Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

Please add the color difference of magic and rare affix, preffix of rare items. For casual and new player like me, it’s very hard to know. GI help me a lot of that.


A lot of players were already using mods to give themselves perfect gear because farming pieces for a bunch of builds is time consuming, so it makes sense for the game to try to reduce the grind so that people can either get good enough gear and enable dedicated players to grind for their perfect roll. If you were happy to spend 8 runs to get a single drop maybe you’ll enjoy spending 12 runs getting the perfect roll instead of making do with the first or second drop. It also reduces the need to leave the game and google where something comes from if you’ve seen it drop.


This actually is a very good question.

What about it? @Zantai

Let’s say there’s a melee toon with Aura of Censure & u can’t avoid to pull all the maggots and therefore just get rekt.

Unless there’s something I am missing about the aura change?


I kindly disagree here.
The run to certain MI “bosses” (lets be real here… some of them are only bosses in name and are no more then glorified champions) takes way too long like Gollus, Bloodfeast, Lunal, Lagoth… to name a few.
I don’t see how it’s fun to run for ~5 mins to a “boss” only to be rewarded with literally nothing alot of times and if that reward appears it most likely has complete garbage affixes on it.
I very much welcome this change cuz getting (close to) desired affixes is often times already hard enough.


the only 1 thing i want from GI is auto pickup rare to farm iron. If you don’t want to add it, pls at least add a button to toggle show all rare individual with disable loot filter

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The bosses that already have 100% drop chance for their MIs are usually also rather hard to reach and/or to defeat, so that was fair imo.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think buffing the drop rates for Gollus, Bloodfeast, Lunal’Valgoth, Lagoth’Ak, the Watchers from Valbury, etc. is wrong at all, but is e.g. Rutnick always gonna spawn with 1+ or even 2 pistols now? That seems very generous considering how short the walk is when you repair the Twin Falls bridge. Balthazar and Kyzogg would be other examples from the top of my head where it seems arguably too generous to have them have 100% dropchance compared to e.g. Lunal/Gollus or all of the dungeon bosses. There’s a certain tipping point where targetfarming certain MIs in the main campaign becomes simply better than farming them in SR75/Crucible170 even for endgame, which considering their risk+time/reward maybe shouldn’t be crossed.
On the plus side, resetting a game will at least feel WAY less tedious now thanks to the toggle aura change :smiley:

Is it correct that means bosses will 100% drop chance for personal MI at worst it will non-legendary, or bosses will always drop non-legendary MI and chance for additional legendary one?
What with Alkamos? He alredy have 100% chance to drop Green Scyte or sword. He will drop 1 weapon and 1 ring?

Sounds like the pinnacle of casual gaming. Dislikes :-1:
Please move this feature to settings before it’s too late.

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I can agree with you that it might indeed be a bit too generous for the bosses that are very close to a portal like rutnick for example but I still disagree with you when it comes to the ones being way off the road.

Well good sir, you got me excited for a game that I haven’t played in years! That’s a rare feat.

MOAR is acronym for new superboss name :rofl:

Yeah, the /players 8 command. Great idea, i do play D2R at the moment SoloSingleplayer on it and it´s great fun and challenge!
(if you guys implement, just copy it from D2R and make it perment with a bar in the options).

Thank you!


No no, I am happy NOT getting the items I want and making a character out of what little I have.

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I’ve been playing with Rainbow filter and epic/legendary beams/dings so long that a) I forget they’re mods and b) I find it weird seeing the default loot now. I’m all for adding them to the game officially.

Home screen chooser thumbsup

Plus some extra stash space. Please. There’s waay too much gear and build options for us alt-aholics to manage. Though… I don’t want infinite stash, making it infinite (or using an external stash manager) takes away the housekeeping that should be there and encourages rethinking items (i.e. will I really use this in a build?).
But as is, there’s nowhere near enough space (especially for Hardcore) if I want to keep items just for a few different damage types, plus a few different classes, plus the really hard to drop gear that you keep regardless, along with components, merits, levelling gear, etc.

I think on the MI 100% drops, I would like it to be possible to 100% drop the first time, then work as it currently does afterwards (tweaking for the poor performers like Gollus, Gutworm etc.

