Forgotten Gods Development FAQ

Enjoy the wait and explore some more good builds before you utterly fail with the worst possible mastery combination ever conceived. :wink:

Hold up by being hyped for other closer projects, like Fallout 76. :stuck_out_tongue:

no not that game. I heard they’ve gone ape and went battle royale, is that true? and since Crate decided to delay, my soul cant rest well in these forums. I need some game to channel my frustration. Any tips? :eek:

lets hope there is much more than they presented for now, or else i won’t buy this expansion.

At this stage its not the most impressive stuff they came up with. And if this IS all they can give for now. Then i think they should release, and stop further “development” and just start on a whole new project.

Or else they’re going to be stuck and a already old game engine, while rest of the world moves on.

Too me Grim Dawn as a game is already starting to show its creative limits, and it shows when developers go “diablo 3” with the concept of “greater rifts” when they already have their own spin on it with crucible.

But could be i’m wrong! who knows.

But for now, it doesn’t look that good.

Don’t forget that it’s not just the Shattered Realm (that’s just a single part of the expansion), it’s the entire desert area to explore of the Forgotten Gods and a new Mastery, not to mention new skills that were previously thought impossible with the game engine. :wink:

Still I just hope that you feel differently when the expansion is more complete and testers can start streaming, or when Crate release the expansion.

Edit…Plus it’s the players that have been constantly requesting some form of endless dungeon for years, so it’s not as if Crate decided to slap this in due to lack of ideas or creative/engine limits, it’s to satisfy a large number of players. Though it’s obviously not something that everyone is interested in, there’s enough interest that Crate have spent the time to make this work.

Also the crucible is a separate, optional, paid for DLC not related to the main game at all, while this is a game expansion, not a single separate arena combat divorced from the campaign.

well you probably won’t buy the xpac then, but for me what i saw so far is really appealing : new act, new mastery, new game mode, + balance and QoI : no doubt i’ll buy it.

yeah, most probably it will be the last xpac for GD (what Zantai said about mastery always harder to implement - and already a mess, lvl caps staying identical,…). then Crate will probably take a break and start new projects, then GD2.
but the community (including myself) here is really excited about that second xpac so i tend to think Crate made a good choice here.

But does the expansion really give a new experience? Don’t we just get more of the same that is already there?

I can understand the need for some to have more of everything, just because more is more.

But I have put in my fair share of hours into Grim Dawn, and I most admit, I’m at the point where new experience is needed, and not more of what is already out there.

Grim Dawn did it really good, there was a huuuuuge vacuum after Diablo 3 Release, and Crate with Grim Dawn picked up the ball and ran with it. But now it seems like there is a “need” for more with more with it. For no other reason than more.

AoM too me already pushed the need for “more with more”, and yes new masteries are always fun. But with new expansion it feels like a AoM + Crucible, so we sit with “more with more with even more” formula.

That’s why I see this coming DLC almost unessersary. Of course if there a market for it, then cool and no bad feelings about it. More profit is always welcome.

I just personally wants Crate to be more innovative with the game instead of adding so much more of what is already there. And can’t they be more innovative with Grim Dawn as it is now. Then they should start on a new project.

But yes I could still be wrong, and they still have some hidden features in the new expansion they haven’t shared yet, time will tell.

What you want then is GD 2:) So far GD is doing well enough to justify another xpac

They have… Many, many months ago, :wink: and they have released a teaser image for it, Crate are a very small team and still managing to produce the expansion while working on a totally different project as well.

Edit…regards being more innovative with the game, how is creating skills previously impossible with the engine NOT being more innovative.

Also you can only add so much more that is different before it stops fitting with the world lore at the time of your char and stops being GD.

The delay is ok but I just can’t understand what so substantial is being added or worked on that requires 6+ months more. I mean judging from the dev streams / videos / posts the content, skills etc is like about at least 80%+ ready. The new skills already got the animations, new images and assets are all there. Really I just can’t understand the reasons behind the delay. Delay itself is ok when it is justified. All that said I am still looking forward to the new expansion. I love GD

perhaps they are pulling a Wolcen on us and all Forgotten Gods content has been remade from scratch? :eek:

It’s never been said 6+ months. It was Q4 this year (could have been late dec) and now it’s Q1 next year, could be any time in that 3 months. Regards the content, I don’t remember being shown any of the new area in the deserts and underground other than screen shots and that’s quite a large part of the content. :wink:

Yes, you have a valid point there. And I just remembered one more thing… bridges! :smiley: Moar bridges take lots of time to build

Not sure how this math adds up, it was pushed back from 4Q 2018 to 1Q 2019, so around three months, could be as little as one or two months in reality

Yes but honestly most of us expected it by the end of October before the last dev stream. Do not say that it was only my expectations plz :slight_smile: I know i know

yeah it was because we learned a few weeks ago that playtesting had begun (but it was only special game mode testing as it now appears, but we didn’t know back then). i was also optimistic because it seemed that all the most important feature had been revealed. so yes, october lookes possible but that was just something we really wanted to bieleve :smiley:

It kinda was. It was mine too but ya can’t win 'em all. And don’t feel bad… even we don’t know the reason for the delay. It could be some huge technical issue they bumped into in their own internal testing or it could just simply be that they revised their initial estimates and determined that it wasn’t going to be as soon as they initially anticipated.

You have to remember… they called on it being the second half of 2018 way back last December I think? Really that was still a ways off from when they announced this estimate and even tho they gave themselves room for error by a whole half of a year it would have still been in the realm of possibility that they misjudged it or that an issue could arise and set it all back. Obviously something changed their minds. So we wait it out. All we can do.

Yes all this sound ok , but i would like they add a kind of a third mini elite mastery too that come with 2 new choice to the the 2 already exist chosen class.

Like a final path :cool:

Similar has been suggested several times, but not likley to happen. Balancing nightmare. Besides there are plenty of options with 9 masteries.

It’s the devotion system :wink: