Grim Misadventure #120: Expanding Legends

Much as I want it and think it’s awesome and can’t wait to not have enough Vitality Resist for the Ravager fight, the Ravager’s Bite looks kind of…ordinary. Seems like a typical Trogg weapon. :frowning: Although maybe that’s intentional? Is the Trogg masterrace finally happening? :o

Otherwise, love the weapons. Edge of Sanity has a particularly Elder Scrolls feel to it (probably a Sheogorath drop…) and Venomlance seems to perfectly strike the balance between Legendary mysticism and the Victorian-era time period of GD. Love me some brass venomous snakes.

I am hoping to see some shields when we get to see some more items. :stuck_out_tongue:

Love the artwork. As always great job guys. Cant wait to duel wield those pistols :cool:

Nice items and art! How is the items storing system going to be changed?
Definitely we need more stash space with all those ‘200+’ new legendaries.

Still no two-handed Pyromancer sword. :frowning: One day… one day…

Awesome looking weapons, the two pistols take the cake here. Any chance that we could see the stats for the rest of the weapons as well?

Cindercore looks cool and its stats are nice…but no Inquisitor +skills? :undecided:

Ravager’s Bite + Phantasmal Blade = wooo the whole screen is not ravaged. Impatient to test it ingame :slight_smile:

Please tell me the Winter King pseudo-set is getting the mythical treatment as well!

Who’s behind the artwork of this items?

Linking that with the misadventures on alterations, does that also mean that most of the sets at mythical level with have the 2-3 mastery support? For example Mythic Dawnbreaker with Soldier, Demo and Shaman support = usable by Commando & Elementalist in addition to the current Warden only?

lol, just realized:

RIP In Pepperoni Barrelsmith’s Twins.

Well you didn’t see the mythical version of barrelsmith yet. But if it’s better then cindercore will become reduntant. Maybe it’s better to just change barrelsmith twins.

Barrelsmith Twin’s have a few more skill points to Grenado/Canister Bomb and will probably still keep the bonus CDR so i don’t think they’re entirely lost.

That Ravager has me interested, it’d be a stretch but I wonder if you could make a Hybrid Pet/Vitality character out of it.

I’m a little worried all the high level legendary items we have seen so far are for level 94. Are we not going to shuffle around the level requirements a bit? Otherwise we will get the 50-58-65-75-94 pattern again.

I’m pretty sure most of them will fall into the same couple levels for requirements, just like they do now. Which is disappointing, but at least it’s universally disappointing, rather than just a few being really high level.

I wouldn’t mind the current L75 Req if there were more good blues/purples in between, so that the last 5-10 levels didn’t feel like such a slog. But perhaps that will be fixed with the expansion.


The art is nice, though.

You forgot the 68lvl mini-league)
Also, it seems that the mythical versions of 50-68lvl legendaries will fall in between 75 and 94. Maybe the guys will finally break the usuall pattern of head+chest+shoulders+amulet+weapon sets and introduce some unusual set combinations in between 75 and 94 to complement the 75 sets, rather than replace them, while we’re on our way to the top gear.

I heard voices telling me that three out of five pictures are feeling jealous because other two are completely exposed showing all their attributes.

Care to rectify this insult?

I believe it was already said before that the new legendaries will start at level 82. So 82 is a tier.

Dat Cindercore gun is strange.
Phyz bonuses make no sense on a weapon with phyz to fire conversion with flat burning addition to manahungry spells. Id rather see fire/burning % bonuses here. Or flat trauma to Grenade/CB . :roll: