Grim Misadventure #152: Dressed to Slay

that’s great, nice christmas gift from Crate incoming :smiley:

Another great Crate Christmas gift would be if GrimTools would be updated with FG info around the holidays (to satisfy our theorycrafting cravings prior to release).
Feasible or just too soon?

Seriously guys, you always outdo yourselves with each patch (or expansion)! Great job! Keep em coming

Great Going guys all is looking very amazing so far yo!
Can’t wait for release!


What theorycrafting? It’s okay to admit you’re doing 16 Eye of Reckoning / 12 Soulfire like the rest of us. :slight_smile:

Spin-to-win certainly looks awesome and it’s okay everybody else will be using Eye of Wreckoning.
I have other plans for my Oathkeeper… :cool:

Next week ?

Will nice to see full armor of Gargoyle

Please dear god someone tell me when the expansion is coming. I am dying waiting no lie. XD

According to the Forgotten Gods Development FAQ:

Hopefully you haven’t died. :slight_smile: Be sure to read the FAQ for more information that you might be dying to know.

Beautiful shield, and those helmets. But those stats… :frowning:
Can we have at least one beautiful set for DK? Because the Krieg’s helmet is terrible.
Please give us something in the style of Arthas (Lich King) armor. That’s how DK should look like. I do not want to copy “competition”, of course, but some inspiration will not hurt anyone :slight_smile:

Have you tried using the illusionist? :slight_smile:

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So… Baldir’s set won’t show off my sweet abs and glorious man pecs like on the loading screen art? That’s what I call false advertising Crate.

On a side note, it would be hilarious if there was a chest armor that included both abs and pecs into the model and the art wouldn’t change between the male and female model wearing it :,D

So you know how the v1.0.6.0 changelog looked pretty big?

The v1.0.7.0 changelog is nearly twice as long.

We don’t know… It would be best if you show us :stuck_out_tongue:

Indeed! Seeing is believing…

No dev streams for 3 weeks and teasers like these… :rolleyes:

Correction: 4 weeks!
Last dev stream was on the 2nd of November.

Not that I am counting :rolleyes:, just eagerly anticipating the new expansion… :smiley:

Well, they’ve been about every 3-4 weeks since FG was announced so not new. I expect we’ll get another one before Christmas.

They did a lot every 2 weeks for some time, so the 4 weeks feel like quite some time now. But I personally like it more when they do less, but more spoilery streams instead of frequent streams where you have to watch grava die over and over again :P.

That said it is super awesome that you guys stream at all and I love every stream you do! I can’t wait for 1.0.7 patchnotes and am super hyped for the patch itself! :slight_smile:

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Well, Grava did say on the 17th August

“I’m not going to be doing regular or bi-weekly yet. Pretty soon, we’re getting further along in the expac and we’re going to start doing at least once a week like we did do and maybe towards the end bi-weekly again. Keep you guys informed on what’s going on and updated with everything on the expac before it comes out.”