Grim Misadventure #120: Expanding Legends

Since August is when a lot of people will be on holiday (at least here in Europe) it’s bound to come out then. :wink:

the more we wait for the expansion the better it will get just saying , more development time more content :D.
still looking for Act 6 I hope they will do more than all Action RPG that limits the game at 5 acts, I guess this would be like a 1st time. is there any chance? or after this Act 5 stop development and start working on new projects? maybe GD 2 ?
there is still alot of room til lvl 200 cap.

I’de prefer they take their time and release it when it’s ready rather than setting a hard goal for them to meet. If issues arise that they can’t deal with immediately, they either have to delay the release (in which case, where’s the point of the date to begin with?) or the worse option - they try to rush it out without finishing it properly or testing it. Don’t want another Sonic '06 scenario :p.

Yes, not a GD2 yet, but something GD related and also a strategy/city builder game we think.

You can see a hint of it here on Crate Entertainment’s website:

Wow, so some ppl still believe in Zantai’s estimates. :stuck_out_tongue:

you take every bone they throw to you when you are desperate enough

I think all covers everything including low level legendaries (Lv. 50) such as Avatar of Mercy and Grim Fate

wow +200 new legs. amazing

That’s being too harsh actually. Sonic '06 ended up becoming a glitchfest because Sega overdone it. They wanted the team to port the damn thing on every FUCKING console at the time, and on time to Christmas no less.

And that wouldn’t do any favors either, since the game has it’s non-glitch problems: Too many different playstyles (that would also count on the problem mentioned above) and most of them unnecesary, and a plot that crawled from either or Deviantart. (and Sonic was already becoming a convoluted fanfic since SA2, although some argue that the Archie comics also pushed this further)

Oh, and we shouldn’t forget about THAT scene.

Even if the GD expansion comes with many bugs, I can at least guarantee it will NOT come with a scene where Ulgrim kisses a dead Trog. It takes a unique talent to be THAT bad.

People have been wanting more GD cutscenes, though…

That was my point. The game ended up as a buggy mess in part because the development team had a hard deadline to meet and they didn’t have enough time for important things like testing.

But maybe comparing the situation to Sonic '06 was too harsh indeed :p.

I think perhaps you are mixing causes. If a development team sets a BAD deadline, then yes, it causes issues. If the development team isn’t being idiots, and sets a GOOD deadline, then it can often encourage more efficiency, while also allowing for a realistic marketing setup. Generally if people are on a clock, they work harder, regardless of how far off that clock is. Some people do put things off due to that clock, but then those same people work overtime, extra hard, to meet said clock, especially in cases where they know there’s no leeway, and no chance of an extension.

It’s hard, for example, for Crate to advertise to potential new players right now. What are they going to say? “We’ve got an expansion coming… Eventually. Oh, it’s been planned since before the game released, so… Maybe it has been a while, yes. Well, we’ve been teasing content since last September…”

Right now, to someone who does NOT play GD, they have little to no leverage to get them interested in the expansion. An expansion or a sequel at least indicates that someone enjoyed the game enough that it GOT that made… But then, that doesn’t mean you’d enjoy it. There are plenty of very popular games that are vastly different, so you’re bound to dislike one of them. That doesn’t mean they aren’t popular… But it also doesn’t mean you’re going to care if you hear an expansion is coming.

Simple example. Call of Duty games are popular. I don’t care for them, never really have. So when I see an ad for a new one? I don’t care. At all. Right now, potential new players don’t care about GD. If they did, they’d be playing it already, and thus not be potentials. This expansion as of yet, isn’t changing anything, because it’s so vaguely timed. Crate can certainly advertise after the fact, but advertising pre-release is generally more effective than post-.

TLDR A bad deadline is bad, but good deadlines have a whole hell of a lot of benefits.

Will the expansion add a ton of new cutscenes? The one in the opening was pretty cool

Although the Aetherial’s voice in that one is a little hard to comprehend

Edge of Sanity looks nice, i hope it´s for Aether since i havent found any 2H Aether wapon so Far. Maybe its a Aether Lightning weapon for Druid (Arcanist + Shaman).

Weapon Aether builds are difficult so far, the last patch improved some flat damage Boost of Arcanist abilities wich did really help my
Vortex of souls build. Meele Aether Builds are very Rare, (except from Callidor´s Tempest). But i can Hardly manage to do dual wielding, 2 handed or sword and shield Aether build. Since Vortex of souls helped out the 2h ranged Builds very much some similar strong meele weapons would be very nice.

How well someone works towards a deadline varies. Some people feel pressured when deadlines draw near, some people are capable of working soundly. I don’t doubt that they wouldn’t be able to set themselves a reasonable deadline and meet it but it’s better that they don’t.

I’ll admit Sonic '06 wasn’t the best example as the development team literally had no say in their deadline whereas that wouldn’t be the case here.

Is the “Mythical” item going to be a la Diablo 3 where it’s just a super version of the legendary (Same level requirement, just better stats)? Hope not :frowning:

Very nice. Venomlance in particular is sexy af.

It won’t? Preorder cancelled.

In case you might have missed out… they have higher lvl rqmnts…

they offer much more than just boost the stats… ( altered skill modifiers etc)

The new legendaries look really cool. Can’t wait for the expansion! Probably a stupid question, but will the existing ‘necromancer’ items get a rework with the release of the necromancer mastery?

Hope not. Never been able to view the opening scene ingame since it first came out. All I get is a mass of squigly, wavy lines with voiceover.

I can’t really see what they add to a game like GD. Okay the first few times you view them they’re interesting, but after that you simply end up skipping them to get on with playing.