friends gets me some nice gear. Still though there are some things that even elude us :undecided:

I know right? Conversion is probably the most awesome thing in the game. I am still trying to make Herald of the Apocalypse work (using conversion) whenever i get time to play the game but the skill is dogshit :frowning:

Does the DoT conversion apply to Physical/Trauma -> X as well? As in, if you converted Physical to Fire, would it convert Trauma to Burn?

Yes indeed it does, when you convert damage type ‘x’ to ‘y’ then its DoT counterpart would also get converted

Which is pretty much the reason why i picked Leviathan in devotions. I thought i mentioned that :eek:

I cant recommend this build highly enough, excellent boss and nemesis performance and contrary to some posts, it can facetank log acid puke, you just have to know when to time properly:rolleyes:

I am not sure if this build is better than Maelstrom, because i need to keep hitting ABB to keep my DPS up. But overall i love this one as well. It’s pretty strong and is probably my second favorite Lightning Melee Build.

Unfortunately for this build, I am certain that Maelstrom feels much more solid and powerful overall, given that we have demo being a very good defensive mastery than shaman which is imo overrated in that regard. This one though hits harder in some cases, but abb requires some attention resulting in overall dps loss…:rolleyes:

It’s usually a problem with almost all temporary buff builds

I have started the process of updating my guides. The Grimtool link for the updated version has been added

Please notify me if any of the links is broken in any way

For now it’s only the GrimTool Links. I don’t have too much time at the moment but will update the write-up at some point. I have around 20+ other build guides to tend to so I am sure you guys can understand


Level 100 GT Link for Trickster added

So on Icekorn Talons - frostburn damage and cold damage are both wasted? Because equipment modifiers follow Conversion ( Conversion on Equipment and Buffs > Equipment, Auras and Passives as written in the game guide) so for Lightning damage you need lightning damage modifiers on gear. Am I right?

Yeah, and?

Are you wondering why I use them?

No, I know they are good for +to ABB and attack speed + OA but just wanted to check if my notion of the conversion chain is correct. Is there a better alternative for that slot in AoM?

^ wait they changed ice talons now? last thing i remembered it added LA which is essential to this build.

I am using Non-Myhthical Light’s defender now. Mainly cause of resistance problems and lack of proc on new gloves

They still do, but I dropped them for an additional proc and juicy resists

Mythical version adds ‘+15% Crit Damage to Amarasta’s Blade Burst
+150% Frostburn Damage to Amarasta’s Blade Burst’

thanks, I am not aware of the mods to the mythical version…

Guide updated

thanks for the update! :slight_smile:

can you explain your changes a little? for example why you use belgotian shears now and not before? giants blood devotions skill was bound to veil of shadows before and now there is no binding.

The binding must’ve gotten removed during testing. Bind it to VoS like before

Shears used to be a DPS loss due to delay in animation. They fixed it at some point and therefor is now good for single target + AoE