GD2 - Crate should stay silent or not?

I read somewhere that PoE2 isn’t a new game, it’s just a big update. Your account, characters, items, and micro-transactions aren’t going anywhere. There isn’t a separate game client. It’s an absolutely huge update, but it isn’t a new game

D4 is a new game yes but i dont think GD2 is coming on board for now or for the next 4-5 years. I know it will hurt me after the GD support gets cut but what can you do?
On the other side i know Crate peepos want to move on different projects which im all for it and they should stick on their goals
You never know tho! December is coming :]

Sequels in this “game as a service” era are getting kind of confusing, or they are just expansion packs with different names.

It won’t be.

PoE2 and PoE1 are two separate campaigns with different sets of characters, however there’s a lot of overlap. For one thing, you meet up in the same endgame and players of PoE2 can play with those of PoE1. Ascendancy classes unlocked in PoE1 can be used in PoE2, and vice versa. The passive tree will also be identical.

Basically it boils down to a means for GGG to run with new graphics and world design/monster design without needing to redo everything that presently exists.

It won’t. You select which campaign you play on a menu in one PoE client.


Why not? PoE is what, ~20GB right now? That’s a third to a fifth of most triple-A game sizes these days, and likewise a third to a fifth of what I expect D4 will be.

Imagine making the mistake of playing PoE through Steam. :laughing:

NGL this seems both cheap to me and comparable to HDDs in stores:

Biggest here is the new CoD, clocking in at a delightful 175GB.

I could get a lot more time out of Grim Dawn. I expect to get like 10 years out of a good ARPG. I don’t see any reason to release or announce a GD 2 just because D4 got announced. GD was after D3 and it offers way more longevity in my opinion. D4 is online only, TL:F is online only and I’m not going to pay 60 dollars for an online only experience. If TL:F sells for 20 dollars, I’ll give it a spin… even though the item system is not that great I really like the aesthetics and other things about the series. I am looking forward to Last Epoch. If GD2 releases like six years from now I wouldn’t really complain and would certainly buy.


Well, it definitely will raise in the future. I mean i have already Games which take up space ranging from 100 to 125 > 150 and even ~170gb. That will be even more common once more Games have native 4K Support and stuff.

So i kinda have to agree with Ceno, 40gb doesn’t shock these days anymore, and i hardly know anyone who have less then 500gb or even 1tb Hard Drive… heck even the ones which i know go with a main SSD have a second HDD for that exact reason. I mean remember the days where 20gb Games were schocking because Games took up normally 500mb’s up to a few gb…

If this were the case then gaming companies couldn’t innovate. There’s always a trade off as progress made. 30 years ago games were on a floppy disk until they needed larger space. Then people for cd rom games. Then eventually hdd. Now sdd. Innovation will require changes.

True that. And before that we had to load games from audio cassette tapes using a cassette player and each game would occupy 1-4 tapes and loading took 5-10 min. And sometimes you would get the cursed TAPE LOADING ERROR… message at the end and had to reload the whole thing, haha! Good old Sinclair ZX Spectrum -

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Playing Castle Wolfenstein on my friends Apple IIe with a cassette drive. Oh hell yeah, them were the days.

And before that, we had no storage media … which isn’t quite true … storage media consisted of magazine articles with the program code strings printed therein, which we then had to enter manually on our electronic “computing” device. If you had access to a mainframe with a keypunch and punch card reader, you could create and store the program in a series of punch cards … and woe be you if you got even one card out of sequence. /shakes fist at random cloud … “and stay off of my lawn! Punks.”


I get that all this is sort of related, but if you want to talk in depth about D4 and PoE we have threads for those.