Please reply with acronym or abbreviation discussions and reply with anything I missed. I don’t know all of them, but learning about them is what this thread is for!
I’ll update the original post with new suggestions.
If you want to look up an abbreviation you’ve heard, try pressing Ctrl+F (that will in most browsers open the search function) and type it out, then hit Enter. You’ll be pointed to the first entry which matches your search.
Mind you that some abbreviations depend on context. For example, PB usually refers to Phantasmal Blades, but can sometimes refer to Pneumatic Burst.
List of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations for Grim Dawn.
These are often found in other games, especially other ARPGs
ARPG - Action Role Play Game
SP - Singleplayer
MP - Multiplayer
SC - Softcore
HC - Hardcore
LMB - Left Mouse Button
RMB - Right Mouse Button
DMG - Damage
DpS - Damage per Second
DpH - Damage per Hit
DoT - Damage over Time: Internal Trauma, Burn, Frostburn, Electrocute, Vitality Decay, Bleeding etc.
AoE - Area of Effect: Damage/Effects covering an area, opposite of single target
CC - Crowd Control: Stuns, freezes, slows, blinds, confusion etc.
CD - Cooldown
CDR - Cooldown reduction
PtH - Probability (Chance) to Hit
Crit - Critical Hit
CHC - Critical Hit Chance
CHD - Critical Hit Damage
RNG - Random Number Generator: Anything chance-based, often associated with drop luck
Proc - Programmed Random Occurrence: Chance on attack/crit/being hit
Pot - Health/Mana Potion
EQ - Equipment Item: Any item that can be worn
BiS - Best in Slot: Best EQ for a build in its slot
SnB | S&B - Sword and Board: A build that utilizes a one handed meele weapon and a shield.
Mod - Modifier/Modification: Can refer to either a third-party modification of the game, a skill modifier or a % damage modifier
Grim Dawn:
Grim Dawn specific abbreviations not commonly found in other games (with a few exceptions)
GD - Grim Dawn
AoM - Ashes of Malmouth expansion
FG - Forgotten Gods expansion
MC - Main Campaign as opposed to doing Crucible or Shattered Realm
OA - Offensive Ability: The higher your OA vs. enemy DA, the higher your PtH and CHC
DA - Defensive Ability: The higher your DA vs. enemy OA, the lower the enemy PtH and CHC
RR - Resistance Reduction: Here’s a spreadsheet that explains the different types of RR well:
SSF - Solo Self Found: Using only items found by that paticular character rather than stuff collected by other characters and put in the transfer stash
(%)WD - (%) Weapon Damage: Skills can have %WD on them, which makes them deal the amount of flat damage you gain through gear, skills and devotion, to the given percentage.
WPS - Weapon Pool Skill: Skills that do not replace the basic attack, but can proc off of anything that is a basic attack or basic attack replacer.
Phy(s) - Physical or Physique
Trauma - Internal Trauma
Ele - Elemental or Elementalist
Vit - Vitality
Res - Resistance
ADctH - Attack Damage converted to Health: % Weapon damage heals for a %ADctH of the damage dealt - this is not the same as life leech
BoC - Bastion of Chaos: Ch’thonic Dungeon in Act 4
SoT - Steps of Torment: Undead Dungeon in Act 2
Port | PV - Port Valbury: Aetherial Dungeon in Act 3
SR - The Shattered Realm: Endless dungeon in the Forgotten Gods expansion
Benny - Benn’Jarr, the Collosal
Zant - Zantarin, the Eternal
Log - Loghorrean, the Voice of Ch’thon
Moosi - Moosilauke, the Chillwind
MQ - Rashalga, the Mad Queen
Leg - Legendary
MI - Monster Infrequent: Occasionally, enemies can equip certain items that will drop when they die. These items are known as Monster Infrequents and can be extremely powerful with the right affixes.
MoD - Mark of Divinity
VoS - Vortex of Souls
(E)WoF - (Empowered) Will of Fate: An epic 2h gun that pierces much like VoS
Tremor - Obsidian Tremor: Skill granted by Obsidian Juggernaut
GFB - Greater Fireblast: Skill granted by Flintcore Bolts
SoB - Shard of Beronath
Mastery combinations:
Ele - Elementalist (Demolitionist + Shaman) or Elemental
Sabo - Saboteur (Demolitionist + Nightblade)
Sorc - Sorcerer/Sorceress (Demolitionist + Arcanist)
WH - Witch Hunter (Occultist + Nightblade)
WB - Witch Blade (Soldier + Occultist)
BM - Blademaster (Soldier + Nightbalde)
BaMa - Battlemage (Soldier + Arcanist)
Pyro - Pyromancer (Demolitionist + Occultist)
Vindi - Vindicator (Inquisitor/Shaman)
MA - Markovian Advantage
ZT - Zolthan’s Technique
Demo - Demolitionist:
FS - Fire Strike
BwC - Blackwater Cocktail
Occu - Occultist:
DEE - Dreeg’s Evil Eye
CoF - Curse of Fraility
SoC - Sigil of Consumption
BoD - Blood of Dreeg
NB - Nightblade:
ABB - Amarasta’s Blade Burst
LA - Lethal Assault
SS - Shadow Strike
NJE - Nidalla’s Justifiable Ends
NHH - Nidalla’s Hidden Hand
PB - Phantasmal Blades / (rare) Pneumatic Burst
BB - Blade Barrier
RoS - Ring of Steel
AQC - Amastra’s Quick Cut
Arca - Arcanist:
AAR - Albrecht’s Aether Ray
PRM - Panetti’s Replicating Missile
OFF - Olexra’s Flash Freeze
CT - Callidor’s Tempest
IEE - Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange
TSS - Trozan’s Sky Shard
Mirror - Mirror of Eroctes
Maiven - Maiven’s Sphere of Protection
PS - Primal Strike
WD - Wind Devil
FoI - Flame of Ignaffar
RoH - Rune of Hagarrad
RoK - Rune of Kalastor
WoP - Word of Pain
WoR - Word of Renewal
SBoE - Storm Box of Elgototh
DE - Drain Essence
Aegis - Aegis of Menhir
EoR - Eye of Reckoning
Guardians/Scions/bois - Guardians of Empyrion
RF - Righteous Fervor
VM - Vire’s Might
TD - Time Dilation