New conversion is as good as no conversion. There are no other items that contribute (except Ring of Orissia and ironically full set bonus on Valdun which has also been maimed by an ugly nerf) to it and it works in a wonky way with Elemental to Pierce conversion (which takes priority over single element conversions). Moreover, build that need Elemental to Pierce conversion and need to use Nadaan can easily circumvent this nerf as I have demonstrated here.
It’s obvious that Crate wanted to tame Pierce Nadaan casters (and failed) but ended up substituting useful conversion for a useless one which is extremely irritating and frustrating for players who chose to play Nadaan’s builds.
Give Nadaan’s back its conversion but lower the value to 24/36% range.
That way Nadaan Pierce casters will not be able to get by just with a sword and Bladetwister ring (or green shoulder) and will be forced to take two additional conversion items.
Remove conversions altogether (current one is useless anyway) and add some unique and interesting stat, like %RR or flat RR or maybe just good old casting speed or adtch.
Have you played a Nadaan’s build? Do you think new conversion has its place or do you have other suggestions? Discuss.
Fire and lightning conversion for NB/Inquisitor sword really does look odd.
Personally, i didn’t like how this giant, bad-ass looking sword was abused as a caster wand (as much as i dislike forcing lightning Canister into dual pistols btw).
I say remove conversion altogether and give it attack speed and more %dmg/flat. It’s not ok that a green two-hander meant for SS (Bonebleach Halberd) outperforms a Blademaster dedicated legendary in melee (Blade Arc).
Chiming in to note that this is not the case. Flat is applied dependent on your cast speed. At 100% CS, that’s every 0.25 seconds. At 200% CS, that’s every 0.125 seconds.
The 0.3 second cooldown is quite literally just a cooldown. DM if you want to know more so as not to further derail this thread.
+1 agree…mostly with banana_peel. Nadaan deserve(d? s?) better than being a caster statstick, but it doesn’t really serve much a role at all at present.
Well, I still use it in two top-tier builds, one is a melee one is a caster. It’s still a strong caster’s weapon because of CDR and +2 to Inquisitor (and frankly - lack of alternatives) and general strength of Pierce as an element.
But it’s also because there are no alternatives here (maybe Gildor’s Pulverizer? lel) so yeah, it deserved to be special.
Agree with the general sentiment. The current conversion is useless, cause even if say pierce kalastor would wanna use it, there’s no other fire>pierce item around so it’s still forced to use ele>pierce items.
I’m for removing the conversion and replacing it with something else. I’m sure it won’t be RR (might be too OP for pierce) or a proc (cause unless you want a generic one, it’ll be a pita for crate to design a new proc). I think one of attack or cast speed would be fine. One might say adding more to nadaan would just make it more overused but it’s not like there’s an alternative anyway. There’s spite but that’s exclusively for pb.