Grim Misadventure #153: Factions - The Witch God Cults

That is excellent news to hear indeed, thank you for clarifying that.

Hmm interesting that the three banners are looking like the Korvaak constellation. :slight_smile:

I don’t get it. So your char gets to choose between new faction like with Kymon and Order? Because in the base game it’s kind of a problem sometimes when you need certain augments.

I think you get different quest that might give some more info about the Witch god that you choose to side with.

We will see. This is a Coven. Kymon’s are not known to be very tolerant so it shouldn’t be the same animosity that they have with Vigil. WG have their differences but one would think they are smarter than that, more practical

I re-picked the faction I needed in ultimate so I could always get all the augments I needed. And I know it takes a long time but hey that’s why I got so many hours in this game lol :smiley:

What he said :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

first let us see patch notes.:stuck_out_tongue: the expac can wait a bit.

Hoping for a late Jan, early Feb release though.

oh snap, Dikkie is back? hopefully This will speed up the playtesting phase hence faster release

mad_lee, zantai said you would not be locked out of their vendors !

Don’t know what difference you think one more playtester will make as far as speeding things up. More likely the opposite. One more voice complaining to Zantai that this needs changing, that should be reduced/increased, why does this have that on it, etc. :smiley:

Oh really? Thats unfortunate. Then perhaps we dont need Dikkie then. Lets send him back to real life :smiley:

Or delete all testers and release FG right after crate internal testing

By delete you mean “terminate”?

Ugh the witch gods are legit my favorite part of this game’s lore. I’m so hyped to be learning more about them.

Empyrion is dead, and his body and blood used to create Cairn.

Zantai would love that i think, with all the whining:D

Probably crossed his mind a time or two. :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe that’s one of the reasons I disappeared for almost a year :stuck_out_tongue: :eek:

Wait, Empyrion is Chthon?

Show us on the voodoo doll where Zantai zentai’d you.

Empyrion isn’t Ch’thon that would make no sense, because his blood was used to create the mortal planes.