Grim Tools Challenge Nr.1 (Health)

Greetings Adventurers

Today I want to share an idea of a uhhhm… let’s call it a little GAME. :D:D

For this “Game” we use the praised website called Grim Tools. I am sure you’ve heard of it.

The rules are simple: Make a build suited for the chosen theme of this challenge in the beloved Grim Tools Build Calculator. (Gear, Augments, Components, Devotions, Skill Trees, everything).
Then post a full screenshot of your result in this thread. (If you don’t want to give away how you have done it, you can also only post a screen of the health/energy bar. see my example.) But I would like it, if you edit your build link in after the challenge is done :slight_smile:

Edit: “It must be possible to build in-Game”
Don’t lose the links to your build. Save them on your computer please :slight_smile:
They are required to be in the Top 3.

The today’s theme is simple -----> High Health.

Make the one build in Grim tools with the highest Health Value.

I dabbled a little bit in there and came up with this:

I’m sure you will find some more “potent” combinations than me.
Be excited for far greater results :slight_smile:

The [b]deadline[/b] for this first challenge is April 5th ,2019! 8pm CEST.
(I need your link to the build at that point, please send me a private message :) )

If you are in the Top 3 .. I will edit your name in alongside with your screen and Grim Tools link.
Should you have the urge to make a uhhm.. "Victory speech". Send me those wise words of yours too.

May the meaningless but [b]Ultra Awesome Glory[/b] be with you!

Greetings Leyo 

I made a post on the Grim Dawn subreddit ---------> [Grim Tools Challenge Nr.1 (Reddit)](


<b>Attachment:</b> <a href="">High_Health_Challenge.png</a>
<b>Attachment:</b> <a href="">life.jpg</a>
<b>Attachment:</b> <a href="">life.jpg</a>
<b>Attachment:</b> <a href="">life.jpg</a>
<b>Attachment:</b> <a href="">Untitled.jpg</a>
<b>Attachment:</b> <a href="">Untitled.jpg</a>
<b>Attachment:</b> <a href="">life.jpg</a>
<b>Attachment:</b> <a href="">Untitled.jpg</a>

Equip your Fortress and raise the Meat Shields up!

The time for this challenge is now over and I am really amazed that this idea was so well recieved.
Thank you for you participation.

I am planning to find a more “interesting” challenge of this kind. If you have any suggestions or feedback, let me know :slight_smile:

[b][u]The Top 3[/u][/b]

[b]1st Place[/b]

[b]Ricardi0 and Ptirodaktill[/b]

Health: 157042

[b]2nd Place[/b]

[b]FreezardB and idontwannaknow0[/b]

Health: 155277

[b]3rd Place[/b]


Health: 117630

Honorable mention after the time limit: Ricardi0, Health 158750 (link)

I’ll announce the next challenge on Friday 12th ,2019. 6pm CEST!

until then Happy Theorycrafting!


This is a great idea, Will post my highest HP build later as I’m mobile right now. Hope that many more will contribute

Not sure if I`m allowed to do with devotions what I did. :eek:

I like your idea with this challenge :slight_smile: how much higher can we push it ?

Do you mean taking those you don’t have the points for as grimtools allows it?

Thank you for your contrubutions and feedback so far … if your screens are possible in-Game i am already shocked :smiley:

I made an edit to my Post: Only things that are possible in-Game are allowed :slight_smile:

Edit: should i set a time limit for this challenge ? like 5 Days or something like that ? … let me know :slight_smile:

Mine is possible ingame. [Edit: It’s actually possible to go even higher ingame because grimtools uses average rolled items, even if you choose display min/max in the settings. :D]

I think a limit (1-2 days, just the weekend, …) could keep it fun.

Making it an in game challenge would be fun!

My guts tell me we should hit ~140k health with best possible HP setup.

Hmm I doubt that it’s possible to increase it by such an amount without considering higher rolled items, but I like being surprised :slight_smile:

I forgot to enable shaman aura on my screenshot, so .:eek:

definitely can be further optimized but i’m fine with this for a start.

Pushed a bit further.

Damn, forgot one prefix.

Spirit requirements is so pita, lose 4k hp by respecing points

Pushed above 140k, but forgot about items requirement. :eek:

Yeah, farming vigorous… of vitality and soldier’s… of vitality MIs would be a lot of fun. For 10 Minutes.

my best so far:

First off … This Commuity is extremly amazing.

Again thank you for your contribution :slight_smile:

Item requirements must be met of course :smiley:

There is now a deadline for this first challenge!
You can look it up in the first post of mine.

Have fun :slight_smile: