Grim Misadventure #120: Expanding Legends

Terrific artwork. drools

Updates like this always leave a bittersweet feeling for me.
Look at all the awesome new stuff that you won’t even have a chance to find for a few more months :smiley:
Want that Cindercore for my pistol & shield commando so bad now~

They should stack.

These modifiers are just insane.

A few more months? Oh, the optimism. I envy it.

These weapons look great. I just hope we finally get a legendary equivalent to the Marauder’s set.

I like this.

Same here… I want it badly :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks great. I like the style of venom pistol.
Will you add more new vitality/cold legendaries? Because Soulrend feels lonely:cry:

Awesome! For me a big part of an RPG is creating a character that looks cool. Aesthetic is important.

Pending Zantai’s confirmation - what would be your favourite set or legendary to make a return mythic style, and which additional mastery would it then support?

A few from my side:
Dawnbreaker + Demo
Necromancer’s Deathgrips + Necro :wink: (I think this one will be obviously included)
Wraithwalkers + Necro & Nightblade
Wildblood + Necro
Bane of the Winter King + Necro (and making the thing a real set)
Band of the Eternal Haunt + Necro
Exonerator + Inq
Brutallax + Soldier
Justicar Armor + Shaman
Demon Slayer’s + Soldier + Inq
Deathmark + Necro
Light’s Defender + soldier
Bloodrager + Nightblade
Chausses of Barbaros + Shaman + Soldier
Valdun + Occulist

^ this guy gets it. Even if the xpack came out tomorrow, the drop rates for what we need to complete sets is just abysmal.

Man, Morguul’s Mortality looks absolutely insane.

So how about that release date? Say… next week?

Oops, it is supposed to have % Fire as well. Tooltip updated (values will have rerolled).

Next…few months.


Oh, tnx, that make more sense. BTW do dualwielding bonus from these babys stacks? LIke 400 flat DPS burning from Grenade onepointer and 600 flat from canister onepointers feels kinda eh? Somewhat broken.

At the very least few is less than 6? Or we can go on joking about Q5 release? :smiley:

“Few” is 2-3.
So august/september :slight_smile:

Your definition of “few” and Zantai’s definition of “few” may not be the same. :smiley:
I won’t even bring in realities’ definition of “few”.

Zantai’s already said there’s still a couple of months’ work on the expansion (said that at the end of May) then it has to be tested. So August-September is a few months in his timeline. :smiley:

And we know what’s going to happen when August rolls around and there’s no expansion rolled out. :smiley: