Grim Misadventure #142: A Shattering Revelation

Thanks mamba. That’s what I thought it would be.

I really love Grim dawn, maybe we could get something fun added like the seasons on Diablo.

Keep up the good work team, and I’ll keep buying the expansions.

That would require dedicated servers and this is a single player focused game. And yes, dedicated servers require a lot of money and personnel to maintain them.

Not to mention i hate seasons because it forces me to play the game when devs want and not when i want. Because if i don’t play in the current season i can possibly lose items that i can never get except through trading.

This. Just this.

One of the things that makes Grim Dawn stand out from other modern ARPGs is that players are allowed to play whenever they want and for how long they want without fear of losing something because of “events” or “seasons”.

There are many games out there, which I would have loved to play, except they are multiplayer only. :cry:

Playing with other people? Yuck. :eek:

I don’t get the multiplayer thingy, what made me purchase Grim Dawn was the fact that I was not forced to play an ARPG game online because some lunatic game director/studio thought it would be cool to have the new revolution called “Online only Single Player”… cough… Grim Dawn is well crafted, in every aspect, and you can enjoy it anytime, even if your internet connection goes crazy.

You pay some bucks you would spend on driinking beers, and you get a whole new expansion, but hey, go give 15$ for a necromancer class and be a fanboy because you’ll be a loser if you didn’t do so, cough again, weird for summer time :stuck_out_tongue:


Long life to Crate Entertainment members for bringing us a joy that some other biggies took away because they got greedy AF. cough damn I got the flu :slight_smile:

I get in line with all those folks that do not want a focus on multiplayer…

It is nice from time to time and I though about checking for online games, but Grim Dawn lives from atmosphere and freedom. It has some drawbacks like me starting a character every two weeks, because I want to test some idea, but that’s cool.
No “Play or miss something”, no “either grind, or go cash shop”, no “Come… come… buy that lootbox key. Pretty key, shiny key… There might be something nice in that box”. Being not so young anymore I fondly remeber times of buying games and getting a complete game to play whenever I want. With a full AddOn every now and then (instead of mini-DLCs).
Games without “always on” needs have another advantage… You can play them long after the company that made them is out of buisness (Let’s hope Crate stays in buisness for a loooooong time still), as I have done plenty of times.

PS: GD managed to do something that PoE didn’t: Keep me interested and playing. :smiley:

PPS: Cool post, Zantai… Waiting for the next expansion.

shh. I have been trying to lie low lately at least I am being generous now.

Anyway back to Grimarillion and the glorious holy mastery! :cool:

That’s a cool addition despite being carbon copy of D3’s mod. But a lot of things in GD copy best aspects of Diablo 2/3 and it’s not a bad thing since GD does it better.

I wonder if this will push multiplayer builds/team-ups because obviously you are going to be very limited in terms of how deep you can go alone, but since 2+ player games are currently broken in GD (2+ fully equiped characters with complimenting builds currently melt Crucible Glad 150-170 in seconds with 0 chance for failure) there me be finally a challenge there and reason to make properly balanced teams.

The only type of added online functionality I could imagine myself liking - maybe in Grim Dawn 2 - is some kind of ladder / competitive system, similar to the leaderboards in Diablo 3 (talking about the Greater Rifts).

For that to happen though, the whole game could only be played when having an internet connection, as the dedicated servers would have to watch the players and store their data. Otherwise one could easily cheat oneself to the top of the leaderboard.

And I don’t know if I want that to happen. Perhaps Crate could seperate Online characters from Offline characters like in Diablo 2.

I wonder if this will push multiplayer builds/team-ups because obviously you are going to be very limited in terms of how deep you can go alone, but since 2+ player games are currently broken in GD (2+ fully equiped characters with complimenting builds currently melt Crucible Glad 150-170 in seconds with 0 chance for failure) there me be finally a challenge there and reason to make properly balanced teams.

Never say never,

but I suspect this won’t appeal to the majority of GD players with strong single-player emphasis of GD.

Personally I enjoyed the campaign most when my gear was sketchy and I had to really work for the heavy fights - which MP could do if they really wanted to get some challenge (ie, gimp themselves). Atm with better gear I’m a bit …numb (but not so numb to run 3 difficulties and a bunch of hours to make another character).

I’d suggest the majority are just going to single-player the new stuff so depends if Crate wants to put the effort into the specific team demographic.

I want to know about the plan to balance the number of difficulties and the length of the game when the new expansion is out.

There IS a plan, right?

yes there is. Keep all 3 difficulties, you can always not explore everything if your personal opinion is doing so becomes a drag :wink:

They are looking at possibilities. If that constitutes a plan in your vocabulary then yes, they have one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like a well-planned plan that was planned before planning the plan to me.

I liked the GR’s in D3 they are one of the good thing in D3. But D3 is too simplyfied, cartoonish and colorful.

Will there be an option to enter these rifts from the main menu? Ideally, this game mode should have everything like shrines and faction merchants to become a replacement for the main campaign.

Really doubt the devs will ever make the main campaign skippable. For me, it is an idiotic design choice to make the main core of the game skippable. Faction merchants also wouldn’t work because the faction system is turned off inside of the Shattered Realm to avoid enemies fighting each other.

Also heavily implied that the entrance to this mode is inside the main campaign because it’s mentioned several times by the devs that is ingame, probably in a FG area.

It’s not supposed to be a replacement to campaign LOL. Why would you think that.

I remember during the time when we were waiting for AoM, the month before it was released, Zentai had no time for streaming because the whole team was trying to finish up polishing the game so it can be released… lack of streaming in the past 2 weeks actually got me kinda excited now…