Grim Misadventure #90: Arkovian Facelift

My guess is either Crumbling Watch or across Balvoruuk and Kalderos, going by the winding stairs on the left. Apart from the arches that look beefier (and better) I can’t tell the difference either.

What if it’s that area that everyone’s been complaining about accessing for the past 10 patches? You know, the one along the windy paths near SoT, blocked by a boulder.

Oh that basin that the roads to SoT form?

Well, in that case I will not complain one bit!:smiley:

Better get some dynamite just in case.:cool:

Dravis confirmed for B31? :slight_smile:

You’re wrong about that. :stuck_out_tongue:

when is the full release of grim dawn??

Empowered Legendaries!

Sometime in February.

Requires the HD edition of the game to drop.

I’d buy it.

No no… LEGENDARY Legendaries!!!

I wonder if he’ll figure out someone put a kick-me sign on his back?

Such a shame, the forums are over-run with hooligans and no-good pranksters these days.

People got no respect anymore.

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The artwork is awesome. I have left the game and will not return until the full release. I want to experience it in its entirety from start to finsih just like new players will. Of course, I cannot wipe my memories of any my other play through, so it won’t be quite as cool but should still be a great experience.

PS Love the sword and I hope it is lightning based.



Awwwww yiss the conclusion to an epic tale! But will there be a new legendary dropped by the special somebody :smiley:

The new stuff looks real purty

That artwork is just AMAZING!!! I’ve played every ARPG ever made and this artist is just fuckin out of this world. Way to pick up an asset for crate!!

Awesome work Crate team.

Time to start some new chars…

Truly amazing work Crate Team, you have more than delivered once again! :smiley: I never really “noticed” anything missing from Arkovia or the Undercity, but seeing these makes me realise how… sparse these areas have been, considering their nature as the centre of a once-proud empire.
The only area that struck me as “more could have been done with this” is the fishing village in Old Arkovia, New Harbour I think? I remember an NPC - a Rover iirc - saying “and in New Harbour one can see the remnants of the Arkovian port, with its gleaming white pillars…” - obviously this didn’t translate into the area itself. :stuck_out_tongue: But I assume with these fine new assets, this side-area might receive a facelift of its own?
Would be pretty damn epic to stroll into what appears to be your basic fishing village, only to be standing on engraved stone ground surrounded by pillars and maybe a statue overlooking the entrance to the port. :cool: Zantai, put the warlocks to work! :rolleyes:

Beautiful ! The immersion in the game with B31 will be amazing ! Damn I can’t wait.