Grim Misadventure #133: Announcing...

Just off the top of my head…the game is balanced for you to be ONE of those builds all the way through the game, if you can suddenly completely swap your build to the more efficient one against specific mobs, then that rather requires the game to be rebalanced to account for this, which also then means that any player that DOESN’T swap their build to account for this then they will be playing at a loss and will be forced to play like this.

Oh look this boss is weaker to fire so lets change my build to inflict max fire damage :rolleyes:

Depends on what you personally find fun, I’m fairly certain that there’s a lot of forum posters that have got more than 28 chars to 100.

Guys, I would love to hear your speculation on the announced new gamemode. I have read that it is unlikely to be a randomly generating rift/map system because the engine is not designed for that. Can anybody confirm this?

Imho a map/rift system with dungeons for endgame would be a great addition to the game! We need more endgame content please.

Oh look this boss is weaker to fire so lets change my build to inflict max fire damage

And wouldnt that be great?

You can already do that in game by reseting your skill-devotion points with a cost of 15000 iron bits per point but why not do that by specing to “Spec 2” lets say with 1 click. In Diablo 3 you can freely switch to whatever ability-rune combo you want before a boss fight and noone is saying it is interfering with the game balance but for Grim Dawn you are saying it is interfering with it.

Depends on what you personally find fun, I’m fairly certain that there’s a lot of forum posters that have got more than 28 chars to 100.

Considering it takes around 50 hours to level to 100. 28x50=1400 hours i gotta quit my job and play grim dawn all day lol

It takes me around 7-8 hours to get from level 1 to level 100 - it is that fast.
Using Lokkars set from lvl1 until lvl 75 + XP potion = +140% XP.

Run Crucible wave 1-30 until you get 10 devotion points (around lvl28 at this point)
Do a full clear on Vet + AoM (finished around lvl 70)
Rush Elite via killing Log (finished around lvl 80-85)
Start clearing Ultimate and you will hit lvl 100 around Homestead this way.

Ugh, if it is one thing I don’t care for it is endgame. Give me 2 more rogue dungeons and we are good. Random maps / rifts never added anything to any game as far as I am concerned

Because Crate have stated that the point of the respecc system is to make minor adjustments to your build, not to simply respecc between builds. The game is fully moddable, with all the tools released by Crate and therefore if you’re that passionate then mod your game to do it.

Yes… Because diablo 3 is built for that to be the case and thus the bosses are balanced for that… in GD the bosses are not balanced for that kind of char respeccing, so yes it would effect the game balance.

Not to mention that this isn’t, and never will be D3!

ok Jaknet i agree with you bro…

guess i’ll spend 3 million iron bits each time i wanna go from pet cabalist to vitality cabalist or vica versa

or maybe level another cabalist to 100 to have both :slight_smile:

no it would not, find a build that works everywhere instead of switching things around all the time

In Diablo 3 you can freely switch to whatever ability-rune combo you want before a boss fight and noone is saying it is interfering with the game balance but for Grim Dawn you are saying it is interfering with it.

there is not really anything I like about D3, so saying it can be done in D3 is pretty much convincing me it should not be done :wink:

Considering it takes around 50 hours to level to 100. 28x50=1400 hours i gotta quit my job and play grim dawn all day lol

no one is forcing you to have all available combos and as was mentioned, you can do it in 10 hours (actually the number given was 7…)

too much waiting! but actually now I am more hyped for Monday announcement than Infinity War and Dragonball Super combined! :rolleyes:

As others have said it does affect the balance of the game since it’s not designed for this type of gameplay. Plus how do you think it would affect your devotion set-up to keep swapping around for various build ideas? A pet cabalist isn’t going to want the same devotion setup that a vitaly one is, a vitality not the same as a physical drain essence. You’d either have to stick with a devotion setup that’s completely wrong for your current build or you’d have several set-ups, none of which would be maxed for end game play.

And that’s a problem?

Never played it so that means nothing to me, sorry.

Again, don’t know what you mean. Some sort of overlay map? No thanks, that drove me mad when I tried to play D2 years ago.

As for levelling, many people do it quite quickly and others of us take ages. Dikkiedik has over 12,000 hours in the game and yes, he’s levelled practically every possible combo of class up to L100. You can see them all here (with links).

Me, I’ve probably got somewhere between 1,200 and 1,500 hours - though my times are a bit wonky since I changed from Steam to GOG when I got the chance and that wiped out any previous Steam playtime during the early access alpha - and only one toon to L100. Why? Because I keep coming up with new build ideas or see someone’s idea and want to try that. It’s a major part of the fun for me. I’ve done a couple of purges of toons over the years since I end up with so many I can’t play them all.

talking about QoL changes: Please Crate make conversion colors visible.

I want my doom bolt green ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Have you ever played maps in PoE? In Diablo 3 the rifts are boring and get stale very quickly, but the way you can craft and modify the maps in PoE just adds so much to the game. If Crate were to introduce a similar system, it would be unique for sure and with a different touch.

If I play a character to max level I want some more things to do than run through the world and find nemesis bosses or do crucible. Crucible has its place, but just standing around in one area is boring to me.

Hello, everyone!

