GD Acronym and Abbreviation List

No results for SSF?

Solo Self Found, i.e. nothing from other characters or from transfer stashes, if you want to be absolutely pure about the definition. Some people will use stuff from their transfer stash, but usually it means items only found by that particular character as they progress through the game.

Thank you so much, strange that it was surprisingly hard to find. Not even in the GD Wiki!

It was probably not as popular ~5 years ago when the OP was last updated.
Also it’s a general ARPG term popularized by PoE I think.

At least I know what OP means. Thanks tqFan.

LoL I always thought that means Stricktly Self Found! since you strictly follow your current character drops and solo means usually by yourself, alone :rofl: I mean, Is there another way like not solo self found? Like Multiplayer self found? Maybe…

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This was just asked on reddit:

EoR = Eye of Reckoning (Oathkeeper skill)

Other OK’s skills also have abbreviations:

  • Vire’s Might = VM
  • Righteous Fervor = RF
  • Guardians of Empyrion / Scions of Dreeg = bois

I’ve just run across an acronym/abbreviation on reddit that I’ve no idea what it means. So, what does “SC” stand for, anyone?

EDIT: Solo Campaign, maybe?

Softcore most probably.

That might (probably is) be it, but it sure does sound risqué. For some reason, the word hardcore doesn’t have that connotation, at least not anymore if it ever did. It does sound similar to Solo Campaign, since so many play GD offline and alone and not in hardcore mode. But then, that’s rule 49 for you (I think that’s the right number, if not someone can correct me).

I’ve seen and used MC for Main Campaign

Right, I’m going to try and update this so please have a look at the OP and give me anything you think needs adding/changing. I’ve already started with some of it, but do we still need some of the items descriptions like Mark of Divinity for example or not and are there any other devotion procs that need to be added.

SC in connection to GD has always stood for one thing - softcore.

This is to make a clear distinction between hardcore mode and non-hardcore during conversations to make it easier for people to know which is being referred to. It’s nothing more complex than that and quite honestly this is the first I’ve ever seen anyone ever allude to it being “risqué” - or rather, alluding that designation to good ol pr0n (in reference to anything GD I mean, of course).

Thanks for the clarification. I’d just never heard it used that way before. But now I have a new abbreviation/acronym to clarify. What does BoA stand for in Grim Dawn dialect?

Saw it used here: Grim Dawn: figured it out the game is substantially easier when you can use skills - The Something Awful Forums
but I can’t see/think of what it’s supposed to represent in game terms.

I Ctrl+F “Boa” and don’t find anything. Could you provide the whole sentence?

It hasn’t been used even once on Grim Dawn Discord so I think you might have spelled it wrong.

I don’t find it either. I must have posted the wrong link and have no idea where I found that acronym now. :confused:

Maybe it was BA - Blade Arc

Hello people, I’m not new to the game but new to the community and have a question. What does CR mean?

Like build X, sr 85 (shattered realm), cr y

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

CR is Crucible, a battle arena add-on to the game you can purchase.

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