Grim Misadventure #90: Arkovian Facelift

Good job with the new Old Arkovian :smiley: it looks great!

The updates look amazing. Getting excited for this next update! That new sword looks pretty cool!


Threads like this make me glad that I dropped Wisp levels of money Kick-starting this game.

my pc is deffect and not home for some days, when is game going to be released ? more imoprtant when is more content coming ? :smiley: thnx

There is no more content. The game is content complete. They may update graphics here and there, and fix bugs, but that’s it. The full game will release this month, if it stays on schedule.

no more new items ?

The game is content complete.

Content. Complete, as they have said repeatedly, across thread after thread and news after news.

They really only screwed it up the one time, I wouldn’t say that they were “not good” at it.

First post, ever! Please, no applause! :smiley:

Hi eralduspr, I was wondering how come you, among others, sometimes delete characters after a big update. Why is this? Is there a benefit from deleting characters? My time is limited to playing the game so I would have no benefit, correct? (I’ve owned the game for a year but have yet to beat the Warden.)
In my mind you lose all your hard earned levels, gear, money, items, etc. only having to sink time to get stuff back and that character will be weaker as opposed if the same character was not deleted and continued to be played. Will a lvl 85 character that was made on B31 be stronger than a lvl 85 character that was started on B28 for example?

U guys are’t just putting a finishing touch on the game, u are practically redoing it completely!!!
I seriously can’t wait to see how other areas will turn out!!

1 Question Though, will the area around Tyrants Hold also get a riftgate or somehow get better connected so u can get there without having to do a 10-20 min walk to get there?(and Much more manticores along the way would be awesome as well :slight_smile:

I believe it is just for the replayability, starting fresh and going through whatever content may have changed. There is no benefit to doing that unless you just want to.

well this for 1

Zantai said

Nearly every aspect of the game is being touched upon in some way and the changelog is vying for a new record in “Longest Changelog”

i cant talk for eralduspr but with the above in mind you never know how your current characters,items,drop rates,skills, atmosphere ect will change. when i start from scratch i do it to get a better feel of the Full Release/newest build of the game, rather than respecting and twinking my toons.

after playing 700-800 hours i want to see the full release from a “new” prospective. :smiley:

so now that everyone that plays tha game and a very large number of those that are going to buy it are very very aware that all items in game and most powerfull ones are downloadeable on the forum, and every single player can duplicate any item in game…


Make something in game that cannot be cheated or hacked or something, otherwise everyone will get bored of the game after 1 month after buying it !

PLEASE rething you strategy and come up with NEW - A VERY LOT !

And dont let them be downloadable - again - what is the prupose of the game ?

The forum is not responsible for behavior of individual players. If you don’t like cheating, then don’t fg cheat. If you don’t want to play with cheaters then don’t fg play with cheaters.

How is this even so difficult to grasp? “Oh that guy cheats at home on his own PC which doesn’t affect me whatsoever in any way, so therefore my game experience is ruined somehow.”


your an idiot

A remarkable improvement, it looks great. I missed architecture of a lost civilization.

Yeah, I have a Crystallum in my stash waiting for a lvl 58 Shaman, and that pic looks a lot like it. But, I think it looks more like Stormheart.

Crap, ninja’d!

I was planning to completely reset, but I might just delete everything other than components and Legendaries and start over with new characters. It just takes so freaking long to get useful legs, I found some lvl 50 gloves yesterday that were a huge upgrade for my lvl 78 Witchblade, it would have been nice to have those suckers at 50.

Why do you bother arguing with him? He’s only here to troll.

Wow, can’t wait for this update ! Nice work !!!

This is exactly what the game needed, so uniqueness to the tilesets to make the world more vivid and recognizable! Very excited for the new tiles!