Grim Misadventure #56: What's New in B22

there’s QoL, then there’s nitpicking.

More space oow yeah.

this is all such a short answer?

The source code is available AFAIK, we need a programmer.

Then use “one bag” for this. :wink:

will at least increase pesona with the advent of build 22???

We opted for more storage space in general, which is universally useful, rather than creating something specific to Components (and arguably far more complicated).

At this stage in the game you already have access to all but a handful of Components. With perhaps the rare exception of adding a Component or two that is boss-specific (ex. Kilrian’s Shattered Soul), there are no plans for any more Components.

Fair point and I didn’t realise about the components. Cheers again for answering :smiley:

Which I already do, it’s just not possible to stack completed components.

It is kinda sad to hear you can get all components half way through Act 2 in Normal difficulty and that there wont be components only available in higher difficulties…if there was it gives one more incentive to play higher difficulties. Well that’s how I feel.

Does this mean that items that are not equipped by monsters do get multiplied for each player? What happens when a hero gets killed in a 4 player game:

  1. One loot piñata appears and the loot is divided between players. (= same amount of loot as non instanced loot)
  2. One loot piñata appears, which drops the same items duplicated 4 times.
  3. 4 instanced loot piñata’s appear, one for each player.

You guys rock! Keep up the great work.

we have a programmer, we need to know the file format :wink:

It got compressed some builds ago (I assume also password protected…) ever since, there has not been any progress on ‘GDVault’

Just thinking about this (p.s. have thought about trying myself, but my programming is very out of date, 20-30 years out of date ;)) but while the char saves are unreadable, the stash and shared stash is still readable, could this not be used with a program to give a similar GDvault type usage and increased storage?

It’s not the first time this was mentioned, you get the same components in all difficulties, the difference is char level

Of course there still is better gear in higher difficulties…

I am surprised that we have all components already however, given that most components are in the (item) level range up to 35 (77) and very few above (2 each for iLevels 40, 45 and 55)
That is a steep drop-off…

Access to does not mean reliable. Many Components are still only available through the strongest enemies in the Steps of Torment rogue-like area. It will be many more character levels before they drop from the general monster population.

The monster orbs are the equivalent of chests. Players will receive their own versions of loot from those. No item duplication, separate rolls per player. One person might get an epic, while others get all yellows. Standard RNG fare.

Only equipment worn by monsters, as in actually equipped by them as armor and weapon, will be randomly distributed.

Yes, that is trivial (for the shared stash, the stash is part of the char data). You cannot change values of the char or take items from the char (I guess that goes more into Defiler territory however - which is what I was initially thinking of in my reply)

agreed, but it kinda means that there is no next higher tier which is then rare and only dropping from the toughest monsters / heroes for when we are level 60 or so

Hmm, for Torlight II there is this: Runic Games • View topic - [APP] Stash Manager!?

Maybe one could that adapts for GD?!

Fucking awesome cant wait to get rid of my mules!!!,thank you some much CRATE for everything ,this game will be the best arpg out there :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Never used it (just used a mod that gave me a considerably larger stash :wink: ), sounds like ‘all’ it does is move stash files around, i.e. what ‘everyone’ is doing manually now

On a related note, how do you read the content of database.arz and Items.arc (I assume this is where the items stats and affixes / item graphics are stored) ?

Great job guys, keep doing what you’re doing! This game is seriously going to give every other ARPG a run for its money once everything is ironed out. Some of these quality of life improvements are a must to make that happen. I just started playing again (last I played was B20 like 2-3 months ago) and there are already a ton of awesome changes since then. Can’t wait for B22 and Act 3!