Grim Dawn Version

I think this change is misplaced, even the old plunderer’s talisman doesnt have that bleed damage that this change is talking about.

I’ve done three Undergrowth + Ancient Grove runs and the change to Ugdenbloom drop rates seems very underwhelming. How much exactly were drops increased? Patch notes state Ugdenbog Golems have an increased chance of dropping flowers, but according to grimtools those don’t drop them in the first place (only the Mossflingers and Overgrowths do)

Maybe the real change in Ugdenbloom drop rates is in the dev console, I just need find the command to give them to me

Its not hard to make in GD stash :wink:

I can try my legit and realistic versions this weekend if I get time.

Anyway, I think it is fine that builds that require less “skill” to play, like retal/rata and pets, should not be as fast and builds that require skill. People are memeing about pets and retal/rata, not about say blademasters in general.

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Phew… None of my builds were impacted much. Some of them might benefit from a few changes but i need to think about a few item choices in some of them. I’m too noob to understand if the changes for the Stormserpent Armor are bad or good for my lightning savagery druid.

i think they legit imported the dev build, i boot up the game and i use the character ’ to open my inventory (next to 1 at least on my keyboard), and that makes it appear a screen to add some commands or something. Thats not anywhere on the options or keybinds because i checked it

These changes seem pretty solid. I just converted my HC warlord to retal last weekend (was waiting forever till it might be fully nerfed so it wouldn’t spoil other builds) and I don’t mind the nerfs here because it still seemed pretty ridiculous in HC from what I played.

I’m super pumped about the buff to Azraaka amulet and the stronghold HP increase since that’s what my paladin is rocking right now and I can feel a bit more confident pushing some SR with him.

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Possibly. That’s the console you are seeing. Normally it is only accessible in Custom/Mod games.

Patch notes look very good! I am happy to see lot’s of the proposed changes in feedback section found their way to the game. Time to make Stormserpent Trickster :slightly_smiling_face:

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Crate just pushed a hotfix, 6.8mb.

Sadly it wont contain un-nerfs for retaliation or buffs for AAR :upside_down_face:


auch :grimacing:

20 physical damage…you really thinking that helps or you just trolling players ?

I think this very OP…245 wd for free skill…

I’m disappointed with the absence buff cold PRM and soldiers part decree of the circle of five/ inashkors head.

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R.I.P retaliation builds, good bye my lovely GD


I came



I haven’t checked or tested, obviously, because why would I want to do that before posting on here (ok, some of that is supposed to be funny) but I’ve had the ‘shift’ (stand still while LMB attacking) key rebound to the key immediately to the left of the ‘1’ key for about four years. And now it’s going to open a command console, right? OK, I can deal with this. I’ll be fine. I won’t abandon all hope. Please send help.

I love the swap of modifiers on chaos gloves - so my chaos s&b sentinel don’t have to chose between boosts to RF or smite.

Also weirdly the nerf to eye of the guardian devo seems nice and I will have easier time abandoning it.

Thanks Crate for best game ever !


My fav shield build just got killed due to phys to aether conversion on the shield :slight_smile: Gonna quit the game now! (just kidding, I will just use another shield and try to make it work anyway)


Great work! Thanks a lot for Infernal Brimstone, AQC and Stormserpent changes. And ofc swapping chaos modifiers on gloves! Doing all these with a hotfix is pure dedication and I guess this settles everything; the game won’t get any big balance changes. Now I can return from the break :slight_smile:


you didn’t have to do that, since the RF mod automatically converted phys portion of smite, and fire->chaos conversion was easy to obtain
in fact you lost 25% acid conversion alround, which imo is kinda :disappointed:

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From the voidrend talon gloves?

indeed, since now chaos OK gloves are the voidsteel :confused: