Forgotten Gods Theorycrafting Thread

Meme build disclaimer (or is it?) Acid Oppressor, using 3 piece Deathguard/2 piece Ghol, for BH bonuses:

What i had in mind initially was to see how this would fare with some sweet retal on top. Didn’t work that well. While trying to cap resists, i went again over the items and figured that it’s better to add the Ghol medal and gloves. Not the most polished thing, net is making me die scrolling trough items… Can swap the sword (used it initially for Necrotic edge mod) for Deathguard blade, or use Direwolf/new Korvaak medal to DW the 2 weapons, or even 2 Deathguard blades for “pure acid” Oppressor. More than anything this is to advocate a possible OK support on the Deathguard set. It would seem like a damn good fit. Whenever Crate will deliver a new content patch.

In the mean time, i feel a cold breeze creeping in. Could it work? Would it be worth the trouble? The cold is creeping in.

Nice build!

You can not get 100% Vit > cold conversion on Drain Essence with Amulet and Off-hand. The reason is that the conversions happens at two separate stages and thus you have multiplicative conversion instead of additive

I think I’ve made about all the improvements I can to my Paladin:

Aura of Censure/Eye of Reckoning making use of the new Mark of the Shadow Queen medal and Scarap Carapace MI shield - the roll for the shield shouldn’t matter since it’s the flat elemental damage to Censure we want, so I just went for CDR and EoR traits.

Since the greens on the above are highly improbably (I have some very close to them which I am already using on my AoC Inquisitor) here’s a build that’s just using legendaries - I went mainly for high OA/DA to maintain as close to 3k with temp buffs off so you can deal maximum crits to keep procing Hand of Ultos. Obviously they aren’t really that beneficial in any other way for the class, but I won’t be using these so eh xD

Edit: Updated the original link as I think Phantom Thread Girdle might be the best belt for this build due to big elemental damage buff and big OA.

Was looking at using something other than EoR or AoM, so I decided to look at Judgment. Here is a first draft of a Shieldbreaker built around Judgment and Thermite Mine. I don’t really know how taunt works, but the idea of drawing the enemies into the mines sounds funny. :smiley:

The “knockdown Target” lasts longer than the cooldown. Not real sure how the knockdown will work either.

My Judgment looks really sick. -3.8 skill recharge and lots of added damage.

My OA looks trash to me. I figured if I was taunting I should build more defensive, but it would be nice if I could take advantage of all the +Crit Dmg I have.

Here’s one of the many builds I’m looking to try out. I am looking for ways to improve this one so definitely open to suggestions and ideas about how to make it a bigger monster :smiley:

Lifesteal boneharvest ritualist:

Get Flashbang for DA shred
Blast shield is good
Skip EOR if you are not gonna focus on it
Thermite mines suck

I love that you convert 400% Physical to Fire on Judgement lol

Honestly you could probably swap out the rings to get your OA up, the Light’s Oath ring gives you points to Judgement, Heart of Wrath has good OA AND gives you a fun proc.

This is what I would do if I was doing this build, similar to above suggestions, drop Thermite Mines and Eye of Reckoning, pick up Ascension and the Guardian’s of Empyrion for the fire debuff aura to replace the RR you got from Thermite mines.

I have never played Thermite Mines. What makes it so bad? The RR on it looks really good to me. I am fine with dumping EoR. Have never done Flashbang either.

They’re super inconsistent and have a lot of issues at the moment, essentially not work using until they receive a buff and it’s just wasted points you could be putting elsewhere.

In this case it lets us pick up Ascension , Guardian’s of Empyrion and Flashbangs which all provide different benefits and some health stat boosts and enemy debuffs.

Flashbangs are amazing for debuffing and critting enemies which will come in handy here!

We (me + some players form my discord) are add a little bit polish to this idea

There is a lot of discussion around the mines on this forum if you are interested in the details but in the end they are just too clunky to utilize well.

Clunky, hard to aim, small radius, bad damage.

Flashbang is really good! DA shred and chance for boss to fumble and imparied aim. One of the best utility skills in the game

Yeah I stupidly ignored it for so long cos I didn’t understand the importance of enemy DA reduction as a means of maximising crit chance and damage.

Not sure on etiquette regarding adding builds to the FG Theorycrafted collection, but possible to add my AoC/EoR Paladin from the previous page?

Doesn’t look like any of the Eye of Reckoning builds are focused on using it with Aura of Censure.

I wouldn’t level with retaliation. You’re gonna have a hard (and immensely boring) time.

A Physical Oppressor with only blue items :stuck_out_tongue:

Stonefather = WPS + Vire’s Might.

(mostly because I LOVE the look of that set xD )

Here is another EoR Paladin

If you are gonna use EoR as main dmg skill, is 19/16 enough for damage? A low skill rank in addition to pretty low attack speed is not promising.

Wow, visually that may be one of the coolest looking sets I’ve seen, looking forward to seeing it in game!

Out of curiosity, why Necromancer for this build? Just to play around with something different?

Actually this makes me want to theory craft a judgement/foul eruption build… BRB

Mostly physical retal Archon focusing on RF and WPS skills: (with Autumn Boar proc) or: (more retal)

I know Belzzzz has posted a couple of acid retal Archon builds, focusing on Perdition and Bramblevine. I tried my hand at building around the Stoneguard set (quite original, i know). Not sure if the rest of the items are BiS or not, a couple of them serve filling the gap in resists and especially OA. Using Shaman and retal gear makes you grasping for OA like crazy.:rolleyes:
Initially i though about using Bramblevine too (just for the retal bonuses and the RF mod). But Final stop seems to be a real beast. Besides, the total ret to attack from RF added with the one from the WPS skills is gonna melt things. We’re talking over 40% of… just check page 3 of the char sheet. Shaman is the new Occultist of retal builds, just take Mog pact and vines (just as a reliable proccing tool, in this case, but they’re probably strong in their own right, with Perdition and Bramblevine) and you’re good to go.

I just wanted a class that require low amount of skill points for the “goodies” (in this case OA, resistance reduction, a nice WPS and a panic skill). Soldier is pretty high taxing on the skill points…

Plus, I have theory crafted so many warlords already :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps I will do some other builds with that set some other day.

Wouldn’t Wendigo Totem fit nice on a retal build?

Nice armor btw!!!