Grim Dawn Fanart Corner

well, kinda went too deep into the lore, mostly because i don’t recall if we ever see a depiction of empy inside the game other than swirling light consellation. he’s the most important deity in grim dawn lore yet there is probably 0 artwork of him anywhere.

anyway, about bane’gargoth and the obsidian golems, they are quite a wonder, due to how they pop into existence in the void. they are basically sentient chthonic obsidian stones that one day just got bored lying in the ground forever and then started walking around. their collar-like carving beneath the neck made me wonder are they headless.

The void houses some of the most terrifying creations humans have ever had the misfortune of encountering. Among them is the gargantuan Obsidian Defiler. A Ch’thonic creature formed from the very material which makes up much of the Ch’thonian void, the Defiler is incredibly durable and brutally powerful. Its four arms will shred flesh like paper, but its true power lies within its chaotic core. Should you find yourself within reach of a Defiler, it is advisable to run.