Grim Misadventure #100: On the Horizon

Ok now that makes sense to me. I guess it would also have a splintering effect to have some folks running around capped at 60 devotion and the rest at 50.

So in that case I hope the loot patch is hot on its heels, not that you’re raising the devotion cap, although that would be sweet :slight_smile:

EDIT: i’m assuming Crucible is

Pretty much what I was thinking following the conversation.

The Crucible aka Survival Mode was a commitment they had to do as a result of the KS stretch goal being hit and nowhere was it implied that extra levels and devotions and tons of new artwork/items would be a part of that commitment.

Just an alternate game mode.

My view is that you will find it easier (as Nine pointed out) to do your late game farming in the Crucible if you wish. In my experience the drops are very nice (and numerous) if you do well in it, including (as Nine also pointed out) the challenge is nicer and more immediate.

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it works about as well as farming the campaign. If you have every legendary, there simply is nothing left to farm.

I think I understand what you mean Zantai, but still it would be nice if the players who fight in the crucible get something as a token of excellence or at least for memory. How about getting a permanent passive buff on completing the crucible on each difficulty, just as we used to get in TQ on completing the quest for the temple of Delphi. If possible, may be even have the reward for each toon saved somewhere so that we can go and see whenever we want. It would be sweet and not to mention would add that just a little more incentive to actually beat the crucible, that too three times at least.

The leaderboard?

Also, can we get confirmation that steam friends will or won’t show up on that leaderboard? Will we have to manually convey our scores to compare to our friends?

The leaderboard is local to your own characters. It will not display your friend’s scores.

None of your complaints makes sense, since Crate made it VERY clear ages ago that the Crucible was nothing more but an extra game mode that is free for kickstarter backers. No new items, no cap increases, nothing of the sort was ever said by Crate anywhere.

I looks like you’re the kind of person that loves setting yourself up for dissapointment… and you deserve it.

All good points, which is exactly while I’ll wait until to pick it up, I want the “cash out now or risk continuing” loot gamble to actually mean something.

Once is out Crucible will own. And I don’t play to farm for the sake of farming, I only farm to gear up toons. Once they are done they’re done- like almost every toon advertised in the builds forum- I’m waiting to play them again for real risk vs reward :wink:

This is all very exciting. I am not mentally prepared for the Aetherial dungeon, I hate that ground damage.

On the flip side, once new items are introduced, which is inevitable, you will have a pretty good way of getting them with the crucible. It’s also something that can actually challenge your super decked-out characters.

Personally, I am very happy with the crucible’s concept. Nemesis monsters, as they are right now, aren’t a very interesting fight with every build (there is very little to the fights themselves, they are a gear check).

A survival mode, on the other hand, should definitely be more complex in terms of gameplay and have more to beating it than maxing out a relevant resist and having a high DPS number.

Newp. One of the major selling points for Crucible was the loot gambling system where you can get off the train or risk dying and not making it to the next loot checkpoint (where you’d get better stuff). now it’s still going to be FUN for sure, but there is no character-improvement aspect for geared up high level toons. Loot or otherwise.

However as they have stated patch will add more loot- combine the two and you’re good.

That said there’s not really any reason they couldn’t have soft rewards like extre devotion points, stat points, or respec options that you can buy with the tribute points. That would have been a cool addition, and i’m far from the only one in this thread that thinks so.

Even Hidden Path, small as it is, offered REAL incentive for completing with all toons on every level. 3 stats 3 skill points well worth it. Even a small increase like say 55 Devotion cap in Crucible would have guaranteed every one of us can’t live without it :wink:

I don’t see the point in comparing the Crucible update to the Hidden Path update when one will be sold and the other was completely free.

Forgive me if I just missed it: are you at least considering adding one or more new masteries to the expansion?

(Unarmed mastery! here we come!)

Can somebody please clarify how the loot will be implemented in the Crucible? Shall we get items both from killing enemies and as a reward from cleaning the monster waves? I would like to play it from level one with leveling and finding gear only in Crucible, is this even possible or this new mod is not intended for new characters who would like to stay in Crucible only? Many thx for info.

That’s exactly his point, though. The Hidden Path did more for character development despite costing less. It’s a perfectly reasonable argument that non-free DLC should offer some form of character progression even for characters wearing current BiS gear, especially when basically every previous freely offered content-patch has offered character progression for BiS chars.

I am 99% sure you won’t get any devotion points or faction reputations in the Crucible, so a pure-Crucible character doesn’t seem realistic.

You get them as reward. The waves are short enough that this would probably work. I am not sure why you would want to however, all that does is make it one long grind in the same dungeon over and over…

You could, if you wish, play the Crucible entirely to (steadily) level up and never set foot in the Campaign.

It will not be as easy to reach 50 Devotion Points as it is in the Campaign, but it is possible.

By skipping the Campaign, you would miss out on Factions/Faction Rewards and extra inventory bags.

I see Crucible as a game mod not an additional lore/quest lines like Hidden path. That is pretty big difference IMO. It is a fully professional mod, so I dont see issue that it is not for free. And If Crucible would contain something to core gameplay, it would be probably much more complicate to handle dlc/non dlc player base.