Endgame balancing problem

2mils? Crate should celerate it by announcing another DLC :laughing:

Okay so TWELVE birbs with one stone. :wink:

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Holy shit, they’re making the biggest adaptation possible already by using English! Only someone who has never had to communicate everyday in a second language could say something like that. If you haven’t, you have absolutely no clue how difficult it is and how much more effort it takes than writing in your native language. That said, to non-native speakers, if you see something you don’t understand, just search it online. It’s not hard to find what expressions mean an it’s a good opportunity to improve your English. Native speakers of your language aren’t changing the way they speak or write for foreigners, either, I promise you.

Regarding the topic of balance, I want to say first of all that nerfs are healthy and important for the game. Outperforming builds should be nerfed. But, I think for a lot of the nerf-happy posters are too focused on taking what’s posted here as a standard. Focusing too much on that risks making endgame content inaccessible for other players.

As Ceno points out, we have no direct knowledge of what “most players”, even taken as core players, do. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make some educated guesses. It seems very likely that, with a few possible exceptions, the best builders and the best pilots are concentrated here. At least, the people building and testing in the character builds forum represent a higher level of player skill than the average core player. That seems almost certain, and shouldn’t require much discussion.

Another point is that even given no changes in the game, no buffs or nerfs at all, crucible clear times will continue to get lower using the current content. People will discover rare, specific combinations of properties that allow a certain item to overperform. I think the temporal arcblade spellbinder recently posted is a good example. The builder says the build performs so well because the weapon is overtuned. But I haven’t really seen a very strong build posted using that weapon otherwise. I think this is a case of a very skilled player, supported by the network of experience and knowledge in the community, arriving at a very powerful build that would be extremely difficult to recreate off these forums. If the weapon is heavily nerfed to bring this build into line, what will happen to weaker builds based around this weapon?

I think that at this point in the game’s life cycle, nerfs should be conservative and carefully targeted. It’s already frequently mentioned here that it’s difficult for new players to break into endgame content. What’s more, it’s even more difficult for them to do so without relying on certain cookie-cutter build concepts, or to make unconventional, but cool (to the individual player) ideas work in the endgame. Certain builds being overwhelmingly better than other builds is bad game design, but so is significant amounts of late game content that can only be completed in very specific ways or by forum diehards.


Is your community site still the same one? i remember visiting grimdawn.kuaizhan.com (google translate works well enough for me to understand stuff in there) back during the DA meta where you guys concepts dominated the meta for months.

What does the 高/中 etc. represent? Is it performance of the build or expense? Is there really a superpowerful lightning retaliation warder? I don’t actually follow the strongest builds carefully anywhere, but I wouldn’t have guessed at that as a super strong archetype from what I read here.

Are there any builds in your community that perform very well that are very different or surprising compared to stuff posted here? And would you mind posting a link to the community? Reading builds in Chinese would be exhausting for me, just piecing together that 卡拉加德拉面罩 is supposed to be Callagadra’s visage is enough of a pain. but it might be fun to take a look.

Yes and no.

That site is still one of our bases, but nowadays we are guiding everyone to the chat group where communication is timely and whole gaming vibe is more hyped. So we’ve built all sorts of GD guidance in the chat group file folder for download, covering the basics of concepts of attribute and reisitance,how to buy the game, and how to install localization file, to advanced knowdage of most complicated system in the game such as defense sequence, damage conversion, debuff study and affix study, etc,etc.

This BD collection is one of them, which is quite the core file along with walkthough of full tasks of the game, and a guidances of affix and MIs (so less experienced players can understand what’s worth to keep) .

At eariler time we had a discussion over sharing this BD collection file to this forum, saddly a consensus was never reached.

That’s how many members we have in chat groups at present time. :grinning:

高/中 means the the diffculty to build this BD, gear-wise. our standard is all purple without monster legendaries or conduit of whisper is a 中,which means a proper build,easy to access. The more MIs and forged items are included, the higher the rate goes.
All our current version builds are taking SR7576 as a standard, which means this build will not be adopted in the files unless its viablility in SR7576 is high. and for most BDs from our commnunity, there would videos to show how their performances are in SR80+.

here is the link to the video homepage of one of our finest players, see if anything interests you.

