Grim Misadventure #100: On the Horizon

It is hard to believe that we are at 100 Grim Misadventures. The first one ever was over 4 years ago with some totally lame World Editor humor and the first level I ever created for Grim Dawn (that wasn’t used in the end). Looking back through the first updates really hammers in just how far the game has come. Of course, there are some things you can never unsee.

Fast forward to 2016, Grim Dawn has released to resounding approval, with over 500k copies sold and counting. We’ve released one content update and announced the Survival Mode DLC now known as the Crucible. You will likely be pleased to know that the Crucible is coming along smoothly (some sneaky users may have already discovered the recent addition of Crucible achievements on Steam). We expect to have a release date for you in the near future, posthaste if you will. For those that just can’t wait for more details, the Game Guide has been updated with many answers about the mechanics and features of the Crucible.

But the Crucible isn’t the end of the road for Grim Dawn, not by a long shot. On the horizon, just beyond the Crucible, we are looking to introduce new high-level unique items to spice up your loot hunt. We will also be taking a look at high level Epic sets, which currently don’t quite live up to their intent as stepping stones to Legendary items.

In addition, we want to round out the rogue-like dungeon offering with the addition of a brand new Aetherial-infested city for you to explore, featuring new lore and new challenges and bosses on the same level of difficulty as the Steps of Torment and the Bastion of Chaos. Rumor is also that the Outcast, Anasteria, has some special interest in that area. Those who chose to befriend her may find a new quest waiting for them at Honored status.

Both the new item and rogue-like content updates will be free to all owners of the game. And just in case all that isn’t quite enough, we still have a full expansion in the works, which will continue the story of Grim Dawn through an exciting new “act”. More info on the expansion is coming in the future while we continue to work on all of the new content and features.

We hope that you have enjoyed what Grim Dawn had to offer thus far, and that you will continue to enjoy all that awaits you on the horizon!

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 08/29/2016 for our next development update!

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Aaargh! I was hopping the Crucible would be released today! :smiley: Oh well, this is still great news (I had totally forgotten about the expansion with the new act!).

>Aetherial Rogue-like

My body will never be ready for all this awesomeness.

Looks gorgeous! :smiley:

Wow! That’s great! :stuck_out_tongue:

Waited all the day long for this Misadventure! :slight_smile:

“We will also be taking a look at high level Epic sets.”

Thank you so much. Some of the late Epic sets really need a buff.

Also Aetherial rouge-like dungeon. Finally an use for Aether resist besides in the couple of areas that it’s actually useful.

Looking forward to the content updates :slight_smile:

Was hoping for the crucible today, ohh well still looks and sounds great.

Keep up the great work guys :smiley:

Definitely yes, a lot of enjoyment. New items ? New infested city ? Totally great. Thank you !

Great! Looking forward to the new content.

Nice I asume that will be related to some head collecting :wink:
And more lore oow yeah give me the drug that I need, more lore and more secrets to uncover.

Yay more environmental damage! :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t wait to start headhunting through that roguelike. I love the concept of an outdoors dungeon; really looking forward to see how you pull off the concept of ‘levels’ for it.

Looking good as ever. And congrats on 100 Misadventures!

Thanks for an update! :wink: Interesting how much DLC will be cost?

I f’ing love you. I will be sure to give you delicious closed tester feedback on all the new gear once you add it in. Really glad you’re taking the time to look at them even though they’ll only affect ~3% of the player-base. (though a much large % of players still playing)

Have any of you played your own game to completion yet? It’s a lot of fun.

Hey Crate.

Thanks for not being (((greedy))) money-grubbing buttmunchers.

Posthaste is unacceptable, I must have it anon!

Thanks for another tantalising update, interesting to hear that the much-vaunted third roguelike dungeon will not in fact be a dungeon.


Can’t wait for Crucible and the new rogue like area _

BTW while reading through the Game Guide, this little misspelling jumped to my eyes:

/Long range high five to Crate!