Enemies disabling all Toggles/Buffs/Auras? Honestly?

Not my idea, yours. If awareness is such a powerful tool, why give options? If you give options, why not for arcane?. The funny thing is that reflected might not be an issue at all without reduced reflection depending on the build, yet arcane is an issue allways, even with things that shouldn’t be affected by it, like potions. How is it that such powerfull effect relies entirely on “awareness” when stuff far less disruptive gets so many options to counter it? (Not just direct, but double dipping, since reflect is also affected by resistances). even skill disruption has resistance against it, when is clearly a far less dangerous skill, inconsequential even depending on build.

Dude, it’s not. I already told you. Retal Warlord for example only loses like 10% survival by losing auras, and 90% damage, so you clearly WON’T DIE, and have time to recast. There surely are plenty other builds out there that work in a similar fashion, no using their auras as defensive options, but almost entirely offensive.

Fair point!

Health is so ubiquitously effective at surviving in all situations, we’ve really muddled the game by adding all these other methods of staying alive. Need to go back to the roots of the game and cut out all this excess fat. Having to react differently to different mechanics just needlessly complicates things.


1000000+ health characters to make up for the removal of all other defensive mechanics in the game. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Only 2 numbers changed. Just tested on Grava, he doesn’t throw the ball. In the past I tested it on Arcanes.
I think there are only 2 such enemy skills: chthonian02_homingchaos and arcane_elementalbolt.

Edit And Loxmere’s rendmagic.

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But what about Lox

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Thanks, I’ll add it. This is coded a bit differently that’s why I missed it.
(cast directly, not by the autoCast thing)

not addressing my point, like… at all. I have a warlord that can facetank everything regularly. Yet i must kite attacks that are clearly meant to be kited, like kubakabra’s ponds, Guardian of Solael’s pond, Aleskander’s rain, or Kaisan’s pilars, to name a few. But in all those cases, a mistake USUALLY doesn’t mean a complete failure, because the mechanics involved can be, at the very least, mitigated, so getting a full hit is very bad, being scratched by it is okay. Even stuff like Mogdrogen or Callagadra give a bit of leeway in terms of window of reaction and timing, while still requiring a consistent kiting. Arcane doesn’t work in that way AT ALL, and, as i said earlier, the engine doesn’t help. Stanting still doing nothing in Devil’s Crossing takes like 3 seconds to APPLY all buffs. In the middle of combat that can be stretched to twice or more that time. All of this while kiting IF POSSIBLE (in SR can be impossible). God forbids you use a potion. And no, it’s not my PC, i can run witcher 3 at 60fps, thats not the issue. It’s the game itself. Field Command and Presence of virtue in particular can take a solid second each to apply, and this isn’t counting the input lag itself, even online games have faster response. I find extremely inconsistent that so many things have a direct counter to it in the game, yet one of the few that absolutely needs it doesn’t have it. And clearly im not alone in this, i’ve seen enough post about it, and clearly you did as well, given your previous comment. So, please, explain me in a way that i can understand, from a game design perspective, why is it that there is no counter to arcane, like turn it into a massive skill disruption, of 4 seconds or so, instead of punishing playing with buffs, potions included (like potion of clarity, like, wtf), wich such meta-attack as using the engine of the game against the player.
I should point out, that i don’t mind the input lag itself. I find it refreshing, in the sense that encourages a slower and methodical approach to fights. Even as a tank you must pay attention to telegraphs to gauge cooldowns. What i do mind is a circumstance in wich a limitation of the game itself is used against the player. The most clear example of this that i can think of used to be corpse detonation and baranite thaumaturges in PoE. A game full of light effects gave no clear indicator of some of the strongest attacks in the entire game, that ended up killing characters that didn’t dodge for lack of skills, but for excess of particles in the screen. Now there are enemies that can attack from outside the screen, even before you see them. This feels the exact same. Every time a bunch of blueish heroes appear, we must wave the mouse over them fast to see if we catch an Arcane, and if we get unlucky, the time to re-equip is extremely long, not because im slow at pressing 4 or 5 butons in the keyboard (i use all flask at once in PoE for fuck’s sake), but because the game itself can’t take it.

Clearly the problem is not the game, nor your computer, it is your clumsy hands and slow reflexes that cannot dodge the mechanics or kite.
But do not scratch yourself or feel bad, they have just released a mod for people with the same afflictions, enjoy it

Potion of Clarity hasn’t been dispellable since 2017.

wanna bet? how about League of Legends? im sure im an easy kill, im not even ranked… choose your server, i don’t mind the lag.

Now we’re going places. I guess this is what follows from League banning allchat. Gotta take it all somewhere, eh?

P.S. License plate is basically the end-all-be-all response to this thread.

easy to calle people names. Harder to make one for yourself.

you’re the one that can’t handle arcanes :rofl:

apparently none of you can handle reflective

This is not the forum for grim dawn? Hell, I must have been confused.

Mine’s right here.


sure, they are quite easy actually; just don’t hit with big dmg attacks while their reflect aura is up, bait it out

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i agree. Reflective reduction should be removed