Forgotten Gods Development FAQ

Raises his hand Dear Crate Entertainment, we still demand a pirate set and ask if you will add one. face with a huge banana-mouth

While we’re requesting specific item art, I still want a plain black Victorian top hat. :stuck_out_tongue: Give me all the sick knights’ helmets in the world, you can’t beat the stylishness of the OG top hat. :smiley:

Nothing is as devastatingly stylish as the Santa suit from Titan Quest. Crate, you are missing a great oportuntiy by not making a mythical snowball with bonuses to TSS and aether->cold on devastation.

Guys… That’s genius too. But literally, not even kidding.

And the brilliance of naming snowball - ‘’ * ‘’ and skill it grants ‘’ *** ‘’

That is one thing that I miss most in GD - those easter egg items (snowball, Santa set, Pirate, Sherlock and cowboy costumes, the carrot)… Sure GD has some that are hilarious ie Gazerman, Finger (perhaps the greatest weapon design yet), pants-with-a-present, pot-helm…

Now Zantai would say those are just fluff items, they dont bring much to the table in terms of cost/time spent making/effectiveness, but I would disagree - they bring fun, and joy to the game (not that GD lacks) :smiley: Sure they dont do anything in particular, but finding one breaks the repeatability of grinding and makes one feel as if he is privy to one of games secrets. And for that I wish they added more, or would add either in FG or some later patch. You know, just for the fun of it

Why something is telling me that this whole delay is for implementing the one game difficulty? Dont get me wrong apart from all that work they have to do with the lvls in the shattering realms and all that…we even saw firsthand the Oathkeeper…what else could be next?..
Also we got any word for ?

yes. Imagine the game was suppose to be released in few weeks time max one month say end october. Now with push back, they will have almost 6 months from now to develop given they will exhaust all of the days of q1 2019. I dont know bout difficulty changes but:
still the delay Sounds fishy?
insert 10th mastery theories or insert 2 big chapters instead of one theories:cool:

insert ray tracing support :stuck_out_tongue:

lol indeed, well from the other hand we can think the opposite :stuck_out_tongue: that they are working on another unrelated project at the same time ;p

We know that no difficulties are being phased out, but Zantai has said on stream that he personally has ideas that he thinks could help “streamline the experience”; don’t get your hopes up for an entirely overhauled difficulty system, but take heart in the knowledge that the devs are aware of the desire for an improved system.

Crate have stated this isn’t possible due to breaking too many chars. Don’t forget that testing isn’t just give out a build and fix bugs, it’s also to see if new ideas actually work in practice or not and all sorts of unexpected changes and ways to improve the content that hadn’t occurred before can happen.

As Crate have said this is to improve beyond what it was going to be.

Also if the original had been due to arrive very late Q4 and it arrives early Q1 then there’s hardly any delay at all. It’s ONLY a vast delay if you assume it would be the first day of Q4 and now last day of Q1.

Also don’t assume everything you see is complete and in testing, As Zantai stated in the dev stream the playtesters haven’t even been given the Oathkeeper to test, it’s still only in Crate’s internal testing, so no idea if all the skills actually are finished even yet.

If it involves a way for fresh characters to bypass Normal/Veteran and Elite, and push straight into Ultimate, say, at level 75, for gear’s sake, then colour me stoked.

With the obvious caveat that one has already gone through the ropes with at least one other character, being obvious.

To expand on this. I would unlock all difficulties, once you have at least one character in rooster that finished Ultimate (killed Log). So, obviously you collected some gear that is ready for new characters, and if not, you can keep playing, till you have.

Having character(s) that beat ultimate, you can now create new one that can enter Legendary difficulty right away. You start at level 70ish (or whatever level that is more in terms with starting area) with appropriate amount of attribute points and skill points, ready to allocate.
Once you distributed your points, put stashed gear on, you are gassed up and ready to go.

As for faction rep, gaining it could be speed for such characters (along with 100% faction Mandates, it’s even faster), so you can get this resistance augments fast enough. Same with enemy factions, negative rep is multiplied, so for killing random trash zombie you are getting something like 10 points instead of 1. As for devotion shrines…they could be redone, so they give more devotion points. One way would be to make Desecrated Shrines, spawn more waves of elites and at the end you get more points for it.

Starting ‘naked’ in Legendary has some negative aspects, no faction rep and no devotion points from earlier difficulties (you gain them faster now though), but it’s a player choice…suddenly it’s a harder game right out of the gates, but in no way impossible.

Hi, I thought there were 55 shrines, corresponding to the devotion cap. You say there are new shrines, still 55. I am completely lost, I can’t make any sense of this.

Let me blow your mind then: There already are more than 55 shrines. :wink:

Once you reach 55 points, the remaining ones do not give you points any more. That also means if you miss a few, it does not matter.

Best lead into the fact of The Crucible giving them away for a song and a dance, for the first 5-10, if done fresh, gently.

I used to do the first 10 Dev points on every fresh character in The Crucible.

But with AoM out, I do not bother with more than 5.

Ain’t nobody got time for 'dat anymore, when there’s AoM Dev shrines, and the Lokkar set.

I can’t wait.

Finally, some chaos and poison/vit auto attacks getting some love.

No chaos auto attack only vita /poison

Thus far, we know one of the new armour sets has a chaos replacer.

Wow nice! Haven’t seen it

guys how are you holding up? I feel like I wont survive before the year ends. The long wait is too hard to handle after all :cry:

Please let it be January at least! :wink: