Hi guys.
First let me say how much I adore your game and I will not go into details with the praises, but I just want to keep this short with my suggestion:
I love the world of Grim dawn, but the campaign levels lose their value after we finish it and we basicaly grind end game in the same manner. Can i just suggest that you implement some mechanic where we give up some of our resources (which we have an abundance of) and that enables us to replay a certain part of the campaign level at an updated challenge level with some unique drops (or encounters) based on the level we choose to “reset”. My suggestion would be a character in our starter town (after we beat the highest difficulty) which lets us choose which waypoint/level/cave/… (and let me pay with the resources I have) I want to reset (and at what level… increased resource cost) and it will be reset for one run (kill end boss or some other trigger, don’t know what kind of triggers your game engine supports) at a higher level and maybe even with some unique drops based on the one chosen. That is all i want nothing more. Let me replay sectors with some random additions that is all I want (like broken hills or something). It will keep the game a lot more fresh and you dont have to do any level design, just add/change the enemies we enounter and maybe giv us debuffs during adventuring. Would soooooo love to see that adition.
Kind regards and thank you again for an awesome game.