Grim Misadventure #171 - Expanded Horizons

the southern hemisphere of cairn is probably the only place yugol can’t touch in the entire grim dawn universe.

personally, if grim dawn never explores the southern region at all, i don’t mind. but at least give some plausible reason why the southern region is barely mentioned at all in the game. maybe the southern region is fully covered in permanent aetherfire. maybe there’s nothing worth exploring in there. maybe its just a barren wasteland.

speaking of which, the korvan basin expansion can already be considered the southern region for the game. even though its located in the far east. maybe because of its desert vibe. that reminds me of ugdenbog jungle for some reason. oh yeah, southern region in video games are often associated with wet/dry climates, which equals jungle/desert. which means we already got 2 expansions exploring ‘southern’ regions, which were placed in the north and east for some reason!

all this argument about southern angle makes me think that if enemies ambushed players from south direction, it is as if they’re jumping out of some dark forbidden dimension.

the taken’s greatest weakness is the southern direction.

There is always a slight tilt whichever way the camera is facing which allows the user to see more, meaning that “up” (or the top of the screen) will always have a visual advantage no matter how “slight”. For people who refuse to use camera rotation it is understandable why they may view it as a disadvantage and an impediment to them when moving south.

Since Crate has made it a clear priority that the game be primarily designed that a person can fully play it without needing to rotate the camera you then begin to understand why they would consider having game flow headed primarily south as a “no-go” (as it would be if they designed content going out the bridge south from DC).

If there is another reason for it then it escapes me and it would be on Crate to illuminate that. I can only imagine that long ago there was a conversation between the devs and they ultimately decided that game flow going south was something they were just going to not do. Being an isometric style game, as diablo-likes always are…

…it’s a logical decision for them to reach the decision they reached.

The angle lessens as you zoom out (or at least appears to lessen). What you are commenting on here has to do with them increasing the max zoom out range. I don’t feel it invalidates their decision as not everyone plays completely zoomed out. I certainly don’t as I like to see what the heck is going on.


That is because the entire game was built with this limitation in mind. Having stationary camera. Thus it is most beneficial to just keep it at default 95%. If the game accounted for the rotatable camera, our journey through Cairn might have been a lot different than what we have now with always going up, sometimes to the sides and almost never down.

Rgarding recognizability, it does take a while to get used to it, especially if you never did it before, but for me, it freshens up the otherwise monotonous experience after hundreds of hours. Always looking at everything from the same angle gets old eventually. I am not overexaggerating when I say that when I regularly started changing the camera angle I play with, it brought a lot of fun back into the game. Noticing things I had never before seen, seeing things from a different perspective etc.

The keypoint of running around and killing enemies doesn’t get touched in any way when you rotate the camera. I fail see how it slows down the pace or even gets stressful. You can move and rotate the camera at the same time between fights. They are not mutually exclusive. You don’t rotate camera during fights of course (in most cases anyway). But I can see how people who aren’t used to it could have troubles getting used to it.

Let’s just say I greatly appreciate that Grim Dawn has this feature and I really wish more Isometric ARPGs had that. But it also makes me sad that we will probably never get to see anything below Devil’s Crossing.


Beautiful work mentioning the Korba stuff…

Just imagine if the cthonic and aetherial threat crept up there just a bit and caused the old kings of barbarian tribes to rise from their frozen graves?!!


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I wish he did… until then i wait

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Idea for DLC - Nemeses showdown. Who will win in a deadly skirmish - Fabius, a lethal Nightblade or a Moosi, slowly walking mountain top? Let’s find out. :smile:

I’m pretty sure someone has done something similar on stream before? Zantai maybe? Dunno can’t remember. You might even be able to just do it yourself in a modded game…

I know there are commands to spawn in whatever you want, I’ve seen Zantai do that kinda stuff before but I’m not seeing the commands in that reference pertaining to spawning enemies.

edit: ah looking closer I bet it probably has to do with the game.Spawn command plus whatever entities name in the files you want spawned.

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Grava did one a while back where the various monsters fought each other while his character stood around and watched. Don’t think he managed to die at all in that stream. :grava_yes: Sadly not posted on Crate’s youtube channel.

They have already fought before :sweat_smile:

I want area around the Sorrow Bastion, Fort Haron, and Fort Ikon to be filled more with the fight between Order and Chosen, additionally make Venomtongue, Bonespeaker or Flamebearer, Shieldbreaker to be an always spawn hero near fort Haron even without the bounty to make farming infamy with those 2 faction easier.

Additionally, I also want to explore this part near Fort Haron and Darkvale
This spot looks like a mini version of Blood Grove on the other side of the rivers, and may look to be a good spot to put more battleground between the 2 faction. The entrance would be like this.

First entrance is from the Darkvale near the area which I hope will be a repairable bridge site between Haron and Darkvale. On that battlefield there is many Chosen and Order hero and on the other side there is a dynamite site that is only accessible from this side (like the dynamite site on the steelcap district) after destroying the barricade you can enter to the fort Haron. To make things more interesting, make Fort Haron to be a 2 level dungeon or make it a bit longer like this.

