Endgame balancing problem

I haven’t posted anything since late AoM days but I did most builds during early AoM which I suppose was the start of the “crucible builds only” trend I and some others posted non crucible builds. We didn’t really get that treatment.

Our builds were understandably less popular but no one came to thread and called it shit or something.

The only cases where I see build threads turning into fist fights is when the build promises more than it can actually deliver.

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Funny thing about game balance is that it is far more about perceptions and “feels” than it is about actual numbers.

A nice example of this, without exact quotes, comes from WoW back in WotLK era when Unholy Death Knights were slammed by the community for being vastly inferior to Frost spec. Numerically, the two performed very similarly, but perception shaped reality.

A later patch actually overbuffed Unholy spec so that it rose in popularity.

Not saying that everybody does it or that they do it consistently, but there have been many examples over the years. It also doesn’t take someone coming right out and telling a person to fuck off to still make them feel unwanted. It’s all in how the criticism is presented.


Lets just say… it happens and has happened and the Build section of the forum was becoming rather “divided”. That attitude has been cracked down on alot in the past months tho.

Yeah I must have missed out on it completely during my away time.

You can’t hold the actions of a few toxic individuals against the entire community. Because there have been far more acts of kindness imo.

E.g. Anyone able to help a noob Belgo BM?

Right. We’ve all (at one point or another) done/said toxic things. (E.g. when I slammed alexgoldfish’s post).

But that doesn’t mean that the community here is by and large “elitist snobs.”

Far from it, really.


Who said I’m holding it against the community. I’m stating a simple fact, and the fact is that a few individuals have negatively affected the build section based on how builds perform.

Putting words in my mouth now? :stuck_out_tongue:

Most of whom get the ban-slam.

Never mate. :stuck_out_tongue:

Was just a throwback to that joke malawiglenn and I used to toss around.

I’d just like to say- I’ve been actively consuming the Forums the past 3 days and i have received nothing but kindness. I’d agree that EVERY community has some toxicity to it- but so far I’ve yet to meet/see anything even remotely rude!


Most of the time the natural selection will seed out toxic presence in the forum.

Still you have drama thread or two but it’s inevitable considering the large amount of players and the fact they have different interests/point of view.

But generally I like community and enjoy writing with most of ya guys!

Oh, just you wait :no_mouth:

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Hahaha, I am! Coming from Warframe, in which the community is super great, I’m a bit reserved and weary I won’t experience something like that again, but so far I’m eating my words lol

You mean there are mean people on the internet? Who would have thought?

With legendaries practically being handouts compared to the next step up in rarity you’ve got your answer right there. The pinnacle of all, MI suites beyond the reach of most players’ patience, is the final frontier beyond the distance Zantai cares to wield the nerf hammer.

I think the only time I saw an MI get nerfed was in AoM when they nerfed those Ugdenbog Chillsticks

I think we must distinguish 2 things here, Z:

  1. Active attacks on a person’s post because the build concept (as optimal as it may be) just isn’t “top tier.”

  2. Arguments/disagreements over how to optimize the concept being presented.

The closest thing to the former that I’ve ever seen is when people ask, “Why do X? Aren’t you gimping yourself?”

Nah for the most part everyone here is pretty cool. We’re usually only rude to people who come in rude - as long as you don’t suck as a person it’s all good. We’re kinda ‘tit for tat’ about it around here.

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That was a game guidelines correction if anything and benefitted more builds than it hurt :upside_down_face:

I’m pretty give what you get as a person in general, so that suits me just fine.

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It’s elitist jerks, not snobs. Check your facts :smile:

@nery: Eat shit scrub. L2P. <3