Enemies disabling all Toggles/Buffs/Auras? Honestly?

You guys create such a nice game then add enemies that ruin the gameflow by disabling all active Buffs on my characters just to annoy me as player force me to eiter die or quit restart?

Why did you guys do that? such a nice game and then this “we spit on you player” enemies?

i have to press ESC everytime this happens and restart the game because if all my toggles are deactivated and a horde of enemies hits my characters its 100% dead…

Unneccessary CRATE… shows bad character of your programmers…

There’s been a long discussion some time ago about it, you can read it Arcanes are an incredibly awfuly designed mechanic

You can learn how to avoid it and deal with it. Personally it doesn’t bother me.

Or it can be modded / patched out quite easily (increasing Energy cost to the skills that directly do it, not nullification but level below iirc) as well which I can help with. Perhaps make a no nullification patch for players if there’s an interest / it’s so bothering to some.

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How did you even know this? I remember well when they added this and they said, “Maaaan, I can’t wait until Keagan L Macroom finds out about this - he is going to be so mad but it’s ok because it will be funny!”



This is nothing new, it’s been in the game forever.

since we can dispel all enemy buffs with certain skills, some enemy will definitely able to do the same to us, or even worse. from the grim dawn world’s power scale perspectives that makes sense (and there are lots of uber powerful beings in grim dawn that still hadn’t appear). there are ways to avoid them as the veterans have said. fighting and beating those obstacles are part of the fun in games like these.

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you could try dodging :slight_smile:


Hey, leave the programmers out of this.


you could also, and i know this is like a bit far out radical twilight zone stuff; disengage and turn your buffs back on? :man_shrugging:

(or just kill the enemies that disspell your buffs like normal people :rofl:)

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The mechanic is good as it is. The game isn’t about rushing in, facetanking everything and going on. Would be quite boring, isn’t it?

It just doesn’t introduce itself so players don’t know what’s happening at the first encounter.
Imagine Zanbrandt, the Ascended throwing the arcane ball at you as his first attack. Could be a decent tutorial about the mechanic since he is an early hero and at low level you don’t get much from auras. Oh and also add arcane heroes to base game areas in general.

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At too low a level you aren’t likely to have many auras to be dispelled to begin with.

So that’s even better! Yes? No? :neutral_face:
Losing one aura is not the end of the world and a player will learn about arcane balls… so win?

What if we organize a rigged PVP tournament won by Arcanist with Nullification skill?

so… your solution is to make the game worse? “People hate this mechanic… lets flood the game with it”. Wonderful thinking process, you have a future in game design.

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The way you word it tho comes heavily across as sounding like you are making the assumption that ALL people (or an imagined “majority”) must hate the mechanic. I’ve seen no evidence that this is true.

Game developers can’t please all of the people all of the time. They can only ever please some of the people, some of the time. As is true for most areas of life.

Sure, you could call it the one-legged patch


oh, please, make a poll, lets see how that goes.

Go right ahead. Make it. Your poll, however, will get annihilated on this forum. Pretty sure the majority in this place are FOR Arcanes. Good luck.

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People’s inability to learn a simple mechanic doesn’t make it bad though.
My suggestion would simply prepare people for arcanes and maybe in the future they wouldn’t hate them that much, because they already know what arcane balls do!

My idea is based on Shigeru Miyamoto’s game design philosophy, so thanks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Even the devs know the players hate it. Unless off course you think Zantai is pulling that opinion out of his ass.