Grim Dawn: Definitive Edition now available on Xbox!

are you going to add option to disable autosave?

Thanks for the hard work! I read the 1.9.4 patch notes and they address everything I have seen! You have my gratitude!

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Comprar na pré venda e até hoje não conseguir jogar porque não conseguem arrumar o problema com o idioma português é muito frustrante.


Fica a lição pra não comprar jogos em pré-venda. Eu nunca compro e não comprei esse. Vou esperar saírem os patches e cair um pouco o preço, aí mando bala.

Mas espero que corrijam logo

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E pelo jeito não conseguiram arrumar esse problema ainda esse ano, vamos ver se conseguimos jogar esse jogo ano que vem, lamentável essa demora para arrumar um problema tão pequeno.


Seeing your reply, I have lost confidence in the online time of the new patch. I don’t open Xbox every day to check for updates. I’m disappointed…

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The patch is under testing.
The patch also contains balancing Changes which spawn discussions on the forum.
In retrospective I think , while there might have been reasons for that, which I don’t know, it might have been better to release a fix for the errors first and later bring another balancing adjustment patch. Now you have dependencies between code paths which should have no correlation and have different urgency.


Oh wow I must say I have a hard time understanding the prioritisation applied by the dev team here. On one hand you have balancing changes for a game that is 5 years old. They cannot be that urgent anymore. On the other hand you have a brand new release, for which people paid full price (no not on a discount), but some are unable to play for 2 weeks (!) now.
Bundling these 2 types of changes in the very SAME patch seems like the worst of ideas, even more so when the balancing changes require a lengthy play testing, and therefore block the critical changes from being released ASAP :see_no_evil:.
What you do in these situations is to split the changes in 2 patches. Patch 1 with the critical fixes only, release this ASAP (within the first week of the release). Patch 2 with balancing changes, give it plenty of time for review by the community. Everyone wins (people can play your game and no rush with the balancing). I really hope this does not set a precedent how Crate Entertainment handles things.


Balancing has been an ongoing process and the latest changes is the outcome of feedback from the community. Further tuning might be necessary, but there is no reason to delay them. AFAIK other staff members work on the fixes, so balancing changes do not delay their work.

How do you know how Patching on a Console, specifically Xbox, works? How do you know how easy it is to deliever a Update, especially if you split it into two? Are you a dev yourself who published stuff on Xbox? As a small reminder, we are talking about a plattform, which asked in the 360 Era (which still isn’t “that” far away) for a fee if you wanted to apply a (free) Update, thats why even back then Updates were bundled together, esp. for small devs/Indies.

Because from what i’ve gathered so far is that on Consoles Updating Games isn’t as smooth and flexibel as like with steam… and considering (if its still correct) that a single dev is working on the Xbox Port, it shouldn’t be a surprise that there might be (various) reasons why they had to delay the patch to deleiver it in a single patch.

The tuning changes included in the patch are not delaying the release of the Xbox fixes, if that is your concern.


O pior, é que não se tem uma data sobre quando estas correções serão feitas, acaba que ficamos todo dia na espera o que acaba aumentando a frustração.

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Sim, e tem um problema maior. Quem comprou na pré-venda como nós, esperava jogar já no lançamento, ou seja, 03/12 em PT-BR, pois desde o lançamento do jogo na MS Store, já deixava claro que teria a linguagem em português. Agora, isso não foi testado antes do lançamento? Como não perceberam que as traduções não estavam funcionando? Para quem espera jogar o game em sua total imersão, a questão das traduções deveriam ser tratadas como prioritárias.

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Under normal circumstances, I could give a date, but as the full process is not under our control, I cannot say for certain.

As soon as cert is finished, we’re pushing that publish button.


All the complaints and expectations come from the love of the GRIM DAWN. When no one cares here and no one cares whether there is a patch online, it is sad. Slowly, patience and hope will be dissipated, and love will be replaced by another game. We understand you, but we still hope to complete the update as soon as possible.

It’s not a question of no one caring. Crate are working to get the patch out as soon as they can. Would you rather they rushed something out and then find it causes more problems than it fixes which would require yet another patch? I know it’s frustrating, but the patch will be released asap.


Also, bear in mind this is Crate’s first attempt at a console release.

From what I can tell, the praise outweighs the complaints…

-Keep up the great work Crate!!


next year … :slight_smile: … a little bit left … holidays … I’m also waiting for the patch as my native language does not work … you can just play … I skip the quests … like a slasher :frowning: … I understand each patch costs money. .test + Microsoft surfing … :slight_smile: january february 2022 … :slight_smile:

Sim, apesar de ele achar que resolveria pelo menos o problema dos idiomas em cerca de uma semana, mais uma se passou e nem isso foi arrumado. Talvez mes que vem, talvez nesse semestre tenhamos uma correção. Compreendo totalmente quem pediu reembolso, pois é muito triste comprar um jogo que diz ter seu idioma e ele não ter, tira a imersão, jogar só por jogar, matando os inimigos e seguindo em frente sem entender a história se torna chato com o tempo.

100% concordo com você. Ainda não solicitei reembolso e já passou do prazo de 14 dias que a MS fornece, porque tenho a esperança de que esse path saia no máximo em janeiro.
Mas é uma frustração gigante, pois compramos na pré-venda, esperando jogar no lançamento.
Custava muito lançar uma atualização somente para a questão das legendas? Não entendo como funciona essa questão, mas compramos o game informando de que haveria o idioma já no lançamento.
Realmente é uma grande decepção, pois queremos jogar o jogo em sua total imersão.

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