oh come on Crate give us the update already i am dying here
Geeze, give ‘em time to out out of bed will ya. Still early morning where they are. Don’t usually put it out until around lunchtime in their time zone so a few more hours’ wait yet.
Lazy forumites, you’d think they’d have some originality!
I’m more interested in some sneak peak about new sets :rolleyes:
I would really like a set for DW chaos-vitality Witch Hunter because none exist for this combination.
I am betting will be getting the new patch this week, a preview of 1 or 2 of the new sets.
And finally the reveal of the chest hair unleashed guy as the the 9th mastery! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I get that aura around my entire palm for other less strenuous activities
Can’t wait
Very much looking forward to this. Pure desert environments has always been the best biomes in gaming, especially rpgs (example in no order, Diablo 2, Dungeon Siege, Sacred, Torchlight 2, Titan Quest, among many).
I still have a tiny bit of hope we will finally see BOWS in this game, but I think it is very unlikely Please make it happen.
Forget it. Doesn’t fit the GD mythos and Zantai said no new weapon types in last Friday’s stream as well.
I heard that before, but bows make much more sense in an apocalyptic world with very low resources than guns do.
Also guns and crossbows are not fun
Nevertheless, still ain’t happening no matter how many times you ask for it. Zantai’s explained the reasons why several times over the years.
What if we get TRIPLE class characters?
With 2-3 class required uber skills?
That’d melt a whole lot of decades from more than a handful of the player base in here.
And the true top tier might never actually be found for years.
…even in China.
As long as we get machine gun crossbows that shoot rockets, there shall be zero regrets in this grimdark life.
DON’T STOP making expansions, I LOVE THE GAME! I Hunger to gather more Item Gear Sets.
Well, as Zantai said in the stream last Friday, the team have been working on the game for quite a long while now and might like to do something different. Stream’s here if you want to watch - introduced some new music for the expansion as well as showing off the new movement runes we’re going to be getting.
I have no problem with that, can relate to it completely. The company needs other projects to help it stay viable and people get burnt out doing the same things all the time. We know there’s a town builder in the pipeline, but what else this creative group can come up with excites me a lot. Let them have a break, do some interesting things game-wise and then maybe they’ll be refreshed and ready to tackle a GD2.
As medierra has said previously as well, he’d feel better about a GD2 if the company had more funds available.
I think a couple successful projects and we might see a GD2 later on a scale unlike anything we’ve seen now
Another consideration is how long the current game engine will last. Performance-wise there’s not much more they can squeeze out of it. And each expansion produces less and less financial return for the amount of work involved because they just don’t sell as well.