BTW our standard toward BD is different from here. Be viable with SR7576 is the least basic demand in our community. We barely play crucible anymore.

yes it’s right .卡拉加德拉面罩 is the Callagadra’s visage :laughing:


Amazing here… you totally missed the point and rant about some crap that completely misses exactly what I’m saying (you even missed the side of the barn) as you attempt to chastise me for things that are glaringly obvious to anyone with average intelligence…

Hint: I’ve seen all those movies too /shrugs

But here…

You manage to redeem yourself and nail it right on the head. Good job, champ!

Basically, if I was learning someone else’s language I would never walk in and tell them they can’t say something. Especially if I’m still learning and it’s clear that I don’t have a solid grasp of the language and the meanings of things. My comments had to do specifically with this phenomena - which I’ve frequently observed over the years with foreigners while having conversations in English.

In other words, this isn’t the first time - nor even the second - that someone with an imperfect understanding of my language has (literally taken offense and) tried to tell me what I can or can’t say.

It’s a phenomena that I attribute solely to non-English cultures. Why it is? Who knows.

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Birb Hunter: The Birbening 3

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I don’t want to get too far off topic, so this will be my last comment on the matter. Do you speak a second language? If so, have you ever lived, especially as an adult, having not learned the language as a kid, in a place where only that language is spoken and you have to use it everyday for your job or education? I have. So, I have some sympathy for how difficult and frustrating it can be to need to communicate in a foreign language, especially for people using English whose native language isn’t an Indo-European language. If you don’t have that experience, you simply have no idea, no matter how intelligent you are or how many movies you’ve watched.

You said:

I don’t know how using your native language isn’t considered “adapting”!

I know bits and pieces of Spanish and worked for years on a farm with Mexicans who spoke hardly any English - and I was the only American there that actually worked alone with them all day, every day. As a result I was forced to spend most my time communicating to them in their language, what little I knew and learned.

Trust me… I understand well the difficulties. I still don’t see that as much of an excuse for the sorts of things being discussed.

Basically, here I am commenting about the very specific phenomena where other cultures are demanding that English speakers need to be careful of what they say, in English. I don’t think I can make that point any clearer actually. It speaks for itself.

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Back on topic folks please.

10-4… topics dead anyway. 134 replies. Not much more that can be said really.

Can someone please extract at least the grimmtools link that we can have some sweet tanky chinese builds again ??
Pretty please :innocent:

I just tried using the site to extract them and it had lots of mistakes during the extraction and when I tried to fix them up they didn’t seem to work. Perhaps someone else can give it a go with better luck.

Speak only for yourself, Mr. “Vulture” Powbam. :wink:

First thing something about what @Strannik said:
There are some builds which are “better” suited for CR (and to a certain extent: SR) than for Main Campaign. I don´t think, a well polished Crucible Build won´t beat Main Campaign but perhaps it will not gain the great “results” as it get there. Take my Bleeding Builds for example: Play them as recklessly in SoT as you would play them in CR and you will probably die to trash if you don´t be careful: Reflective mobs.

Some of my builds play less fluently in Main Campaign, too. Reasons here: There strengths rely on “on-death”-proccs and/or a lot of Energy Leech/Absorb. My Druid has to drink more than one potion when fighting Garbagol (e. g.).

Second thing:
To the builders: Ask yourself, why are you still playing Grim Dawn? You don´t play for the loot anymore, not for the story…most of you (and me, too) play for making builds. To keep your (our) attention there have to be changes, even nerfs, to not get bored. I know, @ya1 loves his Poison Builds and wants to see Silver Sentinel made great, but he still looks to right and left what is possible outside this focus.

So, I am waiting for I don´t know, if Bleeding gets (another) slap on the nose or not. But I know, that I have to update my builds due to changes and perhaps even can make some more.

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Fair enough :wink: To me it was deader than a doorknob the moment it was made. We see this topic literally. every. single. week.

Are we birbs that need to regurgitate what’s already been said a thousand million times already? :wink:

If it´s tasty, why not? :innocent:



Good thread.

But by the end of the day, Zantai nerfs what he wants, how he wants and for whatever reasons he deems valid. So we might as well talk about…

Phenomenon. It’s a phenomenon. Singular.