Grim Dawn Passes 1 Million Copies Sold!

Awesome news, definitely well deserved. :smiley:

I’ll probably get myself a second copy too at some point, I have it on Steam atm but a DRM-free version would be nice to have. I’ve never bought one myself before, but if GD gets an IndieBox release (or something similar) I’d probably end up getting one of those too. :cool:

Damn! How did I miss this???

Congratulations, Crate! I hope the expansion attracts even more players, and that we can get even more Grim Dawn content in the future! :smiley:

Gift it to family, friends? Hold a contest on the Steam forums and give away four copies?

I’ve done all of those. 6 or 7 copies plus my own.

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So basically, the expansion is still months away from even entering in testing period?? Did I read this right???

Because if so, then there goes any chances that the expansion will be released before the end of September… Expect it to be ready by Christmas only. :frowning:

Hmm… he says about a couple months more of development. That puts us at end of July/August. Allow 1 to 2 months in testing, depending on how many issues and how complex, and that puts us at September/October.

2 to 3 months away from Christmas. Wax on, wax off, Daniel-son.

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But? Think of the reindeer!

Well its great the the expansion is going to be bigger then planned, its just means there more content, sure it means waiting longer. Then again, look at the base game, and how that grew beyond expectations!

It’s good that the game has sold so many copies, (congrats to Crate for making an awesome game to begin with) I also did a few contests to give away some spare copies I had, so every bit helps.

I can’t wait for the expansion, its going to be well worth the wait, even if the wait is a bit longer then planned.

Congratulations Crate!

Congratulations Crate! :slight_smile:

The good guys win!

Congratulations to you Crate.

Congratulations, Crate!

Congratulations :smiley:

It’s already set in stone six years ago but finally it’s here.

Congrats to you Cratefolk! 2 weeks off duty approved! :stuck_out_tongue:


I look forward to coming back to Cairn when the expansion drops.

I am really glad to see that all the effort put into this game paid off. Crate surpassed all expectations with the game, and were rewarded with sales in kind.


I hope it’s not going to be too much massive for an expansion.
What if I can’t afford it? , gotta work harder then or perhaps sell a kidney or two! :rolleyes:

I highly doubt it will be more than the cost of the base game, a measly $25. I’d put it somewhere between $10 and $20 if I had to guess.

Well done Gentlemen.

I am maybe thinking of doing a give away of some expansion packs on launch when I am gonna stream it :wink:

just to let you know :stuck_out_tongue: