Grim Misadventure #90: Arkovian Facelift

Love the new artwork, esp statues and mosaic floor. I always felt GD was missing some of the grandeur of TQ (great vistas and memorable locations). I am glad this is being addressed.

Stormheart is becoming a 2 handed weapon.

Now I’m even more confused. :rolleyes:

It’s obviously not a spear. :stuck_out_tongue:

…or is it? :cool:

“There are letters etched into the hilt: D.T.”

I wonder whose initials those are…

Awesome! I’m really digging those statues! :smiley: I’m literally trying not to play Grim Dawn these days, just waiting for that release to come out.

(However, I have trouble seeing what the change is on the second screen).

looks great, i’ve always enjoyed the ambiguity regarding the backstory of the game world, stuff like this fleshes it out without making it too on the nose

Gettin’ a TQ vibe from those statues. Act 2, anyone?

HOLY $&!7! What’s going on down in that pit, those artists are on a roll for like… years now!

But, alas, you’ve started with the statues. Now there is no end to this. You have to add statues of the Arkovian Elite in Uroboruuk’s Torment.

A statue of Ishtak in the Sunken Reliquary, with a blindfold on, or her hands tied together.

This worthless aether crystal in the docks of Burrwitch village is taking up valuable space. You could have an ornate statue of a LUSTY MARE in the center of a (now mossy and filthy) fountain, marking the yard of the finest establishment of entertainment in Cairn!

Monuments in the Necropolis for the bigshots and the poor alike.

A statue of Kymon in his study -a big one, because it’s always about him, and a faceless statue of Uroboruuk in the Order’s Sanctum next to the Keeper of Tomes, because his face may have been forgotten but not him.


Yes, you got it right, I like the art and assets very much.:stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, on a more serious note, how are those rosettes going to work in the map editor? Are they ground textures? How would it work with different size brushes? Or are they separate assets that you just lay on the ground and then make pathable?

Oh, and something else somewhat related. Exactly how many of your assets will we be able to use in the map editor? Will everything that we are able to see in the main campaign be available to us when making custom maps?

You know what, if another sword was fire based and still had D.T. etched into the hilt, I’d be derailing the hype train to board it.:wink:

Love the new look, will it make graphics cards run harder to process it? Granted my card hasnt gone to crazy over heat mode since around build 26 (maybe cause i cleaned it, maybe you optmized the game a bit) running on gtx 560ti old but still gets the job done.

Not sure about the dagger, would love it to be a hint to a new class but not crossing my fingers as the shaman was a gift to us already. Maybe a rouge aether character, escaped from the warden before his full transformation. Tormented from demons within his only relief is to slay the thing he is becoming. Can he control his burning soul? The extreme stress on his body has allowed him to infuse the blade of his old world with emense power to slice into hs foes either striking them dead or turning them to fight with him and do his biding.

Oh, I’m sure you’ll realize soon enough. It’ll make sense one day I’m sure.

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>They added a chest to some nondescript location


Honestly I have no clue where that image was taken.

It’s a secret :wink:

Probably is part and parcel with the Misadventure title of Arkovian Facelift. Just a guess of course. Looks like the pic is showcasing some of that facelift and new atmosphere.

But if you’d rather dwell upon the chest so be it :wink:

Hey ya never know what might pop out of it but I suppose you could make an educated guess on the odds.

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Yes, years from now, the day I will be on my dying bed. I suddenly will open my eyes and mutter in my last breath “Oh God! Now I see…It was that!”. My famous last words! :smiley:

very nice!

The chest bit was sarcasm. The spoilertext wasn’t. :3

I have a guess, but figure I’m almost definitely wrong, as usual.

That should throw your surviving kin for a loop. They’ll be like what? You remembered where you buried all that bank loot years ago? You can’t just leave us hanging like that!

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Zantai… The evil wizard that leaves mysterious clues. Love it… Maybe there are more legendary items coming… Maybe with B31 lvl 80-85 Legendaries…