Grim Dawn Version v1.2.0.0 + v1.2.0.1 + v1.2.0.2 + v1.2.0.3 Hotfixes

Can’t wait to play, patch looks awesome

  • New Accessibility Feature: Disable Day-Night Cycle. By enabling this, the game will be perpetually set to noon.

Can there also be a toggle for it to be set to midnight in the future patch?



Begins spreading the word

Say Zantai, could you go ahead and put the branch on the Steam beta list (so people who have heavily modded games don’t accidentally get auto-updated/“screwed”) :+1: :+1:


  • Now release a third Loyalist pack so I can toss you guys some more cash!!

27 posts were split to a new topic: Pet v1.2 Discussion

Oh, my! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Did healer/support builds just get some TASTY BUFFS!?

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So excited for this update as well as the expansion coming soon. I normally play on pc but, I hope the expansion will also release on xbox as i recently picked the game up there and enjoying it quite a bit on console. Either way, im excited and love the work you devs have put into these games, thanks!

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Since the FoA expansion will almost certainly have new shrines I suspect it will be possible especially since v1.2 brings the ability to get to max level 100 on Normal or Elite now.

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Hi Zantai, [Itemization] When will the function of refreshing Prefix or Suffix be launched? :grin:

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

That will not be coming to the game until the 3rd expansion Fangs of Asterkarn releases - hopefully some time in 2024.

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To be fair I had an account on the old forum from way way back when the game was in pre-release. I just never made one for this new forum.

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18 posts were split to a new topic: Pit Bosses Discussion

it’s happening bois ! image image

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This is unexpected and sounds awesome. I haven’t played in over a year but this will make me return.

It really must be a labour of love for you guys to still be working on GD after all this time.

les mods DOM et ROT seront ils affectés ?

Don’t fool us.
You already spoiler it within playtest when added new empty tags at DLC section. :joy:

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Yes, you will need to wait for the mods to be updated to v1.2 before you can play them properly again.

Time to farm again for MI’s

Been farming for days and it actually works

Great stuff! Rly looking forward to 1.2! And I hope it has a green Aether-Ray that shows us the power of poison! :smiley:

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Please, let this be a +3 and I’ll be the happiest warlord in the world! :laughing:

Fantastic stuff as always, thanks Crate for giving us even more awesomeness with every patch.

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Every game I play, people talk about how the game company screws them over and stops supporting the game.

Everytime I hear that I tell people to look up Crate and the amazing support you keep offering well after the point that you need to.

GD is simply the best supported game I have ever played and the amount of hours I have on both PC and Xbox is insane.

Now, with the expansion and this amazing patch, I hope 2024 will have news on GD2!!!

Oh, and I still think GD would be an amazing and easy Switch port!!!