Grim Dawn Version

Best way to not nerf SR 60+ while also shutting up the crybabies :rofl:

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Just lol. Best patch notes ever.

Idk the diplomatic way to ask this and understand why you wouldn’t want/be able to answer completely but I love this game so much and am wondering how much new content we can expect before y’all move on to other things? Like new dungeons and things like that

There a new rogue-like on the way with a quest line to accompany it.


“Pumped for v1.1.5.0? Some of you are probably wondering if such a major update will mark the end of the journey for Grim Dawn. While we’re not ready to discuss details, rest assured. Grim Dawn still has a few updates in it yet!”

You’re all so wonderful thanks for everything you do :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wow the devotion changes are looking really good. The +5% attack speed to spider is a nice touch. My favourite is the owl from this change list as that is a great bonus for any DoT build! Nice stuff :smiley:

I wonder if we will meet yugol or chthon in grim dawn one day :thinking:

Well if we meet one of them, than we are probably fu*ked.:faction_undead:

I love undocumented changes

It was

Stormflame Tincture
Kymon’s Wrath Tincture
Cursed Tincture

A special thanks @Zantai for Bane Relic




That’s awesome. I wish I didn’t have to play at low.

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Very very nice change; especially with my ongoing Firestrike Commando & Firestrike Shieldbreaker builds!

and it’ll help firestrike sorcerers in the future, we hope.


LMAO, how do you guys keep digging out those super old guides of mine?

second build I tried, but actually quit it when trying to level it and dying to warden, in the good old days. (It was veteran, and I was veery new)

Looks like the Throne is back on the menu boys!


  • Faction - The Desolator: now deals pure Fire damage and pierces through all targets, values adjusted accordingly

Excuse me, am i the only one who find this absolutely insane? Even with zero piercing was my 2h fire Purifier AoE monster in the Crucible. Can’t wait to try this. I expect like 1 min (or maybe even more) down in my clear times. I wouldn’t be surprised if this would outshine Dagallon set.

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what about ‘dangerous domain’ logo size/toggle option and those unwelcome large bars on mobs?? how many more patches?? )))

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Nuff said. :upside_down_face:



Wait what??? Did Crate ACTUALLY listened to a request made by the community about changing how a constellation works??

W…what’s going on???

Oh… it’s probably because it was requested by one of the more popular posters in this board… because when I requested for light of empyrion to have its trigger changed to be “when hit” instead, my request got completely ignored, because, you know… I’m not a popular poster around here…

The thread I made a few months ago: Change the proc activation of Light of Empyrion to "whenn it"

Thanks for listening to my request, even if through another poster, I guess? At least I know to not make any more feedback posts towards grim dawn anymore.

If it’s any consolation, i’ve been asking for that exact Empyr change since early Ashes of Malmouth, a year at least anyway

Sometimes needed changes get resolved later rather than sooner. I assure you,