Grim Misadventure #156: Korvan Cartography

Thank you for the confirmation (Mauricius, thank you too).

As for maps, are they procedurally generated, partially randomised (random ways are blocked like in the campaign or something else?) or only map rotation is random?

Are there several sets of monsters the randomiser chooses from, or is every monster/pack random within its rarity class, or something else?

randomrandomrandom :smiley:

It’s a random rotation of static maps that have randomized enemies.

So if mobs are randomized, does this mean each map will spawn monsters from different factions, or just different enemy types from only one faction? I hope for the first solution, infighting is one of the coolest features in Grim Dawn. Might make some maps too easy though.

Zantai was very clear about that in one of the dev streams:

… and they all hate you!

So, no in-fighting in the SR.

Thanks, I guess I missed that part. Makes sense, I think he also said that SR is based on Crucible code.

Grim Dawn’s engine (ala TQ) has never been capable of procedural map generation (and they haven’t shown interest in attempting to hack it in there). I haven’t seen any random blockades in SR. Only map rotation and enemy spawns are random (and shrines and modifiers).

Please give permission to update Grimtools for Dammit. Isn’t the new items stat and art already done? Im pretty sure others also curious to know what these items offer, so people can give feedback on it. In case there is something wrong with the items stat or modifiers, these can be changed before FG release. I dont want another meme tier items/sets like Raddagan or Rimetongue for example. I am fine with waiting for the release date as long it is still within Q1.

This is one beautiful map. And I am sure the areas themselves will be even more beautiful :smiley: Oh, I can’t wait to explore every part and get TQ flashbacks at the same time!

Well, “they all hate you” doesn’t actually clarify if they also hate each other. Pretty much everything in the game hates you, and still there is infighting…

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That’s true outside of the SR.

Zantai specifically made that statement to clarify that inside the SR, monsters will set aside their faction differences and join efforts to prioritize dogpiling your character.

it’s the way that works in in the Crucible so not suprising, especially given the fact that we will face multiple bosses at the same time, including Nemesis. that would be too easy to cheat if they fought each other.

The enemies in SR are basically clones from the enemies in the main campaign but they are all either part of the same faction or don’t have any faction at all, so they don’t fight each other. It’s the same thing as the Crucible.

and release date confirmed;) 14 march and yes its my birthday^^

Unfortunately the release date is 29th of February (not my birthday), and because that day is in 2020, we have to wait another year. :wink:

you guys have it all wrong release date is 2nd of december, my birthday, 2020. (allthough in reality i see it being 2nd week of march :stuck_out_tongue: )

So you aren’t even born yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well obviously im not born xD thats why i can tell you its the second week of march :D! (trailer release on the 22nd of feb)

Btw dont eat the jello!

That map is going on my desktop–very impressive artwork. I’m enjoying a break from the game, actually, but any time you want to release FG, my cash is waiting.

Sure, don’t eat the jello but you can…

Too soon?

Oh god that made me lol!

xD its never to soon