Edit: duh, auras won’t use energy, silly me

I agree with RektbyProtoss that 3 seconds sounds like a better ‘panic’ window for nullifiers. 2 seconds doesn’t leave you sweating about Loxmere’s teleport long enough :smiley:

Excited to hear about what else is coming.

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What would be a great QoL feature is the ability to auto-toggle the quickslot bar when the weapons are swapped, because skills associated to those weapons become unavailable after swapping and there aren’t many available slots (10, of which 5 or 6 are easily accessible from one hand while fighting and holding the mouse with the other hand).

It’s partly addressed by the togglable passive skills being switched on, but I’m talking about active skills granted by weapons, like Ice Spike.

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Do you mean like pressing Y?

This is how it should always have been, as it improves content diversity instead of funneling builds into two flavors of the same content (cruci/sr)


I know I’m beating a dead horse, again…, but more stash space would rly be awesome to have! :pray:

Bring back Duchy as well, there are still some Primal Strike variants that don’t have a build guide!

Awesome, I’m going to use them all, for example I prefer permanent Night since I play w/o shadows for FPS which looks bad during the Day.

I like it since it was boring for me to toggle them on on every reset or sometimes I forgot to turn them on, after nullification for example.

Preferred default behavior by me and I suspect most other players as well.

I’ll have to reformat the Beginner Compendium since X.Y.Z.U are shortened to Z.U there and X.Y is assumed to be 1.1 :sob:

My guess is it could potentially cause a situation where a beginner player has all their Energy drained by Enery cost/s which makes the character unplayable unless you respec or use Energy pot :thinking: Because now at least the buffs toggles off and you can play w/o it till you fix your Energy management.

Well the main challenge of Nullfication is that you die instantly not toggling your buffs back imo.

I won’t let you terk er jerbs :rooster: of explaining this weirdness to new players!

I know it’s more complicated but I have to ask - if greens droprates are balanced then why have you made crafting affixes on greens possible in the League :smile:

Great point and this would improve the experience a lot for new players. However this could be theoretically solved by

but might be hard technically.

Little stash space is my main issue / a deal breaker with Diablo series where I usually don’t have 3rd party solutions for that

I’d like to propose a feature

  • a toggle in Options that makes various appropriate skills have Force Move (aka no red monster highlight with target lock) by default, for example

    • Vire’s Might
    • Forcewave
    • Phantasmal Blades
    • Flames of Ignaffar

It would enable to charge through enemies with VM easier for skater builds. Easier to send Forcewave in between 2 zombies to catch them both without having to hold the Force Move button. This is especially valid if you play on a controller since then you cannot even target empty space beyond the monsters.

Forcewave could be always cast according to your character rotation imo and now when I’m leveling spam Phantasmal Blades with Mouse and Keyboard, it does work much better for me with Force Move as well. I’m able to hit more enemies with a single shot on average when I have more control over the direction in which I’m shooting.

This might sound exotic but related threads / messages do come up from time to time on the forum / discord or even mentioned in guides.

You can read in this popular Skater guide that its author, an expert on Vire’s Might thought of / tried having Force Move toggled permanently.


All great changes! Really hyped for this one! :smiley:

Could you please also add a way to reset the campaign progress of a specific difficulty to allow us to replay the campaign? Like maybe just an NPC that sends you back to the beginning or something like that. :smile: I’m not much for the endgame grind and I prefer running the campaign.

I know I can just delete some files, but I’d prefer to have an “official” way.

Crafting affixes gives an alternative way to get the perfect affix combination in an alternative way across the board. What I meant here is the difference of droprates of specific (Boss) MIs compared to each other depending on how long it takes to farm them. It’s two different things. One is comparative ease of obtainment of affix combinations the other is of obtainment of the base MI.

Will there be an option to toggle on/off all formerly toggleable buffs? I had a nightmare about maggots last night…

I mean… do you really want to farm the (for an endgame build) utterly trivial main campaign over Crucible/SR in order to obtain that perfect MI for your current or next build? I’m not the biggest CR/SR enjoyer myself, but it’s still arguably more fun for the end-endgame loop than resetting the game over and over in order to one hit kyzogg.

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