You had me at palpable mush.
Anyone else notice the use of a capital there? I assume that Korvaak will be involved.
10 whatsits
Sandclaws be all lookin’ like they were walking into the kitchen in socks and stepped in something wet. Those beetles look bomb as hell XD
Can we get a Sandclaw as a summon pleeeaaaassseeee???
So nice
/10 char
dino’s, yesss!!!
I like that, but as I always like everything Crate shows or gives us, and always appreciate these too, I’ll say these new monsters look shit and should not be in the game. Hey, calm down, guys, I am just being different than you while not being different. Or not being by being… Wait… I blame Zantai for this message.
Yes, we just need to bring some Amber and other components to Henry Wu to have him craft us some dinos!
Wow nice teasing
That Dino Summoner uses very nice illusions ^^
And here I thought those shadows belonged to the dreaded desert were-rabbit!
The Sandclaws totally remind me of the chinese “Raptors” from Titan Quest - more like raptor-like dragons.
I hope the Scarabs have some electric attacks to bring in the nostalgia… fill that screen with Charged Bolts, baby!
Looks like I’ll start playing pet builds with these dinos around.
Relax. These are just the tip of the iceberg. In the lush oasis part expect to find colorful rabbits and ponies:rolleyes:
Interesting news, nice artworks, as always
^ if this happens - i’ll quit playing :rolleyes: :rolleyes: (bad memories from D2)
good old times!
Yes I want ponnies! Pink and yellow ones! Please Crate! We need ponnies!
What is wrong with me…
I can’t wait for the expansion. We don’t know much, but the Pyramid (seen in the announcement picture) and desert just hyped me so hard…
Second this
Especially in fuckin’ Maggor’s lair where the projectiles can shotgun and you there is nowhere to run.
Awesome news! I feel so old, I hardly ever visit forums anymore, and barely play the game as is. But I defintley cant wait to sink my teeth in a new expansion for sure!