Farthest Frontier v0.7.5 + Hotfixes

I sure did… was to lazy to fix lol :rofl:

Love You for the change of barn workers behaviour. They now transfer all the products right after butchering cows.

Boy you guys are on a roll! Hotfix Z incoming next week =)


Lol, I hope we don’t need z and can work on rolling out v0.7.6.


Great job !

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Really high hopes for 0.7.6 on performance. fps drops like shit above 100 citizens. But keep up the good job. This game is addictive. lol


I was wondering why building degradation/repair seemed out of whack, thanks for the quick hotfix

Please don’t downgrade on the graphics, it runs very smoothly on my (ok, high end) pc, even above 300 citizens on full settings. If so, make it optional.

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I didn t said to drop the graphics. my 2060rtx 6gb and 3700x ryzen should be enough for the game. i said just to continue to optimize the game in 0.7.6. what fps do you have at 200 people? 35? 40 ? that s not optimized. The game doesn’t even use all resources available. Graphic card goes to 75% and CPU only 30% usage. City Skylines has the same problem for years. weak graphic engine even on high end PCs means low fps when the city gets big. I hope this game has a stronger optimization. Don t get toxic if you didn’t understand what i meant…

It was nothing toxic, just a remark, plz

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ok. but what fps do you when over 120/130ppl ?

Time for rename to Antai :crazy_face:

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Nice, thanks for the update

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Hi Jesse_Blair you can still delete the building by pressing the ‘delete’ button on your keyboard :slight_smile:

For me it’s the other way round. My Geforce RTX 3080 TI is bored at 5-10% but my CPU (i7 6700K) has regular spikes and freezes up to 100%. This setup is more than capable for games like Anno 1800 where much more is going on. Farthest Frontier is just not optimized at all but remember, we are in Early Access. But I hope for some improvements soon so we can test the late game. Beginning with 250 villagers I had massive stutters. Now at 550 villagers it’s only the fun I’m having which let’s me ignore the stutters and freezes. Every other game I would have rage quited already.


I have faith in Crate. Not like City Skylines…


An upgrade to a modern CPU and chipset could really help your fps minimums.

To late, I am already addicted.

Not really. Freezes are most likely caused by missing code optimization. I have seen this so often, even with well established titles like Prison Architect. This game is so poorly optimized you can’t play big maps with NASA computer.

So my strategy is:

  • Enjoy the game as long as possible, even with stutters, and wait for optimizations
  • Wait for new Intel socket before I buy. Next generation will be mine. Not now. :wink:

+1 on logistics, ie stocking, ox carts, wagons, storage and routing

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