I tried to post these many words in some proper thread but found none, so I apologize in advance if writing here was not right.
At least I hope you won’t be bored with my text below :slight_smile:

Hard to imagine - more than 2 yeras have passed already as I was here last time. But Grim Dawn is from my point of view still the best there is in its genre. I still remember how “cruel” it was to face the dead end after that epic battle with Loghorrean. But then come Ashes of Malmuth. And the thirst for new adventures burns anew again! Another astonising chapter in the struggle agains the Archenemy - the Aetherials. For all that complex experience I want to thank all the Crate’s team. Much new content: foes, horrors, tons of new gear, skills, crafting materials, astonishing areas to explore, fascinating music, graphics, many letters with interesting info to read, trying to puzzle all the pieces of the Story together.

Especially I want to say that through combinig all that in one masterpiece you achived the most important thing - you’ve created the ultimate ATMOSPHERE that drawns people to play the game again and again with undying interest.

You keep on remembering your even smallest characters - for example the witch that you can save or burn in Blood Grove and many others. That’s very nice of you. It gives a strong feeling that the world of Cairn not olne has a deep history but lives on, it’s not static or frozen.

And now we have Forgotten Gods at our doorstep…
Ashes of Malmouth left the main storyline hanging. The Cirlce of Five is untouched and in full force, the erulan capitol is burning, cult of Ch’thon is crippled but far from defeated.
Now the teaser tells us that we’ll leave Erulan empire and travel somewhere south in the deserts searching for a ruined city that contains some dreadful secret. Why should we turn our backs and go god knows where when aetherials are all around? The fall of the Shaper of flesh is a major blow and they will react fast.
Possible reasons:

  1. the Witch gods and Mogdrogen are attending to something VERY important. Maybe the will finally reveal themselves.
  2. Kymon’s chosen. Whatever gave father Kymon his power… but it’s not the Lightbringer. Father himself doen not know with what he struck the deal… and I think he’s afraid. Inquisitor Creed himself tells us in his diary that the presence of Kymon and his followers feels uneasy, otherwordly, gruesome. Nothing like Empyrion’s peace. And we can find Kymon’s Scripture: first passage. Where are the other ones?
  3. In a secret place near Gryver’s mill you can find a small area called “Shrine of the forgotten god”. Doesn’t ring a bell? Furthermore scribe Osterram in his diary says that he cannot dechiper the words carved on the altar. Noone spoke this language for thousands of years in any culture known in Erulan. And he casts aside the Three gods, because the pictures are different and the devotion was open, not hidden as the witch gods like. The display of the altar is gruesome. The forgotten god was “bad”.
  4. Where did Uroboruuk go? What was that immense and unknown not flesh-not spirit power that drew his attention. He believed it to be tearing through the veil near Burrwitch but it was no ch’thonic. Then what was it?
  5. Altar of Rattosh. Is that just a mere tool or something of more importance? And who really is that Rattosh in the first place?
  6. Findings of Yeathleanis. Under Ugdenbog you can find his writings. He was in a group of refugees from orginal Arkovia and tried to lift off Uroboruuk’s curse. He mentioned something about knoweledge so vast and deep that even immortality won’t let him grasp fully. Who knows what he achived…
  7. That Power from the void it was to which turned one of the sides of the original war, that raged eons ago between the masters of the aetherials. Was that Ch’thon or something more malevolent that maybe consumed all sides of that war?
  8. Ulgrim seems to be a demigod as Creed suspects. Who is he and why pretends to be a human? What power he serves?

And the most interesting: what is the biggest mystery of the game - who really is our main character? We know from the beginning of the game, that our hero was a “taken” - posessed by an unknown aetherial. The evil spirit was seperated from the human body but not destroyed. Also Kasparov said that our hero emerged from Devil’s Crossing unactive for god knows how long rift already posessed. Furthermore, if I’m not mistaken, in some writings/letters aetherials already suspect that a certain “taken” ruined their plans in Mailmouth. So, who REALLY is our main character? No further info for the time being…

Waiting eagerly for 2nd expansion release! Thanks again for your hard work!

p.s. Old Grove! Looking forward to see and explore you in the upcoming update! :slight_smile:

no I did not. I stopped playing PoE before I got there because of disappointing drops. I know their map system though and agree that it is better that D3’s rifts (which I played a few of, but I was bored with D3 before I even reached the end of the story, so that did not last long either). Same for TL2, the maps never interested me there either.

My main issue is that I am not all that interested in grinding to begin with, I am not one to continue playing the same char until eternity.

You can find the second scripture by siding with Kymon and following the questline.

First post here, 3-19-2018.

At the wondrously appropriate time of 2:50 AM, Crate-time. :smiley:

Don’t hold your breath. :wink:

And your 100th post, double celebration. :smiley: Now you can wait hours, like me, until Zantai blesses us with the latest GM.

Wonder what we’ll get today. More relevations on Forgotten Gods? Some new artwork? v1.0.6.0 coming posthaste? Xbox GD news?

Monsters from 2nd anniversary pic I think.

my guess is more revelations on FG, with a short word on avancement. i’m waiting for it eagerly anyway :slight_smile: