Forgotten Gods Theorycrafting Thread

Such a badass looking set indeed. Liking the setup too. This is very good as an intermediate set for phys toons to farm legendary items and it can probably take you pretty far.

I made this kinda mid-tier physical Oppressor too with the myrmidon set

Oppressor is the new Death Knight for me :rolleyes:

It would, but it’s pretty starved for points. Guess it could work, by ditching Aegis. Still, i’d prefer Aegis for trash clearing. Other than that, this seems tanky enough not to need Totem. It’s the first time seeing an 8k armor in grimtools :rolleyes:
As for leeching, i’ll gowith what Fluff said bout how %retal really helps. I mean, looking at those numbers, i can get why.

For me as well. I’m actually obsessing about it. This is likely to be a sleepless night. But i hope it will deliver something… cool :smiley:

True, you are gonna do some decent life steal with Righteous fervor.

I have one non-retal build with 8k armor, but damage output will probably be very low. Perhaps I should post it in here just for lolz

Chaos Whirlwind Sentinel (Sword & Board)


  • 20k weapon damage/attack (when fully buffed)
  • 10% Life steal (95% with Ghoulish Hunger proc)
  • An average of 3 attacks p/second
  • 22k health (when fully buffed)
  • 3K OA
  • 2.5K DA
  • 67% Block Chance
  • 18% damage absorption from Possession
  • Solid 2700 armor rating
  • 88% all resistances achieved (when fully buffed)
  • Skill energy cost reduced by 20% allowing more constant usage of EoR


  • Critical damage is not amazing
  • Reduced target resistances % is not impressive
  • Lot’s of skills to cast

Any tips to improve the build are more than welcome


So although retaliation damage cannot be converted, I was under the impression that retaliation damage added to attack could in fact be converted through gear from this thread, as it works similarly to weapon damage.

It would be nice to have some sort of official clarification, if you know of any please link me!

Even if retal damage added to attack cannot be converted, the belt still converts the 501-796 flat vit damage the build has, along with the flat vit & vit decay damage on DE itself. So I wouldn’t say worthless, but maybe not worth it. It also has +% crit damage and +% OA so its a pretty good offensive option for a belt.

I wasn’t calculating base, I was calculating total. Assuming that retaliation damage added to attack cannot be converted, my page flat phys retal is 19688-26818, with +759% physical modifier. This comes out to phys 169119-230366 retaliation damage after modifiers, and if .24% is added to DE, this comes out to 40588-55287 physical damage from retaliation added to attack to DE.

Fire / Vitality Oppressor focusing on Ravenous Earth / Judgment / Guardians of Empyrion

Only 1 green and rolls don’t really matter since we can make use of the modifier regardless - Can also use Mythical Rotdrinker if you don’t want to use greens

Has a TONNE of RR and should have amazing crowd control and AOE.

Lemme know thoughts.

Has anyone made an attempt at a pistol/shield paladin using the stronghold set? I want one so bad.

Full Chaos EoR/RF/Vire’s with almost total damage conversion except for 50% of the lightning damage

Same build but with green pants for better stun resist and OA

Judicator rings for better OA, but worse RR proc and less fire damage conversion.

I feel like that would work better as a Commando or Shieldbreaker set personally.

You could run it as a Firestrike/Guardian of Empyrion build pretty effectively, let me have a play


Excellent, thanks much for clarification. Disappointing about the way conversion works with retal damage added to attack TBH, but would prolly be OP otherwise.

This retal build seems pretty good :slight_smile:
My Archon build was a try to make use of the Grasping Vines mod on the Bramblevine Shield (I like building around weird mods). This one is really hard to grasp (!) because you can’t use neither full Perdition Set nor Sentinel of the three Set. I feel the GV mod should have been on amulet/medal/gloves. On a shield, it makes itemisation clunky.
From what I gather, physical retal is much easier to stack. And indeed, even if you try to stack fire or acid retal’, without trying you get a fair amount of physical retal’ also. I hope hybrid builds will perform well.

Speaking of weird mods: my beloved Fire DEE. Here’s the pyromancer version:
Fire DEE + BWC Spam Pyromancer.

Here you go, this is what I came up with.

Pretty much just Fire Strike and Guardian’s of Empyrion with flashbangs to debuff.

I thought about using Righteous Fervor in alternation with fire strike but not enough points, but could be an interesting combo to right>left>right>left click both of those.

Fluff confirm that retal added to attack can get converted. I suppose global retal will also be affected by global conversion.

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

He asked for a Paladin, not a Shieldbreaker :wink:


im not sure why he decided that the pointhog that is demo would be a better choice, but hey its got pistol/shield ill just pretend its paladin.

Stronghold Purifier is a very good build (Lokarr under 20 seconds if I remember correctly) and it’s mostly due to a strong combination of Fire Strike + WPS. I don’t think Paladin nor Shieldbreaker can outperform Purifier, RF being weaker than FS for a pistol build.