I just read this part, Agrivix set is a nice dual type fire/aether damage and I don’t think that this modifier is needed, besides it’s more cool if the damage that are converted to aether are physical and/or lightning one instead of full fire to aether.
I see it more as a shaman melee set that yes, buffs Grasping Vines so it does more damage, so you can plop it around yourself to damage enemies or keep some from getting to you. But I imagine the main damage would still come from close combat skills. Anyway, likely that was what the set was intended for, hence the nerf.
Of course there is still beta testing of the patches going on. Anyone who has the title Praetorian is a playtester of the game. Some of us were invited, but the last couple of times Zantai’s posted on the forum to ask people to apply to become playtesters. I doubt he’ll be looking for any more for GD, but who knows what will happen with their other games.
Thanks for the info. I guess I missed out because I bought the game pre-kickstarter and the highest level there was still below the Praetorian one during kickstarter.
So anyone can share where the rest of the new areas are? I found 5, not counting Old Grove.
-Act I: Go to the East Marsh, to the north before the tree that hides the entrance to the Temple of the Three, you can find a bridge that takes you to swampy area with Bloodsworn, culminating in the Burrwitch Cathedral, protected by a unique Bloodsworn boss, Father Abbadoth, Betrayer of Menhir (the note reveals he used to be a priest of Menhir who turned over to worship Ch’thon.
-Act II: Tower to the north of the Broken Hills rift now hides a rear entrance, you can get to a small area that opens to the Corrupted Tomb, Arkovian tomb teeming with Chthonian enemies, at the end is a unique Revenant boss, Naren Kur.
-Act III: the bridge at the Twin Falls rift ruined by the Trolls (or the criminals? I never considered that the Rover was referring to them) is now accessible from the north, you have to discover the Pine Barrens, go to Tyrant’s Hold and go east until you get to the Arkovian Docks, full of Cronley’s Gang, including Ascended - also some Arkovian Undead. The south has a tower with an Ascended boss Rutnik the Cruel, who can drop a nice Aether pistol infrequent, and you can repair the bridge too from this end, the Rover Palda will even thank you.
-Act VI: In the Steelcap District, near to the entrance to the Ransacked Lighthouse, you can now find a bridge leading to a ruined building (a former brothel). Btw, for those looking for lore notes that drop from bookcases, this will be a treasure trove. Stairs lead down to the Swelling Depths, an Aetherial Vanguard infested area. Lots of Regurgitators and worms. The end boss is also one of these, Blugrug the Living Plague.
-Act VII: The new area is accessible at the Sunward Spire, which begins at the area you fight Azaleon the Gryphon Sovereign. It is a short area that ends in the entrance to the actual spire, which has three smaller levels downwards (lot of Eldritch enemies here, mostly those giant mutated hulks, and I confirm you can run into Kaizan here as well). The end boss is Astros the Sunherald, a Chosen wielding a monster infrequent 2-handed flaming sword.
Maybe would work well if you did a build around the Bysmiel trinkets set. I been meaning to try that, Arcanist-Occultist with elemental damage dealing pets. Some of the legendary weapon blueprints the cult sells would work for such a build too.
Just look here
highly apreciated, but i doubt that it will help vitality RF much.
great one, but pierce damage there still makes very little sense
ugh, only 50%. idk how to toy around it.
60(current value) - 90(previous value) = -30(damage gain), 110(current value) - 80 (previous value) = 30(damage gain)
0 - total damage gain
UPD: unless you’ve decided to DW those mallets. Good luck then.
these are fantastic, especially maul for dual wield phys damage. gonna give it a try.
cool, but where the heck can acid get cc’s? there’re still about 0 on items and devos.
well-p, gonna get back to ghoul now! all hail variety!
overall, it seems like good change. but it seems like someone has forgotten to give ANY +skills to PB. and we’re talking about NB - the most point-hungry mastery.
I guess nerfing aar is a tradition by now.
why?.. physical deceivers??? people been asking for second chaos ult for years and we got another physical one.
and this makes even less sense, taking in to the account change above. Now for your physical tactian you can pick 4 ults. why?
anyways, i’m glad that patch is out, maybe the forum will be alive for a week or two.
They buffed chaos for some reason ¯_(ツ)_/¯
4.40 and SR100 are poor performance by modern standarts apparently
That I don’t understand, it’s a T2 devotion. Bat is a overused T1 devo, that heals waaaay more and more often than Wendigo, so why ?
I just finished with the full reinstall and now it works. I can access the new areas
No clue what went wrong
Could you provide an argument why it heals more? It was not obvious for me when I last thought about it. Wendigo lasts 10s and you can apply it to multiple enemies I assume… Bat is a shot every now and probably requires a better proccer in longer fights to be effective.
Don’t worry, it was like that since several patchs
- Guardian’s Gaze: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 15%
- Will of the Crypt: removed % Physical dealt as Vitality
Considering only the vitality part, Bat does on average 175 damage, *2 projectiles and with 40% adcth it heals for 140 each proc. Wendigo ticks (ticked) for 240 each second with 65% adcth -> 156 hp healed. Now Bat also has weapon damage and pierce damage, and a base .6s cooldown, with CDR and a good proccer it heals a lot more. Also you need to apply Wendigo’s Mark to every target individually with a low proc rate, while bat will just pierce through targets, the AoE is easier to use.
That’s on paper, in reality I also felt quite a difference on my clairvoyant warlock since it has some CDR and AAR to proc it.
Pretty sure both changes are for Tactician. A lot of people expressed opinion in the 1.1.8 mastery discussion that while it was the star mastery combination with AoM’s launch, it has fallen out of popularity since. 2-handed Octavius Tacts with Stonefist can go Censure and pick up Physical Storm Box for -33% Physical RR in Inquisitor, S&B Octavius Tacts can go Conviction.
It can be also used for Korvan Wyrm Vindicator instead of Primal Bond - especially with buffed Unchained Might that the build uses with Pierce to Phys conversion and + to Aura of Conviction.
The change of Aura conviction (both in mastery and Unchain Might glove) and Fightning Spirit make my physical Tactician’s damage goes off the roof (well, at least better than i expect):
I use AoC instead of Oleron’s Rage since the beginning (when i got 100% pierce conversion due to dual Havoc), and now it just got better than ever. More flat, more %physical, more OA and physica res :))) i’m happy for this patch
i’m curious to see their OA value w/o oleron’s rage.
146 OA vs 12% OA at softcap? Might be a moderately small loss but it’s worth taking when you get 15% Physical resistance and some flat Pierce that you can readily convert a chunk of to Physical.