Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1

Whole heartedly agree. For us extremely visually oriented obsessors it’s phenomenal.

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The loves I feel for this…


NOICE! My Spellbinder became even stronger.



the patch is nice but the invisible totem bug with it is not cool^^ I want to see the totems again into the war of fog !

Well if you guys insist…

Yes, we often do things out of Spite, which is why we nerfed it last patch!

Can you actually show me a problem with a particular pet build caused by the last patch or do you just enjoy linking gifs?

Can’t be, we’d run out of salt…

Looks like it missed the hotfix. It’s on the set bonus, or will be I guess!

Perhaps it is time…

As mentioned above, this was not a deliberate change and we are investigating the problem. We made no changes to drop rates from totems and in fact added a few more in the hotfix.

It…takes a lot of files…this is only half of them!


those shaman changes <3

can’t you automate it?

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Not in any meaningful way. The files themselves are only a small fraction of the work required to do these color swaps on pets.

But definitely the most boring and error-prone part.


What is the major part of work then? The FX editor?

Setting up FX data…hooking those up to animations and meshes…creating those as well…then yes, actual FX work to create the alternate FX, hooking those up as well…and then assigning the new files to the new pet variants…and finally hooking up the new pet files to the modifiers themselves.

Or things just didn’t get checked in for the build…

Will O Wisp - Pet Cabalist - Not a Dead build, but not really good any more either.

Divine Defiled - Pet Defiler - Dead build partially brought back to barely breathing by Aetherreach gloves.

Same applies to all the Diviner Pet builds not going for Vitality, which without Shaman support struggles for RR.

So essentially made Diviner set extremely niche.

Nerf to Bysmiel’s Mindweaver - none of the pet builds that were posted here using Familiar were outputting too much damage, either single target or AoE to make sense for the nerf when compared with the likes of Ghol Blightfiends. But I assume it was due to the hellhound buff + new off-hand?

Cataclysm’s Eye losing +1 to skills. Granted it was a general item that became BiS for many builds. But that was because the lack of skill points and the stats it provided along with it. If alternative Pet options existed, no one would have used Cat’s Eye instead. Conjurers still got stuff like Blood Orb, but Ritualists and Cabalists suffer.

Ofcourse, new builds will be made and people will simply adapt and move on. But I for one am not exactly pleased.

Hellhound did get buffed for sure, but Lost Souls blocks too many items that would have been BiS for Hounds and without them, it just feels like gimping yourself by focusing on Hounds instead of something else. Still would have preferred if the buff had came in the form of a new Set instead of it still being based on Lost Souls.

And lastly, I am aware that there might be those who have different opinions on this, but you asked for mine and so here it is.

I made it clear in the thread about those that we underestimated the interest in Aether pets and brought back the relevant stats and then some. If that build is barely breathing now, it was on life support before.

Once again you’re giving me general statements that seem awfully like you looked at the patch notes and made up your mind. Did you try the item changes at all?

I know. I just expected the bringing back of relevant stats to be not 50% Elemental to Aether in Gloves and something more.

Also that 50% will also be less than 50% due to Diviner’s converting Cold into Vitality now.

Which item changes?

EDIT: Genuine question, not trying to be Snarky or anything.

I just re-read the patch notes and there doesn’t seem to be any mention of off-hand changes that act as compensation for Cat’s Eye nerf.

Gate to Many Worlds was added, sure. But the builds going for it wouldn’t care for Cat’s Eye anyways.

No mention of +1 to masteries added to anything either.


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Plenty of them, you’re just obsessed with having +1 to masteries. If the changes made are not enough, then show me where pets are underperforming.

Fine, let’s make it 100% then.


But the entire reason for going for Cat’s Eye even though it was not a Pet item was due to the +1 to skills.
I am not arguing that pets were not buffed at all. I am saying that Cat’s Eye’s Nerf wasn’t balanced by any of those buffs since the nerf was related to skill points.

It will be like Mogdrogen’s Ardor losing +1 to skills and gaining something like a new Pet. If people used Ardor for +1 to skills, then the having the new pet won’t help them.

Ofcourse at the end of the day, Tome of Arcane Wastes does exist if one must have the +1 to masteries.

That… actually would fix it if you are being serious about it.

I don’t post BS. It’s already in the hotfix 2 notes.


Zantai, ty for your hard work, you rock! :grinning:

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