This way it will be more fun route to farm from Blood Grove to Haron and to Zaria on Darkvale, while new character still needs to go through the Mills as the exit entrance on fort Haron is blocked by dynamite site.


Yep, that’s the one! I never witnessed it in my own game, but I remembered that someone had posted that video in the forums years ago. I remembered that fabius won, not because of any inherent badassery advantage, but rather b/c he could recover life. :slight_smile:

just started playing Grim Dawn and oh my, such a great game and its even better to know you are still active developing the game without those fucking paywalls.

paid for the game on a promotion and would certainly pay the full price.

thank you, Devs! happy to see I’m not playing a stale game :smiley:

I would love for an Item that you can buy. And with it you can immediately sell your loot on the spot.
Lets call the Item Slots. ( Selling Lots of Trinket Stuff.)

It could even be a bell to call for a travelling buyer (not seller)
His name could be Bells. (Buying Everything Lots & Lots of Stuff)

Of course he wouldn’t wander around dangerous places. Only surface.

He could have a cooldown of an hour f.e. And in a balloon :smiley:

Just a little less tedious to go back and forth.


After Darius Cronley’s defeat, his gang scattered but not wiped out. Under the banner of cronley’s second hand who was among the group going after Elsa but could not find her due to arkovian intervention, they captured a fort in the new hidden area after killing countless deads there. Upon this success the aetherials bestowed them new powers. Chtonians too helped them in order to prevent aetherials bolstering their forces. For the name of new gang the story is as follows: They could not forget about their boss or moreso his name is still fresh in nightmares of people so they did not change their gang name. This new fort will serve a roguelike dungeon for the cronley gang.

Long story short: I just want to kill more cronley people to farm nemesis with them faster.


admit it, you want more bandits shouting “HEY. YOU.”

lame joke aside, its a great idea for remnants of cronley’s gang. imo, their gang are more like a major syndicate forcing many gangs to submit to them (there are a LOT of bandits around cronley’s territory).

and maybe some unique arkovian undead groups can join the party. hiding in some secret challenge room like the death chamber in SoT.

perhaps… a rogue nightblade group can join in too? because cronley’s gang is the closest faction that resembles nightblade group. fabius comes to mind.

or… or… a rogue group devoted to ulzuin can join in too? cronley’s gang have a LOT of demolitionist throwing grenades all around. demolitionists need more lore.

A Cronley rogue like dungeon is very much welcomed. It would certainly contribute to complete the game.

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The thing about Cronley’s Gang is that the faction itself kind of stretches the setting a little. It’s already a little weird that there are so many bandits gathered in one place in a world where society has collapsed. How do they support his big numbers by just robbing the very occasional traveler? It’s obviously a normal case of gameplay-story segregation, but adding a roguelike dungeon would be stretching the setting a little too much.

imo, cronley’s gang is a misleading name. it should be renamed to bandits/raiders instead. since the idea is that they are… bandits. and bandit groups also clash with each other frequently, thus bandit groups is very fluctuative and unstable due to change in territories and leadership. bandits could also be made as deserters from black legion, kymons, vigil, or even aetherials/bloodsworn. or even some rogue rhowari groups.

they’ll never disappear as long as mankind still exist in cairn.

maybe in gd2, there’ll be various bandit factions which can be friendly/hostile.

or maybe they won’t exist anymore. with so many humans dying in grim dawn and the aftermath… how could many factions out there survive. unless the 3 witches bless some humans with extreme fertility and rapid growth to their children or something.

also, iron is good as currencies in cairn post grim dawn. but if the wars continues for a long, long time, eventually there’ll be fewer irons from any mines/scrapped constructs.

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In the lore, soldiers guarding tyrants hold were disbanded due to an order ( imperial proclamation, i suppose) coming from capital (from aetherial ruler) without anything but their weapons as their compensation. As the headguard of the fort feared, these soldiers start bandit activities in order to survive. Rather than starting from scratch and facing oppression from black legion and stronger bandit groups they joined cronley gang despite their hate on them. They could not return to black legion because the situation happened because of being part of them and no help arrived. They have to earn their place however. Cronley ordered them to capture an undead fort for their compensation for joining the gang. And this fort is our new roguelike dungeon in the new hidden area.

Or scattered cronley gang members meet disbanded tyrant hold guards. The second ( formerly ) commander of the fort sees the gang as a bunch of thugs without disciple. With their masters tutelage they are stronger than ever. They opened their home to all deserters of evil mankind, like bloodsworn and aetherial mages. Their new fort is our new rogulike dungeon


speaking of tyrant’s hold… the dranghoul and groble hordes desperately need some more attention. perhaps a roguelike dungeon too? or have some dranghouls warchief start some random WAAAGH!!! sidequest or something.

also, its weird that the aetherials enslave the trolls but they never involve themselves with any grobles and dranghouls. maybe they’re too… useless for the aetherials…