Grim Misadventure #134: Sand Threats

I don’t recall taking any oath or making solemn promises or entering into a binding contract with anyone or thing in the course of my travels in Cairn.


pls pls pls pls pls get us another usable pet be it that dinosaur or some new creature

Does Kymon’s Choosen ring a bell? It will if you sided with them and did all their quest.

I have no time for religious wingnuts and consequently never side with them. Not keen on weird soup either!



Big Z should have teased us more…!!!

I want to find out what stirs in the water of Udenborg!

Anyway ,if the new mastery is Dinomage, that would be super duper fun.

Love those dinolizards, really looking forward to hearing details about the new game mode Soon.

Awesome! I cant wait for dinos in GD. :smiley:

Great work as always. :cool:

Give us mastery with shield attacks please, like in Titan Quest.

niceee…very nice…hope u dont forget the mirrages and illusions brought on by the sands and heat…would be nice to encounter lakes with trees that dissapear, or maybe things u are looking for in a quest…maybe big chests illusions and when u get close they fade away.

Im also seeing some sandy winds and sandstorms ?! :cool:

Any news on aproxametly when we get next update ?

First, a very big thanks CRATE, this game is awesome, we send our support from Cuba, you guys have a very big fan club here :wink:

Hmmm, the announcement of the expansion almost give me a heart attack, soooo, honestly I was waiting a little more pieces of content. Very scary bugs you have there lol
JESUS !!! This is going to be the longest 2 weeks of my live so far :frowning:

Fingers cross for new game mode news in Misadventure #135 !!!
(Sorry for the really bad english, I’m working on it)

You can find it at the end of every misadventure

I’m actually also excited about those QoL changes they announced, as I dislike modding (it will always somehow feel a bit like cheating to me, I know it’s weird). :slight_smile:

OMG, I love this :lizard:

What QoL changes they announced? :confused:

NICE, finally some dino/lizards beasts too :smiley:
Gotta love the bugs acidic insides, reminds me of Aliens franchise fing aswesome
Give us some info for the new game moooode ;p

Lighting resisting mobs?
#Buff Shamans <3

A Mesmer type of mastery would be an awesome introduction in this expansion. Playing with mirages and illusions… ~drools~

I knew those shadows were fishy, sorry lizardy! Looks awesome as always! I’m intrigued to find out were the story and lore takes us next! Bi-weekly updates! :smiley:

I spotted the capitalisation of the word chosen