Grim Misadventure #113: Altered Skill

Well there is always trading and Tyrant’s Hold blacksmith.

By the way I really hope we can bind Trojan’s Sky Shard to the LMB in the expansion. That would make an interesting pseudo-melee spellbreaker build.

…The LMB has nothing to do with melee, just your preference. I bind all my attacks to Q-T, because I simply find it more comfortable.

That said, I see no reason not to be able to bind everything everywhere, just, if Crate did it for that reason, it would make zero sense.

The difference is that some skills bound to LMB allow you to use the default attack when they are on cooldown instead of not moving and saying “the skill is not ready yet.” They allow for interesting caster/melee hybrid builds.

Examples: Sacred Strike, Chaos Strike, Shadow Strike, ABB, transmuted DEE, transmuted CT…

Except you could just do that manually. You don’t actually need LMB for that to be a viable build. As I said, I’m all for everything being bindable everywhere…Just not for that, specific, reason. Those caster/melee hybrids are already there, just not as convenient to play.

You are right, but then there is doable vs tedious. Anyway have a good night!

Skills that target the ground will never be on LMB as they severely impact movement (in before “just bind Move To on another key”, but that’s not ideal nor should it be a requirement for a control configuration to function).

While I understand where you are coming from, I think the player should have the freedom to put any skill on their LMB and see if the “severe impact” is that bad. After all, Shadow Strike makes a mess too: you want to walk somewhere and it teleports you instead because you hovered over an enemy, Blade Trap stops your movement completely, etc…

Just like ABB happens automatically and lets you hit with the default attack while it’s on cooldown, here are off the top of my head some melee builds that could benefit from having any skill bound to LMB: cold/frostburn TSS spellbreaker, vitality/chaos Sigil of Consumption Witch-Hunter, cold “runic trap thingy” Inquisitor+Nightblade, lightning “Storm Box” Inquisitor+Shaman.

I think a simple way to solve this issue would be a global option, just like “move to breaks objects”. You could have all skills usable on LMB with the options “skills on cooldown use default attack instead” :ballot_box_with_check: and “targets not in range make your character move towards them” :ballot_box_with_check:.

The difference is that those skills require a target to activate. Sky Shard does not. If it was able to be bound to lmb, it creates a problem where is would be cast every time it goes off cooldown while you are moving. Fixing that requires more work and as much as I can gather from Zantai’s reponses on the subject, it isn’t worth it for them.

Frankly I’d love to see these “move to target” skills changed to “move to X/Y | if(enemy){ beat the $#%@ out of it };” to allow for more freedom of movement since +%run speed is mostly nonexistent on most gear (and pointlessly low on comps).

Speed mobs pushing their hitboxes ahead of where their viewmodel is so they can force body-block and create “a challenge” is beyond annoying, and running through the game 3 times per character is tedious. Travelers set isn’t even end-game/past Normal worthy…

Really? See, I keep wondering why games keep adding a move speed stat, when they could just balance everything around a single, consistent move speed and not have the extra stat…Especially since it causes a weird, warped focus on things specifically because they have that stat. You don’t actually NEED to move faster, after all. Melee can be played just fine without any movement skill, and without any extra movement speed. But because they both exist, people believe the opposite, that melee is terrible without both.

I was under the impression that movespeed was particularly important for shooters and casters, especially ones that kite. Most melees have some kind of gap closer that they can also abuse to zip every which way, anyway.

Why? Casters often have either CC, or enough damage to massacre trash, leaving them only kiting one or two heroes, or a boss. Ranged characters are much the same. Move Speed doesn’t help with bosses and heroes, because they either move slow enough that regular speed is enough, or fast enough that your boosted move speed is rarely enough. And Melee gap closers only go to an enemy, so they’re only useful when adds/trash are around, and to get from trash pack to trash pack faster, which you don’t actually NEED. It’s no help with most bosses, and even if the boss does have adds out, there’s no certainty that they’ll be in a better position to jump to.

Fair enough.

There are a few skills that could be added without issue then, like Bloody Pox.

Take your time for that expansion!

I still have a lot to do in the game now :rolleyes:

Will those Item Skill Modifiers actually be random on every drop (e.g. Mythical Grim Fate #1 with SoC 75% dmg to fire or #2 with SoC 60% to cold or #3 Doom Bolt 50% to fire) or is there always a specific modifier for certain items (e.g. Mythical Grim Fate always with SoC 75%/x% dmg to fire)?

I would assume that they have a range from X to Y, but always the same type of stat. IE, SOC 75% damage to fire, or SOC 70% damage to fire. Our current conversion items all work like that, so I doubt Crate’d change it without cause.

I hope so, bc otherwise it would be even harder to farm the item you want than currently, due to “wrong” modifiers.

I wonder if it’s possible to have cross-mastery modifiers. Something like “Affects Rune of Kalastor to Ulzuin’s Chosen” would be pretty cool.

I am kind of on the fence about this particular detail. While it would be nice to have something % wise on a specific piece of gear to be aiming for it would also be nice to have a rare item modifier to make a specific build around. I personally like making builds off of items i find rather than making builds off of an item I might get to drop.

Skill Modifiers on items are static.

If you find two of a particular Legendary, they will both have the same modifier and it will have the same value.

Now, there may be a Legendary or two that roll random modifiers…but that’s another story.